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Research Proposal: Customer Satisfaction Tracker for NESW Water


The study proposes a thorough quarterly tracking system aligned with water industry privatization to transform NESW Water’s customer satisfaction rating. The study aims to improve current measurement methods by identifying key customer satisfaction factors, establishing a reliable quarterly tracking mechanism, and finding practical solutions to satisfaction issues. The methodology comprises survey design, continuing data gathering, fieldwork, and advanced data analysis. Quarterly and annual updates on customer sentiment will help NESW Water adjust strategies quickly. Qualitative data enhances segmentation analysis’s understanding of varied client groups. The projected budget strategically funds workforce, technology, and survey administration for comprehensive and adaptive research. The initiative, overseen by a project steering committee, allows NESW Water to measure customer satisfaction and proactively shape its service strategies in response to changing industry dynamics, fostering a customer-centric approach and ensuring resilience in an evolving water service landscape.

Introduction and Background

Operating within the context of the water sector in England and Wales, NESW Water is a primary provider of water to households in the county of Kent. NESW Water, founded in the late 1990s during a phase of privatization, has played a significant role in supplying its assigned region with essential water services. As a major player in the water industry, NESW Water is governed by OFWAT, the regulatory authority in charge of setting rates and guaranteeing high-caliber water services (OFWAT, 2023). Regulatory frameworks and privatization initiatives have transformed the water industry in Wales and England (Ofwat, 2014). The public ownership of water supply began to change in the late 20th century, and private companies like NESW Water assumed this role. As the regulatory body, OFWAT is essential in monitoring the sector, establishing service excellence benchmarks, and deciding pricing strategies (Ofwat, 2014). The regulatory landscape has changed to meet the changing needs of consumers and providers.

In today’s business environment, client happiness is a critical indicator that affects the viability and success of any company. NESW Water acknowledges the connection between providing water services to customers and their happiness. Future privatization initiatives in the water sector are expected to bring about a paradigm change in consumer preferences. Customers will soon have the option to select their water supplier, much as they can now with energy suppliers. In light of the upcoming industry privatization, this research proposal presents a strategy for NESW Water to create an advanced customer satisfaction tracking system.

Research objectives

The primary purpose is to identify consumer happiness factors. For NESW Water to adapt its services, it must understand what makes a good or bad customer experience. It involves studying service dependability, water quality, communication, billing methods, and customer service response to understand consumer satisfaction better.

The suggested study aims to provide a dependable and continuous quarterly customer satisfaction tracking system. To stayter must frequently assess its position as consumer tastes and expectations change. The q to stay updateduarterly tracking system will give NESW Water real-time consumer mood information and help it identify trends, patterns, and areas for development (Ross, 2023). This proactive strategy allows NESW Water to respond quickly to changing consumer needs and is consistent with the fluid water sector.

The research extends beyond measurement to offer a framework for efficiently addressing customer happiness issues. Finding where NESW Water falls short of consumer expectations is only half the battle—the other half is devising solutions and fixing them promptly. The aim shows NESW Water’s proactive, customer-focused approach. It is willing to improve customer satisfaction and build trust by implementing complaint procedures and exhibiting attention to client demands and continual development. Integrating targeted customer satisfaction, consistent monitoring, and a solid complaint resolution mechanism create a comprehensive plan to improve the customer experience (Ross, 2023). According to NESW Water, customer satisfaction will drive future operating decisions and service enhancements.

Approach to the research

The study methodology for NESW Water’s customer satisfaction tracker is intended to be flexible, dynamic, and sensitive to the changing needs of the water business.

Quarterly surveys

The surveys function as an organized method for methodically gathering client feedback regularly. NESW Water receives a high-frequency data stream from quarterly surveys, which enables a real-time understanding of customer mood (Qualtrics, 2018). The method is appropriate, considering an industry where client expectations and preferences are subject to change, requiring an ongoing and proactive evaluation. The purpose of the questions is to get detailed input so that NESW Water can identify areas that need improvement and particularly strong areas.

Constant Feedback Cycle

A continuous feedback loop is established to supplement the quarterly surveys. Acknowledging that several variables can impact customer satisfaction, NESW Water suggests a way for customers to continuously offer feedback. Digital platforms, interactions with customer service, and other touchpoints can help with this (Qualtrics, 2018). By keeping NESW Water aware of client mood between quarterly surveys, the continuous feedback loop makes it possible to manage customer satisfaction more quickly and effectively (Ross, 2023). The feedback loop aims to close the loop with consumers by recognizing their input, thus fostering trust and a favorable customer opinion.

