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Risk Management Essays

The Risk and Cost Management in California High-Speed Rail

The California High-Speed Rail, which was supposed to have been completed in 2018, is ongoing and still has a long way to go. The costs incurred by the project are higher than anticipated and are projected to increase with time. This paper looks at the costs, the risks involved, and the measures that the authority ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3795

Risk Management of International Equity Portfolios

Abstract This essay discusses the financial risk management of a portfolio of two stocks, one in the Euro area and one in the U.K., a broad market risk factor for each stock and two forex risk factors appropriate to a U.S. investor. The essay covers risk factors, portfolio optimization, the Value at Risk (VaR) model, ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4049
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Risk Analysis and Management

Introduction Companies have to deal with various types of risk all the time while conducting their projects. It affects the budget and schedule of the project if not properly managed. Thus, a CFO is responsible for managing the finance of the company such as coordination of financing and funding, expenditure and liquidity, budgeting and financial ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1646

International Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Report

Executive summary This research paper analyses international purchasing, logistics and supply chain management processes. The major aim is to explain how these processes are affected by the competitive business environment. This paper discusses different theories and models relating to international purchasing, logistics and supply chain management, which contribute to delivering superior goods and services in ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3825

AMEC Maritime Construction

Introduction AMEC Maritime Construction is a global corporation that plans and constructs a broad range of maritime projects for clients all over the globe. The company operates shipyards all around the world and is well-known for its ability to complete high-quality projects on schedule and on budget. The goal of this study is to look ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4196

Risk and Risk Management

Executive Summary Risk management knowledge has several Benefits, reducing uncertainty, losses, and expenses. Tesla has practiced risk management in its Roll stop Feature, Steering wheel pressure detector, Sentry Mode, and Intrusion sensors. Furthermore, the internal risks the automobile industry faces are software and equipment obsolescence and the safety of the workers. Tesla’s external risks include ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2082

Risk Management Plan

Introduction Risk management is crucial for any project, especially when it is developed at the beginning of the project to help organize and help plan for any eventualities. According to Björnsdóttir et al. (2022), concerns have been recently raised over the extent to which contemporary behavior and technology have an efect on risk management. Considering ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3646

Risk Management in Elderly Care

Risk management is a crucial part of any organization as it aids businesses in identifying and dealing with possible future risks before they occur. The interview was conducted in an assisted living facility, and the interviewee was the head of the risk management program in the medical facility. From the interview, the risk management head ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1238

Risk Management in the Banking Sector

Introduction Like other businesses, Banks face multiple risks. However, due to the strategic importance of the banking sector to the economy and the government’s involvement in risk control, risk management in banking is heavier than in other industries. Understanding the real risk is critical to effective risk management. The main types of risks that banks ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2944

Enterprise Security Risk Management

Abstract The American Risk Management Association, defines risk management as “taking action to remove or lower the risk to a bearable level.” It is necessary to identify specific risks or vulnerabilities, research and investigate them, optimize risk management choices, and routinely assess security programs to ensure a successful risk management plan. Risk management is a ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1690

Literature Review: Risk Management in Project Construction

Introduction Risk management is an activity which constitutes identifying, managing, and coming up with strategies to mitigate and manage risks using managerial facilities. Basically, risks may arise due to various activities, including; threats from the failure of projects, credit risks, accidents, natural disasters and uncertainty in financial markets (Chang et al., 2018). Also, risks can ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3873

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Summary The analysis in the cost-benefit context will always weigh the sum of all costs and the sum of all the benefits to see which is higher and whether the project is worth pursuing (Plowman, 2014), (Gollier and C., 2020). We look at the benefits and the costs in terms of monetary value. In this ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2742

Benchmark – Risk Management Program Analysis

Analyzing risks requires looking at how project plans and results may change due to the risk occurrence. And once issues have been identified, they are examined to determine their qualitative and quantitative effects on the project to determine the best course of action for mitigating them. The methods and procedures used to identify, address, and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1379

Evaluating Risk and Decisions

1. Introduction The probability of anything bad happening is known as risk. A risk management strategy outlines possible dangers to a business as well as the activities that personnel should take to keep such risks under control. Risk management is not just prudent for ensuring the viability and profitability of a firm. To avoid data ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 3988

Challenges of Successful Risk Management in Mega Projects

Introduction Risk management is the process of minimizing problems that could imperil a business (Pitsis et al.). Every unplanned event that could affect the society, processes, information, and assets engaged in a venture is referred to as “risk.” Pose threats that might or might not happen, and you might not be capable of predicting if ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2945
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