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Presidential Election Essays

Explaining the 2020 U.S. Election Reflection

The 2020 presidential campaign in the United States was among American history’s most controversial and provocative. The voting occurred during an international global epidemic, civil upheaval, and a highly polarized political landscape. After the elections, there were pervasive accusations of fraudulent voting, raising serious questions about the validity of the outcomes. Professor John Sides delivered ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 916

U.S. Presidential Election With a Profound Impact on the U.S.: The 1960 Elections- John F. Kennedy vs Richard Nixon

Who Were the Candidates? The 1960 U.S. presidential election is remarkably denoted in the annals of U.S. history as a triumph for liberalism over conservatism. This election incorporated John F. Kennedy of the democratic party and two terms serving Republican vice president Richard M. Nixon. John F. Kennedy, popular known by his initials JFK, before ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1226
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