 Adaptability to Industry Shifts

The research approach that has been suggested takes into account the impending transformations in the water sector, such as the planned reforms related to privatization. NESW Water is aware that to adjust to these developments smoothly, it must be flexible. Because of the flexible nature of the research design, changes in the industry landscape can be made to the methods used for data processing, sampling tactics, and survey instruments. NESW Water’s proposed adaptability includes taking into account modifications in consumer behavior, legal specifications, and new developments in the water industry, thus being in a position to traverse the risks associated with industry transitions efficiently

Methods of data collection

Survey Design and Piloting

The survey aims at collto collect comprehensive information oner satisfaction with NESW Water. The first step is a comprehensive review of the body of research, industry practices, and survey design. The questionnaire will comprise open-ended and closed-ended questions, ensuring that both quantitative and qualitative data are captured. Following this step is the pilot survey, a small-scale exercise administering the survey to a subset of NESW Water customers selected to represent the entire customer base (Stats NZ, 2019). The pilot stage will help improve the questionnaire to make it understandable, relevant, and efficient in collecting valuable information from customers.

Development of a sample Frame

The target population for the study will be the Kent County customer base of NESW Water. In order to ensure that the sample frame is strong, building a complete list of residential customers in the target area is necessary. In order to create a precise and current list of residential customers, NESW Water will work with the appropriate authorities and use its customer information. To guarThe sample frame will be stratified totee a varied representation across demographics, geographic regions, and usage trends, the sder to get a comprehensive picture of customer satisfaction that takes into account the diversity of NESW Water’s service region, stratification is necessary (Stats NZ, 2019).

Administration of Surveys

A systematic sampling strategy will be used each quarter to reach the target sample size of at least 250 respondents. To provide accessibility for all client groups, the surveys will be disseminated through various media, such as online platforms, phone interviews, and possibly in-person interactions. NESW Water understands how crucial it is to communicate clearly while administering surveys. Consumers will be informed of the survey’s objectives, voluntary nature, and confidentiality policy regarding their answers. A more representative sample and higher response rates are guaranteed when various survey delivery techniques are employed.

Data Validation, Coding, and Cleaning

A thorough procedure will be applied to the gathered data to guarantee its dependability, correctness, and consistency. A code will be issued to every response to facilitate quantitative analysis. The implementation of validation procedures is intended to detect and manage anomalies, incomplete data, and discrepancies. The stage is essential to preserving the dataset’s integrity and guaranteeing that the analysis is founded on reliable data (Gilbert, 2020). The validity of the results depends critically on the attention paid to data quality during each stage (Gilbert, 2020). NESW Water is dedicated to utilizing industry best practices for data handling to extract valuable information from the gathered client feedback.

Procedure for Sampling

A key component of NESW Water’s customer satisfaction research project is the sampling procedure, which guarantees that the data gathered represents all Kent County residential customers. The sampling strategy calls for identifying Kent residential consumers and guaranteeing a minimum of 250 responses quarterly.

Aiming for Kent’s Residential customers

The county of Kent, where NESW Water supplies water services to residential homes, is the sample process’s geographic focus. Because of the Kent’ demsaphic and geographic diversity of Keniberate method of sampling is required to guarantee that the results accurately reflect the range of experiences that NESW Water’s customers have. NESW Water will work with the appropriate authorities to do this and use its extensive customer information. The database will be the starting point for developing a sample frame that depicts Kent’s home customer base (Bhawika, 2023). Customers will be categorized via stratification according to demographic parameters, including age, income, and region.

To ensure that the survey covers the viewpoints of various customers, stratification enables the deliberate representation of several client segments. For instance, the sample will represent Kent’s urban and rural areas and various socioeconomic groups.The method enables NESW Water to get a more comprehensive picture of customer satisfaction that considers the various issues and expectations among its various client categories.

Obtaining at Least 250 Responses Every Quarter

A crucial choice that strikes a cooperation between practical constraints and the statistical reliability requirement is the sample size selection. NESW Water has set a quarterly minimum target of 250 responders to guarantee a sufficient sample size for thorough analysis and insightful findings. Based on statistical principles, the sample size of 250 respondents is chosen to balance resource efficiency and accuracy. Within Itended to offer a representative snapshot of consumer satisfaction. The procedure, within the allotted time sample size, keeps the survey administration method feasible and reasonable while enabling NESW Water to obtain statistically meaningful results.

