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Remembering Resilience Podcast


For anybody serious about learning more about the history and culture of Native Americans, the podcast “Remembering Resilience” is an indispensable resource. The podcast stresses the importance of Native American language and culture. It is crucial to the program since it shows us the Native American community’s strengths and weaknesses. This research emphasizes the need to identify past injustices and find strategies to live with the sadness they caused and repair them. Resilience in the face of hardship defines humanity in today’s society. It is the ability to overcome life’s obstacles. “Remembering Resilience” gathers Native American communities to discuss and exchange resilience tales. These tales are handed down.

In this episode, we investigate the slipway in which our relationships, perceptions, and responses to the world around us are shaped by elements such as our DNA, the expression of our genes, the experiences we have, and the surroundings we are a part of. These factors significantly impacted the lives of indigene American speakers and helped shape their experiences. The upshot is that the witness gets a greater appreciation of the challenges the Native American people have round-faced and the perseveration with which they have round-faced them. Acquire a grasp of the challenges they face and the solutions they deploy to overcome those challenges.

In a subsequent episode, the well-respected elder and influential figure in Native American society, Janice Bad Moccasin, speaks about her life. Moccasin gives an account of her life, including topics such as the rituals she does at home and her efforts to promote healing at Standing Rock. The Sioux name for the Moccasin tribe is Standing Rock. Her story illustrates indigenous women and their communities struggles to get back on their feet. Her story demonstrates the tenacity of Native American women.

The “Remembering Resilience” podcast may be eye-opening and humbling for non-Native Americans who support and fight for Native Americans. Understanding the Native community’s history and hardships is essential to supporting their attempts to preserve their culture and heal from past injustices. This knowledge is needed to understand Native American struggles. Listeners get an inside look at remembering and coping with sorrow through a podcast that allows Native Americans to tell their life stories. This podcast also shows mourning.

Having watched these two documentaries, I now have an ameliorated understanding of Native American culture and resiliency. This provided a better feeling of accomplishment. My comprehension of resilience as a quality inherited from one generation to the next and how it plays a role in forming the identities of these communities was expanded as a result of this experience. By retelling the stories of indigen Americans who triumphed against adversity, these programs demonstrated the resiliency, bravery, and determination of Native American traditions. These tales affected me profoundly and prompted me to take action.


I highly suggest the podcast “Remembering Resilience” because it offers a unique and intimate viewpoint on Native American history and culture. The podcast emphasizes conserving Native American language and culture, recognizing the fortitude of Native Americans amid these obstacles, and overcoming past injustices. The audio series “Remembering Resilience” shows resilience’s importance in Native American civilizations and its power amid adversity. These tales helped me understand perseverance and its importance in Native American cultures.


Season One. Tribal NEAR Science & Community Wisdom Project. (2023, February 21). Retrieved April 20, 2023, from


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