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Putting the Training Plan Together

Employees must undergo regular training to develop their skills and knowledge in the current market because the market is overly competitive. Moreover, additional training benefits the employees by putting them in a position for promotion since those with additional training have improved skills and knowledge. For an organization, it is in its best interest to have highly skilled employees to compete effectively in the market (Salas et al., 2012). An extensive and comprehensive training program is crucial for an organization in this endeavor of well-trained and skilled employees. This paper seeks to understand what a good training program entails, the strategic values, and the process of determining the training needs. In addition, the paper will address various forms of training and development and differentiate between training and development.

Strategic Value of a Comprehensive Training Program

An organization’s comprehensive training program is important for various strategic reasons. A comprehensive training program helps an organization align its workforce with its goals and mission. In addition, having a well-crafted training program enhances the employees’ performances by equipping them with the necessary skills required to do their work efficiently and effectively. Enhancing their performance helps the organization increase its productivity, quality of work, and efficiency. Moreover, a comprehensive training program has the strategic value of enhancing an organization’s competitive advantage. With a good training program, an organization can update its workforce skills and knowledge, enhancing aspects like innovation and giving the organization a comparative advantage. Another strategic value of a comprehensive training program is talent attraction and retention (Youssef & Stark, 2020). With a comprehensive training program, employees get the sense that the company is interested in their professional development, which improves satisfaction and morale and makes them loyal to the organization, which helps the company to attract new talents and keep the current ones. Also, a comprehensive training program enables an organization to adapt to change quickly. With a comprehensive training program, the employees are continuously learning, which means they can adapt to changes quickly, putting the organization in a pole place in this volatile and evolving market (Youssef & Stark, 2020). Other strategic values include enhancing risk mitigation, developing a culture of innovation, and enhancing leadership among employees.

The Process of Determining Training Needs

Determining the training needs is multifaceted, which begins with identifying employee skills gaps. To determine the training needs of an organization, it is important to collect data and information about the organization, such as its objectives, goals, employees’ performance, and job roles. This data can be obtained through various interviews and surveys (Youssef & Stark, 2020). After getting the data about the organization, the next step is to analyze to determine the department or sector that needs improvement and what specific improvement is required. With the specific information on what is required to improve the workforce, the information can be forwarded to the department responsible for training to tailor the training according to the organization’s needs. Determining the training needs entails data collection, analysis, objective setting, and training program design.

Components of a Training Program

A training program is made up of various components; the first one is the training objectives. It specifies the purpose of the training and what the learners should achieve at the end of the training period. The objectives help the trainer tailor the process to achieve the set targets. The other component is curriculum and content, which is what the learners are being trained in and the materials used (Hüber et al., 2022). The delivery method is another component of a training program. It entails the instructor/trainer’s methods to deliver the content. The delivery methods include e-learning modules, workshops, simulations, and face-to-face training. Assessment and evaluation mechanisms gauge participants’ progress and the program’s overall efficacy, ensuring that learning outcomes are met. Feedback and support are other components of a training program; they offer the learners the guidance and assistance required to create a conducive learning environment. Resources are also a part of a training program; they are things used to facilitate the program, such as budget, time, and personnel (Youssef & Stark, 2020).

Effects of DEI on Training Program Development

Diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), and learning styles profoundly influence the development of training programs, shaping their effectiveness and inclusivity. When developing a training program, it is vital to address things like diversity to create an effective program. Diversity affects the development of a training program in various ways; for example, when developing a training program for a group that has different racial backgrounds, modes of delivery, and even the content might be different based on the needs of each learner as opposed to when developing one for people of the same race. In addition, the mode of delivery might differ based on issues like gender and age. Therefore, diversity can affect the development (Olzmann, 2020). Moreover, it is important to understand the learners’ learning styles when developing the program to ensure efficiency in content absorption. Some learners are kinesthetic, others are visual, while others can be auditory. Therefore, understanding these styles helps one to pick the best delivery method based on the learning styles.

On the other hand, equity entails providing equal access to training opportunities and accommodating diverse needs and circumstances to ensure fairness and inclusivity. This means that when developing the program, one may need to be flexible on scheduling issues and dating disabilities (Olzmann, 2020). Moreover, incorporating DEI principles enhances the effectiveness of training by promoting empathy, collaboration, and creativity among participants. It also prepares employees to work effectively in diverse teams, reflecting the realities of today’s globalized workforce. When developing a training program, considering aspects like DEI and learning styles enables the creation of an effective program and helps the organization reflect on its values.

