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Organizational Change Models and Processes


The management has a key role in ensuring that they have managed the organization during the active change processes. They manage this by setting up a clear vision, strategy and mission for each department. They ensure their employees understand their organization’s vision, mission and goals. The management also ensures they have managed their employees well during the organizational change process. They make sure that they are aware of any changes in policies and procedures that may affect them as an employee or employer. The following methods should be implemented to ensure that a sustainable outcome has been attained in the outlined fields of the organization.

Сustomers Scope

The organization’s management ensures they have managed the customer’s scope during the organizational change process. Be sure about Future security, Finances, Work relationships, Responsibility and Learning curve. The organization must ensure that it has a clear picture of its future security needs to ensure that it has enough money to support this goal. The organization should also know how much money will be needed to finance its operations for the foreseeable future. The organization should also evaluate whether or not it needs more employees or if there are other ways to cut costs without reducing services. The organization should also consider whether or not some of its employees are still needed after the change has taken place and what kind of jobs they could perform after the change has occurred (Barron, 2021).

The organization must also evaluate whether or not any other changes need to be made within its structure to ensure that everything runs smoothly once again. The management should also be sure of Future Security, Finances, Work relationships, Responsibility and Learning curve.

The management will have a lot on their plate if they are going through an organizational change. They need to focus on keeping everyone happy while also making sure that there is enough money coming in so that they can keep up with their obligations. This is especially important in finances because if something goes wrong with one part of your business, you could find yourself unable to pay your employees or suppliers for products or services. Future security: The organization should be prepared for any changes that may occur in the future. They should anticipate how the change will affect their business and adjust accordingly.

Finances: The organization must prepare for any financial impacts resulting from a change in organizational structure or size. In addition, they must consider how any changes might affect their overall profitability.

Work relationships: The organization must maintain good working relationships with all employees, especially those affected by a change in organizational structure or size.

Organizational Employees

Management can ensure that they have managed the organizational employees during the organizational change process by being sure to address them in various ways. To ensure their future security and finances, management must be sure that they are prepared for any changes in the company or industry. Management should plan for all possible scenarios and have an exit strategy if necessary. This will allow them to make informed decisions about their future and ensure that they are not left behind by competitors who may have more resources available than them (Diers-Lawson, 2019).

A successful organization will also have strong work relationships with its employees, leading to better morale and increased productivity levels within the organization. These elements will negatively affect an organization’s ability to operate effectively if these elements are not addressed. A lack of responsibility within an organization can lead to poor performance and lack of motivation among employees, which can result in reduced productivity and ultimately lower sales levels for a company or industry.

Finally, learning curves can also be addressed by management, who must ensure that they provide adequate training opportunities for new hires to understand how things work within their specific departments/offices.

The Management

To ensure that the management has managed the management team during the organizational change process, it is important to ensure that security, responsibility, working relationship and professionalism have been maintained. The management team should know what is going on in their organization and how they can positively influence its direction. They need to be able to communicate with each other and work together as a team to achieve their goals. This means they must have open communication lines between themselves and others involved in the process so that no one feels left out or ignored. Being able to communicate effectively also means being able to listen well and understand what others are saying without interrupting them or trying to talk over them.

The management ensures that they have managed the management team during the organizational change process and ensures that security, responsibility, working relationship and professional immaturity have been maintained during the change processes. The management also ensures that they have managed the organization from a strategic level to ensure that the organization can adapt to new changes in the marketplace. This is done by ensuring clear goals are set for every department and employees are aware of their roles within the organization.

The management also ensures they have managed their employees well by communicating properly with their managers. Managers need to listen to their employees to understand where they are coming from and what they would like to see happen within the organization. For example, if employees want more money, they need to know where they can get it from within the company. Therefore, this should be discussed with their manager and not just assumed by them.

The Suppliers

To ensure that the management has managed their suppliers during the organizational change process and ensures that security responsibility, working relationship, and professionalism has been maintained during the change processes. In the organizational change process, management plays a vital role in ensuring that they have managed the suppliers during the organizational change process and ensures that security, responsibility, working relationship and professionalism have been maintained during the change processes.

The main reason for failure to manage supplier relationships is a lack of knowledge on how to do so. It is important for managers to be aware of their roles in managing suppliers and the importance of doing so. Managers should be aware of what they can control and what they cannot control when it comes to managing suppliers. This will allow them to focus on those aspects where they can control their suppliers to ensure that they have managed their suppliers during the organizational change process and ensures that security, responsibility, working relationship and professionalism have been maintained during the change processes.

The first step in ensuring that the organization has managed its suppliers during the organizational change process is to ensure that they have taken steps to ensure that they know what their suppliers are doing. Management must ensure that they know of any issues with their suppliers and how they can help them resolve these issues. This will allow them to monitor their suppliers more closely and ensure they are not doing anything illegal. If any issues arise with their suppliers, management must take immediate action to resolve them before any problems escalate into larger problems for the organization or, worst case scenario, close down completely

Government Scope

The change process is a challenging time for any organization. During this period, it is important to ensure that the management has managed the government policy and attributes during the organizational change process and ensures that security, responsibility, working relationship and professionalism have been maintained during the change process.

Security: An organization’s security depends on its employees’ awareness of security issues. It is therefore essential for managers to educate their employees about security issues and provide them with relevant training programs on how to reduce their vulnerability and enhance their overall security. Responsibility includes managing people’s expectations by providing clear instructions on how responsibilities are allocated within an organization. Managers should also ensure that the performance of employees is evaluated periodically so they can be held accountable for their actions (Polonsky, 2021).

Working relationship: Working relationships among employees should be maintained at all times to promote a positive work environment that improves an organization’s productivity levels. Therefore, managers must create an environment free from tension and conflict so that employees can work effectively together towards achieving organizational goals.

Professionality: Through effective communication with employees, managers will ensure that they maintain professionalism among themselves as well as with customers or clients who may interact with them through phone calls or visits


Once an understanding has been achieved of organizational culture, a change plan should be developed. The plan should include a timeline for implementation and as many people as possible who will be involved in implementing new processes or practices. There are several ways to implement change within an organization, including adopting new technology or software applications. These methods require collaboration between managers and employees to ensure that they successfully implement change within their organizations.


Barron, F. R. (2021, August 14). 5. Stakeholder management – Project management – 2nd edition. BCcampus Open Publishing – Open Textbooks Adapted and Created by BC Faculty.

Diers-Lawson, A. (2019). The missing link of stakeholder attitudes to understand crisis communication. Crisis Communication, 165-179.

Polonsky, M. (2021). Stakeholder management and the stakeholder matrix: Potential strategic marketing tools. Journal of Market-Focused Management1(3).


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