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Social Sciences Essays

Slide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

Introduction Without bias, all people are entitled to basic human rights. Indigenous persons have kept suffering the impacts of failure of protection of their universal human rights by the Australian government, and they endure different kinds of racism in numerous parts of their lives. There are considerable discrepancies between the migrants’ and indigenous people’s experiences ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1358

Should Euthanasia Be Legal?

The legalization of euthanasia has brought a conflicting stand between the parties that differ in their opinions. The argument brought out by the different parties having their views as they try to support while others have been trying to fight its legalization, as it turns out, as being termed physician-assisted suicide. Despite the fight for ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 841
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Should the Sale of Organs Be Legalized?

Organ transplant is an advancement of modern medicine where a patient’s failing organ is replaced by a healthy organ or tissue from an organ donor (Lipman, 2019). The main organs for transplant include lungs, kidneys, and pancreas. Kidneys are the most commonly required organs. Shockingly, the average waiting duration to get a kidney replacement is ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1821

Sexual Dysregulation Disorders; Changes and Psychological Treatments

Dysregulated sexuality which includes sexual impulses, emotions, and behavioral conduct that the individual perceives as disturbingly uncontrollable, is receiving attention in academia and popular culture. According to Lew-Starowicz et al. (2020) Dysregulated Sexuality is one of the causes of development of compulsive sexual behavior. This disorder, as it is currently defined, labeled, and assessed, might ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 605

Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

The study focuses mainly on how people think about gender stereotypes and how they lead to strong gender norms. It module covers gender and associated concepts such as sex, gender roles, gender identification, sexual preference, and sexism. The discussion also includes an evaluation of the differences between males and females and how these fundamental differences ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1371

Sex Education in Lebanese Schools

Sex education in schools aims to help young people make informed decisions about their sexual health and wellbeing. According to Sarouphim and Issa (2020), the adolescent stage is a significant developmental stage in which young people experience physical, cognitive, and emotional changes. Therefore, this stage is characterized by resolving psychosocial concerns and examining life goals. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 729

Segregation for Kids With Disabilities, Behavior Problems: A Case of the Georgia State

What might be the state of Georgia’s rationale for this practice? Segregating kids with disabilities and behavioral issues have for long persisted in Georgia (PBS News, 2015). There have been different dimensions of Georgia’s rationale for the segregation in schools with disabled kids. Georgia State might be feeling that the disabled or behaviorally challenged children ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 950

Security and Development Always Mutually Reinforcing

Introduction Security is defined as the quest for autonomy from risk and the capacity of nations and communities to preserve their autonomous identities and practical uprightness in the face of transformational forces that are perceived as hostile. Where else, development involves activities constituting situation positive transformation. Proponents of the security-development paradigm claim that security and ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4109

School Is a Waste of Time

The level of education learners acquire in schools falls short of the community’s expectations. Honestly, school is one of the worst things ever established. The idea of going to school daily, particularly to learn irrelevant information for weeks, months, and even years, is absolute precious time wastage. It is certain students bear a tremendous burden ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 931

Role Testosterone Plays in Human Behaviour and Cognition

Introduction What comes to your mind when asked about testosterone? Probably lust, violence, and machismo. Testosterone is simply a steroid hormone found in males and is responsible for their aggressiveness, and at times can be associated with antisocial and negative male behaviour. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the role of testosterone in human behaviour ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2668

Regional and International Human Rights Effectiveness in Migrants Protection

Economic, social, and cultural rights have long been marginalized and overlooked as a human right category, despite explicit legal recognition in several international agreements since 1945. This is especially true of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which was meant in the inclusion of the ‘International Bill of Rights through the ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1689

Refugees and Immigrant Life in America for Viet and Vargas

The present essay aims to shed light on the refugees and immigrant lives of non-U.S. citizens living in America. It focuses on readings from “On Being a Refugee, an American—a Human Being” by Thanh Nguyen and “Outlaw: My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Antonio Vargas. The two authors both migrated to America at young ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 856

Reflection on Life as a University Student

Education is the key to success. This phrase has been repeated again and again to everyone since their childhood. But what is education? Which doors does it open? At what level can we say one is educated? These questions still linger in the minds of many people trying to dissect the issue of education and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1409

Reflection on Technology in Education

Technology is becoming more prevalent in today’s educational landscape as teachers and learners continue to benefit from its usage in the learning process. The use of the internet in classrooms, especially in the research process, involves collaboration between the teachers and online resources facilitated by technologies (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018). Math sectors have employed online ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1198

Smartphones in Class and Its Usage Among University Students

Introduction Smartphones have become a central part of the lives of many school-going youths. It is not just the young and the school going but people across all ages. The young and the old all alike get the same effect when it comes to smartphones. Students are more affected because of how they use these ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 649
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