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Positivism Essays

Exploring the Ontological and Epistemological Foundation of the Positivist Approach to Politics

Introduction This paper explores positivist political philosophy’s ontological and epistemological foundations while emphasizing behavior analysis. According to the positivist line of theory, information is only truly acquired through exposure and an understanding of the relationships and traits of natural occurrences, even when this includes occasionally inaccurate knowledge. Thus, the only basis for all conclusive knowledge ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2235

Positivism vs Interpretivism

Introduction A paradigm in science represents a set of concepts, facts, including theories and other natural phenomena that constitute legitimate contributions to a specific field. In research, there are various paradigms that can be alluded to as sources of knowledge and it is vital to discuss some of them to gain a deeper understanding into ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2430
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