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Privacy Essays

Cause of the Growing Data Leakages From Social Media Databases

In the contemporary digital world, social media has taken over several lives of people, mainly social media users, making them feel insecure about the information they share through these online communication channels. This emerging new phenomenon of engaging in social media presents significant risks associated with the privacy of personal information due to increased levels ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1620

Technology in Policing Improves Safety, Ethics, and Community Engagement

The tools of law enforcement have evolved dramatically in recent years. These developments have made various materials available and greatly influenced the police force. The effects of these administrative processes and monitoring enhancements will be felt widely. The police, crime prevention, and citizen participation are all impacted. Technological advancements have revolutionized the role of law ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1064
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Why Ideas of Personal Freedom, Individuality, and Privacy Are Considered Unsociable and Selfish.

Humans are social animals, so they need each other for emotional development, practical learning, and sharing opinions. Therefore, socialization between humans is significant for positive growth and development. The connection humans share helps them maneuver through life’s tribulations with courage and strength. Therefore, if humans lived alone and in isolation, it would be easier to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 826

Protected Health Information (PHI): Privacy, Security, and Confidentiality Best Practices

Laws Related to PHI Protected Health Information constitutes an individual’s medical history, including their diagnosis, treatment, insurance coverage, and even their date of birth. Sensitive patient health information must be protected against disclosure without the patient’s agreement or knowledge. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal legislation that mandated ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 795

Law Media Communication

Introduction Over the decades, there has been a surge in various professional communication outlets acting as instruments promoting freedom of speech and expression. Similar to multiple departments, law media communications are governed by legal considerations focusing on applying ethical and legal principles. Professional communication entails journalists, PR practitioners, and media producers. However, it is governed ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2479

Laws Influencing Information Security and Privacy in the Education Sector

Introduction In 2020 and 2021, when institutions started migrating to digital systems to battle the pandemic, many new risks surfaced. Hackers have traditionally seen schools as soft targets because of the wealth of personal information they store on students, faculty, and staff. This is why universities and colleges are the exclusive victims of 75% of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1583

Cloud Security and Privacy

Introduction The wave of digitization has never ceased since it began. The increasing adoption of computers has changed how societies run in key aspects. With the ubiquitous nature of smartphones, the internet has become virtually indispensable in the everyday functioning of people. Staying online has historically depended upon remote servers. The need for servers has ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1576

Advanced Topics in Privacy, DP, and Cyber Law

Given the Government’s published National AI Strategy, assess the need for an AI Bill of Rights in the UK. On 22 September 2021, the UK Government published the country’s first national artificial intelligence (AI) strategy, which sets out the government’s plan to make the UK a global AI superpower. The strategy recognises the substantial impact ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2474

Social Media and Lack of Privacy

Social media has presented different platforms where families and friends can connect despite other geographical locations. Social media users relate to various platforms using their devices and share moments or ideas in economics, politics, or even business. Although social media has made the world a smaller place, it has fallbacks. This paper will look at ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 622

Security and Privacy Issues Affecting the Adoption of the Internet of Things in Manufacturing Companies

Chapter One: Introduction Background Many firms consider having innovative and cutting-edge technologies that support business efficiencies while reducing the cost to allow long-term survival. Companies that fail to take creativity into account become less competitive and adaptable, denying them an opportunity to stay longer in the industry (Oorschot and Smith, 2019). Internet of Things (IoT) ... Read More
Pages: 31       Words: 8458
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