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Sanitation and Safety


Proper sanitation and safety standards in the kitchen must be maintained to ensure that employees and clients are safe. In the given case, several alarming situations create significant risks for cleanliness, hygiene, and the safety of workers. This paper will determine and describe sanitary and safety hazards and precautions, evaluate ignored standards/procedures from FDA, OSHA, and HACCP, and specify measures to rectify the state of the restaurant’s kitchen.

Sanitary and Safety Hazards


The kitchen attendant with long hair grabbing heads of lettuce immediately after chicken preparation is done poses a significant risk of cross-contamination. Hair is a means of transmitting bacteria, and being so close to raw chicken makes it more likely that pathogens will transfer onto the food.

Inappropriate Knife Handling

The individual preparing the chicken disregards safe knife-handling practices by tossing the knife into a cutlery container dipped in soapy water. This can amount to severe injuries to kitchen personnel who might reach into the bin, thus compromising the hygiene of utensils.

Open Oven Doors

Oven doors left open present safety and energy-saving concerns. This can lead to burns and affect the thermal balance of the kitchen. In addition, it is also insufficient and leads to higher energy consumption.

Unlabeled and Uncapped Drink Mixes

The positioning of unlabeled and uncapped drink mixes with food items in the refrigerator is a sanitation issue. It leads to clarity, and proper labeling is necessary for staff to avoid unintentionally using the wrong blend, which can affect the quality and safety of drinks.

Unattended Crates of Eggs

The lack of knowledge regarding the recently delivered crates of eggs threatens safety. Eggs are highly perishable and should be refrigerated immediately to avoid bacterial accumulation in food.

Abandoned Station Hazards

An immediate risk is presented by an open oil can on ignited burners at an abandoned preparation station and an open carton of cream near burners. It increases the fire risk and can lead to burns if not addressed promptly.

Neglected Hygiene

The unused prep station with an open carton of cream shows a need for more basic hygiene practices. Cream, if left untended, will sour, attracting pests and creating an unhealthy environment.

Improper Storage of Cleaning Tools

Throwing a knife into a tub of cutlery in warm, soapy water does not meet the storage requirements for kitchen utensils. It leads to utensil pollution, which spoils kitchen hygiene.

Standards/Procedures Neglected

Neglected FDA Food Code Guidelines

In this case, the principles of cross-contamination prevention from the FDA Food Code are neglected (Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, 2019). The failure to separate the chicken and lettuce preparation areas heightens the chances of bacterial transfer. Secondly, the need for appropriate labels for drink mixes in the refrigerator is against what the FDA emphasizes on proper identification to prevent confusion and ensure food safety.

Overlooked OSHA Standards

The kitchen case does not address Several OSHA standards concerning workers’ needs to bey and equipment handling (OSHA, 2024). Throwing knives into a bin of cutlery is an example of poor handling that does not adhere to the OSHA guidelines on safe tool storage. Additionally, the open doors of the oven present a burn risk of failing to adhere to OSHA’s safety standards for kitchen equipment.

HACCP Principles Ignored

In the situation described, the HACCP system is not followed. Failing to store food items, such as crates of eggs appropriately left unattended, undermines HACCP’s focus on preventing contamination (Center, 2023). The abandoned prep station with open cream and oil cans violates HACCP principles because it permits hazard incidence.

Steps to Correct the Situation

To rectify this, immediate staff training will be necessary. Hold an emergency training session to teach workers about proper food handling, storage, and hygiene. Stress the need to use FDA, OSHA, and HACCP regulations.

Second, ensure that workstations are systematically organized to separate raw and cooked foods. Allocate specific spaces for each activity and ensure proper storage of cutlery and ingredients.

Finally, perform periodic audits and inspections to ensure compliance with sanitation and safety standards. Promote accountability and continuous improvement in the kitchen staff.


In conclusion, it is essential to maintain hygiene and safety in any restaurant’s kitchen because the health of not only employees but also clients depends on this factor. The risks revealed in the situation demonstrate the importance of observing FDA, OSHA, and HACCP guidelines. This can be achieved by promptly addressing these worries, and corrective action will offer a safer and abandonment that ensures the restaurant operates according to industry standards and principles.


Centre for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition. (2019). FDA Food Code. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Center. (2023). HACCP Principles & Application Guidelines. U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

OSHA, O. (2024). eTool: Hospitals – Food Services – Kitchen Equipment | Occupational Safety and Health Administration.


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