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Psychology Essays

Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

Introduction Little children experience expedient new development and progress during their early years, and understanding their flourishing plans is head for giving real thought. Using Gordon’s valuable prosperity plans, the justification behind this work is to separate the turn of events and headway instances of two small kids of fluctuating ages. These models give a ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1418

Dynamics of Daily Phone Use: Well-Being Implications

Introduction The ubiquitous presence of smartphones in a rapidly changing digital communication context combines work and leisure activities like social networking, with a prime example being the integration of social media usage into work settings. The pervasive day-to-day telephone use of the people on GFK Consulting Group is the basis for investigating its comprehensive influence ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1492
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Timmy’s Portrayal in the Little Pony Play

In the play “The little pony by Paco Bezerra” Timmy is the child who is the target and victim of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. Following the events and actions in the play, audiences learn the plight of unique children right from their tender age. Timmy emerges as a victim of abuse by pupils at ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1184

The Talented Mr. Ripley

‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’ by Patricia Highsmith is a novel that revolves around a young man, Tom Ripley. He is assigned a task by Herbert Greenleaf to persuade his son, Dickie Greenleaf, to come home and join the family business. Ripley exhibits a lack of identity that sees him commit desperate acts to impersonate people ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1109

Parents Should Be Held Responsible for Childhood Trauma

Trauma is when a person is emotionally disturbed about a terrible event that happened in the past. There are things children experience in their childhood, such as violence, and they affect them till their adulthood. They get flashbacks of the event, and they cannot cope with it even when they are grown up. It affects ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 774

Conflict-Resolution Briefing

Worrying things could happen if a violent or sexual offender comes back to a community after a while. I will use strain theory as a psychosocial theory to explain a recent violent crime in California. This will answer these questions and show that the decisions were correct. Recent events in California show how violent criminals ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 730

Developmental, Cultural, and Ethical Considerations for Corporal Punishment.

Introduction Child discipline using corporal punishment raises developmental, cultural, ethical, and legal difficulties based on personal and social norms. This essay uses developmental psychology, cultural studies, ethics, and law to study child corporal punishment. Understand discipline impacts in light of child development. Culture shapes parenting and corporal punishment. Ethics and law define the appropriate discipline ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 705

Applying Psychosocial Theory to Simba From the Lion King

Introduction The psychosocial principle is applied to Simba, the primary individual from Disney’s The Lion King, because he is the focal point of this theory. Born into a royal family, Simba faces many difficulties as a lion cub. These difficulties are often associated with his inability just to accept who he is, take delivery of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1627

Media Portrayals of Psychopathy

There is an enormous impact that the portrayal of psychopathy within the media has on the manner in the overall population’s perspectives of criminal conduct. This article analyzes the item written by Berryessa and Goodspeed (2019) titled “The Brain of Dexter Morgan: The Science of Psychopathy in Showtime’s Season 8 of Dexter.” The cause of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 908

Exploring Sexual Response Models: A Comparative Analysis

Understanding how people feel and behave about sex is hard. Models of sexual response help us understand how our bodies react during sex. One of the early models, created by Masters and Johnson, has had a big impact on how we understand how people react during sex (Pfaff, 2012). However, some people do not agree ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1033

Exercising Ethical Influence

Introduction The ability to make ethical decisions, withstand unethical impacts, and navigate aggressive processes in argumentation are essential parts of one’s personal as well as professional existence. This discussion assignment explores these dimensions, beginning the analysis by viewing the dual process from a moral decision-making perspective and accepting the intertwining role of instinct and analytical ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1368

Evaluation of Test Purpose, Population, and Training

Introduction Personality in psychology is closely associated with the influences and thoughts that lead to perceived behaviors in people. The study of psychology in Personality is essential to determine how Personality develops, which uniquely develops how one is influenced towards certain relationships and behaviors. Personality involves various theories that seek to derive based on people’s ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1757

The Benefits of Meditation Exercises for Emotional Well-Being

Time and again, society has continued to give importance to people’s physical health compared to their mental health. However, the significant rise in mental health issues within the community cannot be neglected. People’s emotional and mental well-being remains a focus when improving individual and organizational performance. Spanning from Asian communities, meditation presents a potential technique ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1552

Sarah’s Psychosocial Stages

Introduction This essay will analyze Sarah’s (a 67-year-old woman seeking a meaningful life review) lifetime interview through the lens of Erikson’s psychosocial Theory. Before discussing her DABDA mourning process following her husband’s death, we will examine her successful and poor responses to Erikson’s eight psychosocial stages. Throughout the article, we will reference specific points from ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 951
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