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Society’s Dependent on Technology

In recent years, society has grown dependent on technology by the community. The use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices has become increasingly common, and many people now rely on them for both work and leisure. While this trend has some advantages, such as the ability to stay connected and the convenience of having information at one’s fingertips, there are also some disadvantages (Davidson, 2021). One of the biggest problems with societal dependence on technology is that it can lead to isolation and loneliness. When people are constantly plugged into their devices, they can lose touch with the people around them. This can be especially harmful to children and adolescents, who need social interaction to develop appropriately. In addition, too much reliance on technology can lead to a lack of critical thinking skills. When people can find all the answers they need with a simple Google search, they may not learn how to think for themselves. This can harm both their personal lives and their professional lives.

They claim that society is losing the ability to interact face-to-face, that people are becoming more isolated, and that they are losing their ability to think for themselves. While there is some truth to these claims, one would argue that the benefits of technology far outweigh the negatives (Yuspita & Zahra, 2019). Society is living in a time when people have more access to information and communication than ever. Technology has connected society with people and information they would never have access to otherwise. It has allowed them to work from anywhere, learn new things, and stay connected with the people they love.

So, while there are some benefits to society’s dependence on technology, there are also some drawbacks that should be considered. In order to mitigate the adverse effects of this trend, it is essential to make sure that people use technology in moderation and that they take the time to interact with the people around them.

Humans are unique among animals because they can engineer their way out of sticky situations. The term “technology” describes using and understanding methods, apparatus, and structures for resolving issues. It is used for various specialized functions ingrained in our social settings (Jovanović & Okanović, 2018). There is a wide range of motivations behind humans’ creation and use of technology. However, the worrying thing is that we have become too reliant on technology. Overdependency on technology has shifted the balance of power in human beings from creators to consumers because people are unwilling to engage in physical activities.

Everyone agrees that technology is not inherently harmful, but we sometimes abuse it. The increased usage of technology has made life convenient and less taxing. Technology has made it possible to store food for a long time. The time spent preparing meals has drastically reduced by a lot. The way people abuse technology with food has become detrimental to their health. All the added chemicals and ingredients to make food last longer are not suitable for the overall health of the human body.

Great strides have been achieved in communication, allowing individuals to; instantaneously connect and conduct business. Some examples of that are e-commerce platforms and even freelancing sites. It allows us to disseminate information and get access to previously unavailable data. Thanks to advancements in science and technology, the world has become globalized. We now have better healthcare. The availability of vaccinations and other modern medicine has led to a worldwide decline in mortality rates. (CSP, 2022).

Despite everything technology has helped us, it has also given us a fatal disease: dependency. The widespread belief is that technological advancements have allowed us to increase our productivity and decrease our exposure to danger by doing previously impossible tasks by hand (ARORA, 2021). Unfortunately, technology has made us far less productive as a species. In today’s elementary schools, few students can add two numbers together without using a calculator. People have grown so unmotivated that they can no longer be bothered with basic tasks like spell-checking. Instead, they rely on checking software.

Typically, this suggests that technological advancements are rapidly diminishing our cognitive capacities. People are shifting their focus from being creators and inventors to becoming consumers (West & Hutchinson, 2021). With time, people will soon depend on everything else (technology) but themselves for survival. Once technology fails, humanity will fail.

Society’s dependence on technology will lead to its downfall. However, this can change if society chooses a different route to govern them. Relying more on what humanity can do for themselves and less on what technology can do for them (Habib & Ratnaningsih, 2022). It is up to us to save ourselves, not technology. “How overdependency on technology…ruining people’s lives? Technological innovations have saved human beings a great deal…. however, depending on them too much has detrimental effects. Ultimately, this topic has made me rethink my life.


ARORA, S. (2021). Humans are becoming excessively dependent on technology, which could harm the future. The Print. Retrieved 12 September 2022, from

CSP. (2022). Emerging Trends in Psychology: Technology Dependence | CSP Online. CSP Online. Retrieved 12 September 2022, from

Davidson, T. (2021). The (d) evolution of a technological species: A history and critique of ecopsychology’s constructions of science and technology. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 57(4), 376–395.

Habib, M. A. F., & Ratnaningsih, A. P. A. (2022, March). The Analysis of Mcdonaldization Principles Application in E-Commerce. 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Political Science, and Humanities (ICoSPOLHUM, 2021) (pp. 118-124). Atlantis Press.

Jovanović, M., Dlačić, J., & Okanović, M. (2018). Digitalization and society’s sustainable development–Measures and implications. Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci: časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu, 36(2), 905-928.

West, B. J., Arney, C., & Hutchinson, K. (2021). Dialogues Concerning Science, Technology, and Intellect in American Society’s and Military’s Future. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. No available eBook

Yuspita, R., Pebruary, S., & Zahra Husnil Kamala, A. (2019). The society’s perceptions on using fintech services in sharia financial institutions. Jurnal Ekonomi & Keuangan Islam, 5(2), 87-92.


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