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Social Constructivism Essays

Navigating the Cultural Shock

Once in a while, in an individual’s lifetime, it is OK to experience a shocking moment in life. Cultures are different worldwide, and coming to terms with a new culture will require a lot of things and compromises. The good thing is that once the person adapts to the new culture, it becomes something of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1044

Social Constructivism Approach to Learning

Recently, in February this year, I was required to teach educators the role of constructivism in the classroom to enhance the student’s understanding of the concepts taught. The activity was happening at a professional conference in Education Psychology that was held near the University. The conference involved teachers from various Elementary schools in the area ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1188
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Development of My Teaching-Learning Philosophy

In healthcare, it is essential that professionals develop a teaching-learning philosophy. This philosophy should be based on the values and beliefs that the healthcare professional holds regarding teaching and learning. This paper explores my teaching-learning philosophy, highlighting the theoretical underpinning that aligns with my values and beliefs. I will also discuss how my philosophy is ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1435

Border Education Theory, Critical Theory, and Social/ Cognitive Constructivism

For almost 50 years, a constructivist hypothesis has been making a huge commitment to schooling, forming how we contemplate the dynamic job of the student’s psyche, whether understudy, educator or specialist. Be that as it may, addressing the inquiry “what is constructivism?” is not a simple undertaking; it relies upon which variant of constructivist hypothesis ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 974
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