The data collection process is quarterly, consistent with NESW Water’s objective of ongoing observation and reactivity. NESW Water may make timely adjustments and improvements by identifying trends, patterns, and variances in consumer satisfaction over time through regular feedback collection (Bhawika, 2023). Achieving and surpassing the 250 sample goal is made possible by clear communication with customers and distributing surveys via various media.

Field Operations

Fieldwork components will improve the depth and richness of the information gathered. Setting up focus groups or one-on-one interviews to give clients a forum to discuss their ideas and proposals in greater detail are common ways to communicate with them. To obtain contextual insights that might not be fully captured remotely, on-site visits to particular sites within Kent might also be considered (Userpilot Content Team, 2022). Moreover, doing client workshops encourages involvement, cultivates a feeling of community involvement, and lets customers directly contribute to projects for change.

NESW Water will have to put strict safeguards in place to protect sensitive information and adhere to data protection requirements to meet any issues. The fieldwork’s representativeness is ensured by carefully choosing places for on-site visits and engagement activities, considering Kent’s different urban and rural environments. Efficient planning is employed to avoid disruptions and optimize resource utilization when addressing logistical difficulties (Userpilot Content Team, 2022). In order to promote consumer participation and integrate comments into a more comprehensive analysis, NESW Water must strongly emphasize communication and incentive schemes to improve the overall efficacy of the.

Data Analysis and Processing

In order to convert survey data into actionable insights that guide strategic decision-making, data processing procedures are crucial. Coding, validation, and cleaning are the first steps in the process, then analyzing procedures of customer satisfaction data.

Validation, Cleaning, and Coding

Coding: The raw survey responses are coded as the initial step in the data processing process. Coding is the methodical process of giving number values or labels to various replies to facilitate quantitative analysis. Every response is converted into a format that makes statistical interpretation easier. For consistency’s sake, Likert scale replies could be given numerical numbers (Akula, 2019).

Validation: After coding, the data is checked for accuracy and dependability. Finding outliers, missing data, and discrepancies are all part of the validation process. The dataset’s integrity is preserved by identifying and resolving disparities (Akula, 2019).

Cleaning: It entails correcting errors, redundancies, or oddities in the dataset to address missing values, fixing discrepancies, and fixing data input errors. The correctness and dependability of further studies depend on the cleaned dataset (Akula, 2019).

Methods for Examining Customer Satisfaction Information

Descriptive Statistics: These statistics offer a brief overview of the primary characteristics of the dataset. It comprises standard deviation, mean, median, and mode measurements. A foundational knowledge of the diversity and central tendencies in customer satisfaction scores is provided by descriptive statistics.

  1. Segmentation Analysis: A more detailed analysis can be achieved by dividing the data into segments according to pertinent behavioral or demographic characteristics. NESW Water may investigate the differences in customer satisfaction levels between various client segments, offering insights into particular areas of strength or development for specific groups.
  2. Trend Analysis: Understanding the dynamics of customer satisfaction requires examining patterns across time. Thanks to quarterly data, NESW Water can spot patterns, swings, or steady trends in customer satisfaction. It is helpful to anticipate and adapt to shifting client expectations with the help of this temporal analysis.
  3. Analyzing correlations between several variables enables the identification of linkages and relationships. NESW Water may investigate the relationship between certain variables and overall customer happiness, such as the efficacy of communication or the quality of the water. By identifying areas that significantly impact satisfaction, correlation analysis helps determine strategic priorities.
  4. Predictive Modeling: Using previous data as a basis, sophisticated approaches like predictive modeling can be used to project future satisfaction levels. The approaches make it possible for NESW Water to make specific adjustments and deal with possible problems early on. Machine learning algorithms may be used in predictive modeling to find trends and generate well-informed predictions.
  5. Qualitative Analysis: Techniques like sentiment analysis and theme coding can be used to analyze qualitative data from open-ended survey questions or fieldwork to give the total understanding of customer satisfaction a qualitative dimension by catching subtle insights that quantitative indicators may not adequately convey.

By using these methods, NESW Water is guaranteed a thorough study beyond simple measurement and gives them valuable insights into the factors influencing customer satisfaction (Akula, 2019).


Quarterly reports, comprehensive annual reports, and data visualizations are all anticipated deliverables.

