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Rhetorical Analysis: The Impact of Childhood Trauma on Children’s Wellbeing and Adult Behavior

Introduction: Understanding the Persuasive Text

In analyzing the rhetorical moves used to write the article concerning the aftermath of the trauma of childhood, some practices must be understood in order to underline how effective the article is in returning the feeling of the defining moment as opposed to concretizing the state of the aftermath and finally understanding in what cases the avoidance was best practice. The author tries to tell the story behind the impact of trauma in early childhood by outlining not just its immediate effect on a child’s general wellbeing but also the adult behaviour that it causes. This text aims to make people aware of trauma coping behaviours, intergenerational trauma transmission and the importance of social support in reducing the long-term consequences of childhood traumatic events.

Purpose of the Argument: Advocating for Awareness and Understanding

The rationale behind the argument is, therefore, multilateral. To begin with, the author is targeting to persuade the reader on the need to appreciate the psychological and emotional effects associated with individuals who have undergone trauma during their formative years. The essay illustrated the coping mechanisms used by providing the necessary information to the readers through the text, by creating both empathy and friendship. Second, the article aims to emphasize the necessity to stop the cycle of intergenerational trauma, pointing out that the intervention and support provided prevent the ongoing of these bad behaviours. Finally, the discourse on social support highlights the need for available and fair mental health services that would help trauma victims step into the process of recovery (2021, the 4th para).

Rhetorical Appeals and Techniques: Persuasive Strategies Unveiled

The rhetorical arguments that appear in the article include the following rhetorical appeals and techniques: One of the effects demonstrated through the use of the concept of logos is the portrayal of qualitative data extracted from interviews with professionals in the field of mental health and social work. Repetition of motifs and patterns in narratives provides a factual basis for the reasoning, supporting the dominant role of coping codes and correlating with childhood trauma. In this way, ethos is developed following the integration of specialists’ opinions, including professionals acting as the individuals whose names are mentioned, thus legitimizing the story and justifying the claims about the effects of trauma.

Pathos is used as a strategic appeal in order to elicit an emotional response from the audience. Specifically, the first-person narrations of trauma survivors and visual descriptions of their struggles raise emotions, considering that individuals instinctively empathize with the immense trials and injuries associated with childhood trauma (Cloitre et al., 2020). Moreover, the citing of direct quotes from professionals makes it possible to talk about the immediacy of the issue and the relatedness of the argument to its kindergarten learners.

Potential Fallacies in the Author’s Argument: Addressing Gaps and Biases

Irrespective of the fact that the rhetorical devices used improve the overall effectiveness in terms of the argument, it becomes necessary to analyze whether some fallacies might be presented to reform the targeted audience. One weakness that the headline of the document presents could be the limited number of genders used by the interviewed professionals. The claim that the care and wellbeing field is women-led enacts the bias in perspective presented with respect to this course (Bekaert et al., 2021). Future investigations and analyses should target gender inclusiveness as a key factor to homogenize gender representation to avoid unequal representation in the processes that may lead to oversight. Also, the selection of qualitative information from interview data, which creates a forte of narrative depth, may result in partiality. A deep dive into the subject that relies on quantitative data might deepen the position further.

Issue of Audience: Tailoring the Argument for Impact

Another aspect that is taken into consideration is the audience of the article, as it is addressed to a wide community of readers, such as mental health and wellbeing professionals, educators, policymakers, and laypeople. The fact that professionals from different backgrounds have come together to contribute to the international breadth makes the argument more universal. By narrating from the point of view of professionals, a reader can become engaged with relatable narrators due to their acquired knowledge and understanding through their professionalism. The incorporation empowers anyone, even readers from other fields and professions, to understand and associate with the significance of such matters (Downey & Crummy, 2021). With the use of generational courage to speak, the author utilizes a broad type of audience; thus, the benefits of an argument reach the maximum of its forces, and the understanding and sensitivity to the social sectors are achieved.

Creator of the Argument: Navigating the Professional Landscape

The legitimacy of the argument is confirmed with reference to enhancements by professionals with knowledge in mental health care, social care professionals, and addiction counsellors. Each individual creates his effect, touching the main story. Notably, the use of pseudonyms, like Anne, Mary, and David, strengthens the believability of the argument, preserving the anonymity of the professional while still maintaining a credible story. This anonymous approach keeps the focus of the audience directed solely to the insights and lived experiences that have been shared without uninvited distractions that any mode of social identification beyond the name of the post might bring in. (Downey & Crummy, 2021).

Style and Arrangement of the Argument: Crafting a Cohesive Narrative

The legitimacy of the argument is confirmed with reference to enhancements by professionals with knowledge in mental health care, social care professionals, and addiction counsellors. Each individual creates his effect, touching the main story. Notably, the use of pseudonyms, like Anne, Mary, and David, strengthens the believability of the argument, preserving the anonymity of the professional while still maintaining a credible story. This anonymous approach keeps the focus of the audience directed solely to the insights and lived experiences that have been shared without uninvited distractions that any mode of social identification beyond the name of the post might bring in. (Downey & Crummy, 2021).

Conclusion: Evaluating the Persuasive Power

The article on childhood trauma is presented as a rhetorical text that employs effective logos, ethos, os, and pathos that prove to be solid ground for its selected position. The coherence of the presentation of argumentation, viewers’ awareness, the presence of the author’s authority, and sound structuring of the material act altogether as a means to render the article persuasive. Though respective fallacies and biases are latent in the argument, they do not compromise completely the strength of the argument at large. The article does its part in facilitating awareness, compassion, and assured knowledge of the complexities of childhood trauma and, therefore, its lasting effects on the wellbeing and behaviour of adult people.


Bekaert, S., Paavilainen, E., Schecke, H., Baldacchino, A., Jouet, E., Zabłocka – Żytka, L., Bachi, B., Bartoli, F., Carrà, G., Cioni, R. M., Crocamo, C., & Appleton, J. V. (2021). Family members’ perspectives of child protection services, a meta-synthesis of the literature. Children and Youth Services Review128, 106094.

Cloitre, M., Cohen, L. R., Ortigo, K. M., Jackson, C., & Koenen, K. C. (2020). Treating Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Interpersonal Trauma: STAIR Narrative Therapy. In Google Books. Guilford Publications.

Downey, C., & Crummy, A. (2021). The impact of childhood trauma on children’s wellbeing and adult behaviour. European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation6(1), 1–8.


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