Difference Between Training and Development

Training and development are two processes that are different but related. They both aim to improve the employees’ knowledge and skills to enhance the productivity of an organization. Training focuses primarily on specific skills related to certain job roles and the competencies required. Training is task-oriented, and its main goal is to provide an organization with an employee who can perform a specific task effectively and correctly. Training entails workshops, seminars, and online training, among other forms. The main objective of the training is to address an existing skills gap and ensure that the employees can do the required job (Youssef & Stark, 2020). On the other hand, development is more comprehensive than training; it looks to expand the entire career portfolio of an employee beyond one skill. Development goes beyond professional enhancement to include personal development. Development looks to prepare one for future roles, primarily in leadership positions. Development initiatives may include leadership programs, mentoring, coaching, career planning, and educational opportunities beyond immediate job requirements (Li, 2022). The major aim of development is to enhance a person’s talent and cultivate leadership capacity

Forms of Training and Development

There are various forms of training and development. They include on-the-job training, where the learner learns at work; through the guidance of a mentor or a fellow employee, the learners acquire the necessary skills while working. This type of learning is effective because it gives the learner the necessary skills for the job. The other form is formal education programs. This is where one peruses educational programs such as certificates, diplomas, and degrees in a specific profession. It provides theoretical knowledge and foundational principles essential for career advancement. Another form is soft skill training, which enhances interpersonal, communication, and problem-solving skills (Youssef & Stark, 2020). These skills are essential, especially in development, because they enhance teamwork and personal development. The other form is leadership development, which entails programs that identify and nurture future organizational leaders. Leadership development initiatives focus on enhancing strategic thinking, decision-making, and managerial capabilities. Another form of training and development is cross-functional training, which allows employees to interact with other departments and their roles to expand the skill pool in all departments.

Adverse Outcomes of Training Neglecting

Training is central to the success and achievement of an organization’s long-term and short-term goals. Therefore, if an organization avoids training, there can be severe consequences. For instance, without training, the workforce within the organization may not have adequate skills and knowledge to perform their roles effectively, which affects the productivity, quality of goods in the organization, and overall competitiveness in the market. Moreover, with poor quality due to a lack of well-trained employees, there can be widespread consumer dissatisfaction, damaging the organization’s reputation. In addition, without proper training, it would be hard for an organization to retain the current employees since they will feel like the organization does not care about their careers, creating a toxic working environment and thus even repelling recruits (Barba Aragón et al., 2014). In addition, neglecting training damages the organization’s ability to adapt because there cannot be innovation without training. Moreover, organizations face increased legal and regulatory risks, potential lawsuits, and financial penalties without proper training on compliance, safety protocols, and ethical practices.

In conclusion, training is a vital aspect of the prosperity of any organization as it equips the workforce with the required skills. Moreover, having a comprehensive training model is not only an operational necessity but also something with great strategic value. Given the importance of having a qualified workforce, it is vital to have a comprehensive training program that equips the employees with the necessary skills.


Barba Aragón, M. I., Jiménez Jiménez, D., & Sanz Valle, R. (2014). Training and performance: The mediating role of organizational learning. BRQ Business Research Quarterly17(3), 161-173.

Hüber, T., Käser, U., Stahlhofen, L., Görtner, L., & Röhr-Sendlmeier, U. (2022). Evaluation of a multi-component training programme for employees aged 50+. European Journal of Ageing19(4), 1311-1326.

Li, L. (2022). Reskilling and upskilling the future-ready workforce for industry 4.0 and beyond. Information Systems Frontiers.

Olzmann, J. A. (2020). Diversity through equity and inclusion: The responsibility belongs to all of us. Molecular Biology of the Cell31(25), 2757-2760.

Salas, E., Tannenbaum, S. I., Kraiger, K., & Smith-Jentsch, K. A. (2012). The science of training and development in organizations. Psychological Science in the Public Interest13(2), 74-101.

Youssef, C. M., & Stark, E. (2020). Strategic human resource management: Concepts, controversies, and evidence-based applications. Zovio.


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