Quarterly Summaries

The quarterly reports are central to NESW Water’s customer satisfaction tracking. They function as dynamic snapshots that show how customer sentiment has changed over shorter periods. A thorough analysis of the survey data, highlighting significant trends, variations, and areas of noteworthy change, will be included in each quarterly report.

  1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): A set of KPIs that align with the particular goals of NESW Water will be included in the reports. They could contain ratings for each aspect of the service, general satisfaction, and any areas that have been found to need improvement.
  2. Segmented Analysis: The quarterly reports will explore segmented analyses based on behavioral or demographic data to gain more nuanced insight. The analysis allows NESW Water to spot trends unique to a specific clientele, which helps shape focused initiatives for raising satisfaction.
  3. Comparative Analysis: By allowing for cross-temporal comparisons, quarterly reports will help NESW Water evaluate the effects of interventions and changes in the industry. A critical tool for determining the success of efforts and spotting enduring problems is comparative analysis.
  4. Qualitative Insights: The quarterly reports will include qualitative insights since fieldwork and open-ended survey questions provide qualitative data. By offeThisative dimension gives the quantitative data more depth.

Complete by offering context and a deeper understanding Annual Report.

The findings from every quarter are combined into a coherent narrative in the annual full report that provides stakeholders with a more profound knowledge of long-term trends and enduring difficulties by providing a comprehensive assessment of the year’s customer satisfaction dynamics as explained below:

  1. Annual Trends and Patterns: NESW Water will be able to recognize broad patterns and changes in customer satisfaction thanks to the thorough examination of annual trends provided by the annual report. Long-term trend analysis is essential for strategic planning and programs aimed at continual improvement.
  2. Strategic suggestions: The annual report will conclude with strategic suggestions, building upon the quarterly reports. The year’s data will generate these recommendations, indicating areas that could use focused improvement and possible tactics for raising overall customer satisfaction.
  3. Engagement of Stakeholders: The annual comprehensive report will be an essential communication tool for involving stakeholders. The report will simplify complex data into understandable insights for all parties involved—customers, regulatory agencies, and internal decision-makers—and promote a common understanding of NESW Water’s dedication to customer satisfaction.

Data Visual Representation

NESW Water will incorporate the following visualizations to improve the usability and significance of the study results.

  1. Graphs & Charts: Quantitative data will be illustrated using visual aids such as pie charts, bar charts, and line graphs. Trends and comparisons can be quickly and easily understood with the help of these graphic tools (Expeed Software, 2021).
  2. Heatmaps: To graphically depict variances among several client groups, heatmaps can be utilized in segmentation analysis for stakeholders to identify trends and variations in the data (Expeed Software, 2021).
  3. Infographics: Infographics will be used as a visually appealing and easily comprehensible way to deliver essential insights derived from complex data. They are practical tools for developing stakeholder understanding and providing information in a concise manner (Expeed Software, 2021).

Visual components in quarterly and yearly reports improve the findings’ impact and accessibility, allowing stakeholders to quickly and efficiently understand the most critical information.


The main checkpoints for survey design, data collecting, report production, and presentation are delineated in the proposed timeline.

Design of the Survey

Time: Two Months

  1. Month 1: Initial Study and Design of Questionnaire

Do a thorough analysis of the body of research on survey design best practices, industry benchmarks, and available literature. Create a draft questionnaire based on the aspects of customer satisfaction that have been identified. Create a draft survey to be reviewed internally.

  1. Month 2: Refinement and Pilot Testing

Test the questionnaire in a pilot program with a small number of clients. Get input on the effectiveness, relevance, and clarity of the questionnaire. Based on the results of the pilot test, improve the questionnaire.

Gathering of Data

Continuous – Every three months every quarter

  1. First quarter: administering the survey and gathering preliminary data

Start the first set of surveys to get at least 250 Kent respondents. Start the current cycle of quarterly surveys.

  1. Second quarter: Ongoing feedback loop and supplementary data gathering
  2. Quarter 3: Data collection and iterative improvements
  3. Quarter 4: Consolidation and final quarterly data collection

Prepare and combine data for yearly analysis.

The creation and delivery of reports

Time: Four Months

  1. Month 1: Preliminary data processing and interpretation
  2. Month Two: Comparative and Segmental Evaluation

Analyze client segments using segmentation techniques to investigate differences between them. To evaluate changes over time and pinpoint areas that require concentrated attention, apply comparative analysis.

