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Social Sciences Essays

The Financial Future of Children Is Already Determined When They Are Born

Introduction The elite family has a wealth management advisory firm called the family office that manages the families’ wealth and financial investment decisions. Rich value their family name and legacy and, therefore, will develop measures to ensure that their dynasty name is respected and carried forward to future generations. These measures include planning for their ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1229

The Factors That Contribute to Maritime Piracy Cases

Piracy is the looting, theft or confiscation of property in the maritime waters and the practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea. Many elements have contributed to the rise of maritime piracy internationally and in the Netherlands. The threat posed by pirates on the high seas is no stranger to the maritime industry. In ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2027
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The Effects of Early-Life Stress on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and Depression

ABSTRACT Every day, there is new evidence of how the environment one gets to be in their formative years significantly impacts our experiences and brain functions. Stress in early life can adversely affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis’s programming and development, cause variations of neurochemistry and signalling pathways involved in regulating neuroplasticity, and results in neurobehavioral changes. ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2100

The Difference Between Soft Power in UAE and Turkey

Soft power is the capacity to shape other individuals’ experiences with the ability to inspire and attract. Countries deploy political and cultural assets to accomplish objectives that cannot be done through the use of threat or force. The attractiveness of entertainment, education, and culture are among the elements that impact public diplomacy and global relations ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2393

The Crime of Homicide

As stated by Calvan & Khalil, police had arrested a man suspected of having shot and stalked homeless individuals in Washington and New York (2022). During the incident on March 12, 2022, the suspect killed two people and wounded three more (Calvan & Khalil, 2022). On March 4, 2022, the firefighters and police found a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 615

Taphonomic Study of the Faunal Remains From Nahal Hadera V.

Introduction The Epipaleolithic period in the Levant is estimated from 22.500-12,500 calibrated years before the present. It is deliberated as a connection between the hunter-gatherer of the superior Paleolithic three recently agricultural Neolithic. The Epipaleolithic contains three main subdivisions; Geometric Kebaran, Kebaran, and Natufian. Garrod named the Kebaran complex after the excavation of layers by ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4061

Testing a Student With a Suspected Disability

Observations I observed the school psychologist testing a student with a suspected learning disability. First, the psychologist had to identify the issue’s existence in the student. This step involved assessing pre-determined signs of a learning disability, be it an instructor or a parent concerned about a student’s performance. Some of the signs assessed included limited ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1212

Technology and Relationships

Abstract The information error has fundamentally altered how people conduct themselves in various sectors such as education, business, and general social interactions. Technological advances in areas such as email, social media, and instant messaging were all designed to expedite and enhance communication. Today, friends and families separated by huge distances can now communicate face to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1898

State Versus National Powers in the United States

Nullification is the impression that a state can decide to go against and disobey bylaws approved by the national regime devoid of contemplation of state regulations. If the state discovers the national laws are illegitimate, it can go against them. At the time the Constitution of the United States was being written, contained within it ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1053

Spanking: Not an Effective Disciplinary Method for Children

Humans have gone through enormous changes in their lifestyles throughout history. Changes and advances in society have happened due to technological breakthroughs in lifestyle, mode of transportation, parenting, and other aspects of daily life. However, one aspect of life has been similar throughout history: how young children are disciplined. Spanking young children is often regarded ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1559

Sociology of Serial Killers

Introduction What makes a serial killer who they are? Serial killers have always fascinated and terrified society. Though there is no unified definition of a serial killer, most definitions define a serial killer as an individual who perpetrates the killing of three or more people over a certain period (Allely et al., 2014). Why anyone ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2124

Sociology of Gender and Sexuality

Sociology of gender and sexuality is a wide field that enables modern society to understand gender desires, sex, and how the topic relates to the diverse cultures across the world. This entails investigating how the issue of gender and sexuality is brought forth by issues such as race, ethnicity, national belonging, and transnational movement. This ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 979

Societal Pressures for Teenage Girls

Introduction In our societies today, teenage girls have found themselves on the receiving end due to societal pressures. In their teenage years, these girls are mostly not in a position to control adolescence; hence, they end up engaging in acts that lead to consequences such as pregnancy. Even though many authorities have come up to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1309

Social Media and Self-Perception

Social Context Individuals usually get to know themselves by viewing the reaction of others towards them. Face-to-face social interaction is commonly used to understand and observe other people’s reactions. Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter is another way through which people understand themselves by observing the reaction of others towards themselves. Social media ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1007

Social Autobiography on Gender Stratification

In a society, members can be stratified based on different levels (Xie,2013). One of these outstanding levels that have been persistent for decades is gender stratification. It occurs when societal differences in gender statuses give men a higher power and privilege over women, gender-conforming individuals and transgender. Gender stratification has led to different perspectives on ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1673
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