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Religion Essays

Revised Journal: Mitchell, “The Indian Experience of Buddhism”

I felt that this chapter is a recap of the first four chapters of this course because it illustrates the earliest experiences of Buddhism in India. An example of this is the Gautama Buddha, whose teachings and life experiences helped many Indians to understand how the Buddha expects us to live. Its teachings are based ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 939

Relationship Between Religion and Climate Change

There is broad consensus on environmental issues among the many religious groups. The different religions understand the need for caring for the environment, and their sacred writings urge believers to be guardians of the earth and its biodiversity. In May 2019, the All African Conference of Churches (AACC) and the United Religions Initiative (URI), Africa ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1229
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Pediatrics Spirituality Paper

Although every human being was born in a family, not everyone understands what it means to be raised in a Christian family. Some are raised in healthy, loving, and Christian-centered families, while others are brought up in broken homes where they experience pain and sadness. At the center of God’s plan of humanity is the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1074

Why Evil and Suffering Exist

There are many concerns about why people suffer and the existence of evil in the presence of God. Some of these issues include: “Is God willing but unable to stop evil in its tracks? He isn’t omnipotent then, is he? Is he capable yet reluctant to do what you ask? Then he’s a bad guy. ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3026

What Is God?

The existence of God is described in religion as believing in the existence of a supreme divine or preternatural being who created, sustains, or rules the universe and all its creatures, including humans. (Littleton, 2005) In a variety of ways, God is also regarded in various faiths as perfect and incomprehensible to humans, as all-powerful ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 953

The Life of Saint Francis of Assisi

Francis, the Saint, was born in 1181 in Italy to a very wealthy cloth merchant. He was a man who used to drink and party with friends and was imprisoned close to a year in his twenty’s for participating in a war between Perugia and Assisi. While in prison, Francis started receiving visions from God. ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1318

The Constantine Influence on Early Roman Christianity

Early before the reign of the great Constantine, Roman Christianity was discriminating in which the Jews were supposed to pay taxes while the Christians did not. The Christians, therefore, started to suffer from sporadic persecutions for a period of 2.5 centuries when they refused to participate in the imperial cult (Schultz and Ward, 585). As ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1752

Scot McKnight’s “One. Life” Summary

In his book ‘One. Life,’ Scot McKnight has analyzed what Christian’s life is all about and also explains the aspect of following Jesus. McKnight states that following Jesus tends to change the ways in which we conduct our daily activities and how we live in aspects of love, community, sex, justice, and peace. Through the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1270

Hinduism and Christianity

The meaning of the rituals and traditions associated with death differ significantly between Christianity and Hinduism. While Christianity is the world’s largest religion, Hinduism is the third most popular religion. The two religions also share certain similarities with regard to life after death. This discussion compares and contrasts the two religions in terms of death ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1026

Ninian Smart’s Seven Dimensions in Buddhism

Humans have attempted to clarify the causes and explanations for their existence ever since dawn of creation. As a byproduct of this need for information, a variety of beliefs and ideals have emerged in an attempt to answer this age-old dilemma. Ninian Smart argues that there is no one-size-fits-all definition of religion. Instead, in order ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 832

Neff & McMinn Review: Part B Assignment

Abstract Neff and McMinn, in their book ‘Embodying Integration’, have given an overview of three parts, including facing difficulty, pondering God, and God in the world. Part B aims to analyze the final chapters giving a personal point of view on the ideas presented by Neff and McMinn. Therefore these last three chapters have explored ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1468

Movie Reflection: Life of Pi

Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee, highlights the story of a 16-year-old boy who has survived in the ocean for 227 days. During this time, he is in the company of a tiger after a ship they were traveling in capsizes. The accident kills everyone and leaves only Pi, a tiger, a hyena, an orangutan, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 940

Church in a Diverse World Ecclesiology

Ecclesiology helps us understand the meaning of being “uncircumcised” because of our exile from God. Ecclesiology teaches us that the church is Christ’s physical body and bride, both human and tangible. The people of God, both the body and the bride, are supposed to be a living testimony to the grace of Jesus Christ (Jones ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1051

Causes of the Protestant Reformation and Resulting Catholic Reformation

The bribery in the Roman Catholic church, such as the selling of indulgences, was one of the causes of the Reformation and the succeeding Catholic Reformation[1]. Prior to the Reformation, Roman Catholic Church was greedy and corrupt. The Pope came up with the concept of “indulgences” to fund his luxurious and expensive way of living ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1884

Care for Environment

The following essay provides an overview of the environment and how people may help to protect it. It also examines Catholic teaching on the environment and Jesus’ teaching on the environment, with pertinent references from the Bible. The term “environment” refers to the natural surroundings and areas where people reside. However, human activities endanger the ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1156
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