  1. Third Month: Strategic recommendations and qualitative integration

Use open-ended questions and qualitative insights from fieldwork and create strategic recommendations based on the annual data that has been accumulated.

  1. Month 4: Report assembly and display

Create thorough quarterly reports by compiling quarterly findings.

Provide a thorough annual report that highlights significant findings and tactical suggestions. Deliver results to interested parties in visually exciting ways. A project steering committee will monitor the development for the whole project duration. Stakeholders from NESW Water and the service provider will be invited to regular meetings to assess and offer feedback at critical points, guaranteeing alignment with goals and approval before moving on to later stages. Therefore, the schedule guarantees a comprehensive and iterative approach, enabling NESW Water to quickly address customer feedback, adjust to new trends, and extract valuable insights for ongoing development.


The breakdown of the estimated budget consists of several elements, all essential to guaranteeing the accuracy and efficacy of the research.

  1. Employees:

$50,000 for a project manager managing all aspects of the research project, including stakeholder relations, project planning, and coordination.

$80,000 for a research analyst oversees the creation of reports, data analysis, and processing. Carries out thorough statistical analysis and formulates tactical suggestions.

$30,000. The Fieldwork Coordinator oversees all fieldwork activities, such as consumer workshops, focus groups, and interviews.

  1. Technology

License for Survey Software: $15,000 annually pays the licensing fees for a feature-rich survey software platform, making it easier to administer offline and online surveys.

Tools for Data Analysis: $10,000 investing in cutting-edge data analysis tools will improve the intricacy and depth of statistical analyses.

Cybersecurity security measures: $8,000 guarantees the security of client information when administering surveys and processing results.

  1. Administration of Surveys:

Each quarter, $25,000 is allocated to marketing and communication (including incentives). It pays for the expenses associated with telling consumers about the surveys and offering rewards for taking part, including discounts or community advantages.

Data Gathering: $40,000 every three months includes expenses for sending out surveys, gathering data, and setting up ongoing feedback systems.

Fieldwork Expenses: $20,000 pays for fieldwork-related costs such as customer training, on-site visits, and other activities.

  1. Other: $5,000 for training and development. Provides funding for educational programs designed to improve the abilities of staff members engaged in data collecting, analysis, and reporting.

Emergency Savings: $15,000 permits unanticipated costs or budget modifications as the project develops.

The estimated total budget is $298,000. It is an approximate estimate that could change in response to new project requirements, technological advances, and unanticipated difficulties. By spreading the resources across several categories, NESW Water can maintain flexibility in response to the ever-changing water business and conduct a thorough and significant customer satisfaction study program (HOME OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROJECTS, 2023). Regular financial reviews and updates will be carried out to guarantee efficient financial management during the project.


The customer satisfaction study program of NESW Water is an all-encompassing approach to dealing with the evolving water market. It highlights the necessity of proactive customer service, ongoing improvement, and an advanced customer satisfaction metric. The program incorporates segmentation analysis, qualitative insights, regular data gathering, and a comprehensive survey design to analyze customer sentiment and create focused tactics. A dedication to producing actionable insights is evident in the suggested data processing and analysis procedures and the visual representations in reports. The budget breakdown supports NESW Water’s efforts to surpass customer expectations and build a reputation as a customer-focused water service provider in the changing water sector by matching resources with the initiative’s aims.


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Bhawika. (2023, August). The Most Important Website Survey Sampling Methods.

Expeed Software. (2021, November 2). Data Visualization – Communicating Easy to Complex Ideas. Expeed Software | Trustworthy Software Solutions.

Gilbert, E. (2020). New technologies and innovative methods in data collection: scoping review CLS working paper number 2020/2.

HOME OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROJECTS. (2023). Cost Allocation. Office of Sponsored Projects.

OFWAT. (2023). Ofwat.

Ofwat. (2014). Water sector overview – Ofwat. Ofwat.

Qualtrics. (2018). 4 Key Measurements for Customer Satisfaction. Qualtrics.

Ross, M. (2023). The Top 4 Customer Experience Metrics to Track (+Best Practices).

Stats NZ. (2019). A guide to good survey design Fifth edition.

Userpilot Content Team. (2022, July 7). Customer Interaction Management – Best Practices Guide. Thoughts about Product Adoption, User Onboarding, and Good UX | Userpilot Blog.


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