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Self-Awareness Reflection

Part I


Personality disorders are one of the main reasons why we are unhappy. If a person suffers misfortune due to fate, personality flaws are one of the primary ways we experience this misfortune. Furthermore, for those genuinely seeking spiritual growth, a personality disorder can significantly limit their ability to grow in whatever spiritual path they pursue. The purpose of reflection is to improve practice and inform decisions. Self-awareness is recognizing and understanding one’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors (Crane, 2019). It involves awareness of one’s strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs and how they affect behavior and interactions. Self-awareness is essential to personal growth and development because it allows individuals to make informed decisions, manage their emotions effectively, and build strong relationships.

To develop self-awareness, one must engage in self-examination and self-reflection. It involves taking time to examine your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and think about how they affect your life and the lives of those around you (London,2023). This process is challenging as individuals face uncomfortable truths about themselves and their behavior, but it is an essential step in personal growth and development.

Teamwork is essential to bring together many people with different experiences and knowledge. The presence of teamwork increases the possibility and effectiveness of work. It provides better performance, which leads to better results and weak member performance. Compensation for the performance of others (Skedsmo, 2023). The teamwork process I have mastered starts with setting goals and objectives, building trust among members, and collaborative activities and deadlines. In teamwork, problems, and opportunities constantly arise. Our team started well, but the members underperformed due to much stress. Our team can identify consultative guidance on who should be responsible for specific areas and recommend when those should be released for compilation and editing. After the first two meetings, a team member becomes the team leader. According to studies, productive teams may produce more work, have happier staff members, and get better results overall (Ellis & Sevdalis, 2019).

To be an influential team member, a person must possess specific skills. First, they must have good communication skills. It includes expressing ideas clearly, listening actively to others, and providing constructive feedback. Be open-minded, respect the opinions of others, and be able to compromise when necessary (Skedsmo, 2023). Individuals can handle conflict constructively when disagreements arise while working in a group.

To develop these skills, individuals can participate in activities encouraging teamwork, such as group projects, volunteering at a community organization, or joining a sports team. Additionally, individuals can attend training or workshops on teamwork to learn effective communication: techniques and conflict-resolution strategies.

Teamwork is essential to the workplace, and developing the skills necessary to be an influential team member is critical. By actively communicating, collaborating, and resolving conflict, individuals can become better team players, increase workloads, and improve job satisfaction. It makes one develop great self-confidence and achieve more success in their life.

Part II

Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle helps reflect on personal experiences and learn from them. In this essay, I will use the reflective cycle to reflect critically on my resilience and how I respond to stressful situations (Roy, R., & Uekusa, 2020).


Resilience refers to adapting and coping with challenging or stressful situations. I have always prided myself on bravery, but recent experiences have made me question my true resilience. I am going through a difficult time in my personal life; it has affected my work and studies, my physical and mental health, and I feel overwhelmed and tired.


At first, I was frustrated and angry that I was not handling stress well. I felt like I had let myself down and was not as resilient as I thought. As time went on, I started to feel overwhelmed. Weak and hopeless. I struggled to find inspiration to do anything and felt stuck.


When I remember how I react to stress, I know that my strength is staying calm under stress, but I also realize that I tend to suppress my emotions and avoid asking for help when I need it. Mental health and I can emphasize it.


After much thought, I realized that my stress response was shaped by my personality and upbringing, coming from a family that valued self-sufficiency and independence and internalized those values. Confidence can be a strength, but it can also be a weakness when it prevents me from seeking help or support.

Action Plan:

To support my personal and professional growth, I plan to implement the following steps:

Create a self-care routine that includes exercise, meditation, and recreation time. Recognize when I am stressed and take steps to reduce it. When I need emotional support, I look to friends and family. Get guidance from a mental health professional to develop more effective coping strategies.


In the future, when I feel stressed, I need to be more proactive in seeking help. Get emotional support from friends and family or seek guidance from a mental health professional. Also, I need to focus more on my studies. I am taking steps to reduce stress in my life, such as self-control, self-care, and time management. By doing this, I can improve my personal and professional development by improving my ability to manage stress and develop resilience and using Gibbs’ reflective loop to delve into my limitations and identify areas for improvement. By implementing my action plan, I believe I can better manage stress and increase my motivation in—my personal and professional life.


Crane, M. F., Searle, B. J., Kangas, M., & Nwiran, Y. (2019). How resilience is strengthened by exposure to stressors: The systematic self-reflection model of resilience strengthening. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping32(1), 1-17.

Ellis, G., & Sevdalis, N. (2019). Understanding and improving multidisciplinary team working in geriatric medicine. Age and Ageing48(4), 498-505.

London, M., Sessa, V. I., & Shelley, L. A. (2023). Developing self-awareness: Learning processes for self-and interpersonal growth. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behaviorpp. 10, 261–288.

Roy, R., & Uekusa, S. (2020). Collaborative autoethnography: “Self-reflection” as a timely alternative research approach during the global pandemic. Qualitative Research Journal20(4), 383-392.

Skedsmo, K., Nes, A. A. G., Stenseth, H. V., Hofsø, K., Larsen, M. H., Hilderson, D., … & Steindal, S. A. (2023). Simulation-based learning in palliative care in postgraduate nursing education: a scoping review. BMC Palliative Care22(1), 1-15.


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