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Political Science Essays

Democratic Governance: Presidentialism, Semi-Presidentialism, and Parliamentarianism

Democracy has been a prevalent form of government throughout history, and it is widely considered one of the most effective systems for ensuring equal representation and participation. However, the functioning of democracy can vary depending on the type of governance the country adopts. This essay explores three different forms of governance – Presidentialism, Semi-Presidentialism, and ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 710

Becoming an Informed Voter: An In-Depth Analysis of Georgia’s 1st Congressional District and Senatorial Representation

Introduction This research paper examines Georgia’s 1st Congressional District and the state’s political history and voting patterns over 25 years. This paper examines Representative Buddy Carter and Senator Raphael Warnock’s rise to power and voting records to determine if they have kept their promises and if their legislation aligns with Biblical principles and their constituents’ ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2144
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The Impact of Restrictions and Sanctions on International Trade and Business: Challenges and Strategic Alternatives for MNEs Facing Resource Sourcing Difficulties From Regular Overseas Suppliers

In the dynamic landscape of worldwide exchange and commercial enterprise, regulations and sanctions among international locations have turned out to be great elements that could substantially affect the operations of Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) (Meyer et al., 2023). These regulations and sanctions, regularly imposed for political, financial, or security motives, can disrupt mounted supply chains and ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1545

The Concept of Illiberal Democracy: A Critical Analysis of Its Viability as a Political Model

Introduction Illiberal democracy, a controversial political concept, has challenged liberal democracy in recent years. Illiberal democracies seem democratic but weaken liberal concepts like the rule of law, individual rights, and pluralism (Zakaria, 1997). Illiberal democracy’s problems, rewards, and effects on democratic government and social development are examined in this study. This research examines illiberal democracies ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2202

National Security Strategy of the United States

Introduction The National Security Strategy (NSS) of the United States incurs policies that promote cohesion between the US national defense and foreign relations. Lacroix (2023) indicates that the United States NSS is upheld through diplomacy to isolate threats and rally allies, maintenance of effective armed forces, use of intelligence services to protect classified information while ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2069

Governing States and Localities

Benefits Associated with this System Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent units, such as states or provinces. This arrangement has benefits and problems that can impact the effectiveness of governance at various levels. One major benefit of federalism is that it allows for diversity ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 841

Reason Why Terrorism Groups Focus on Weak Countries

The phenomenon of terrorism persists as a pervasive global menace, posing significant obstacles to attaining and maintaining international peace and security. An exciting perception relates to the propensity of terrorist associations to coordinate their assaults against countries that have nearly restricted capacities to respond to such demonstrations of brutality. This aims to examine the essential ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1892

Economic Problems and Scarcity

Introduction Scarcity clearly demonstrates the typical economic problem where people are required to satisfy unlimited wants using the available finite resources. Everyone in society must make choices on resource utilisation (Hamilton et al., 2019, 534). Family members are supposed to decide if they will spend on fancy vacations or purchase new cars. City councils must ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1936

The Erosion of Democracy and Populism: The Role of Misinformation and Disinformation

Introduction The cornerstone of modern governance, which is democracy, is encountering unprecedented obstacles as populism rises and democratic standards decline. The universal spread of unreliable and intentionally deceitful information throughout Donald Trump’s presidency has dangerously damaged public perceptions and voting preferences in troubling ways that are difficult to remedy. This paper examines how false and ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3660

Goebbels’ Contribution to the Nazi Propaganda Strategy in the 3rd Reich.

Introduction: On Oct.16.1919, Adolf Hitler turned out to be a propagandist. Without Propaganda, Hitler would never be a public figure, leave alone rise to power. Studies show that it was through Propaganda that he made WWI possible(Marquis,1978). Hitler’s strategy of Propaganda was mainly from its content, which was a fictionalization of the global into simple ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3243

The Transformation of the U.S. and Soviet Union Relationship

Introduction The U.S. and Soviet Union’s relationship underwent a tremendous transition during the Cold War. This essay explores the transformation of their alliance into opposition, focusing on several key aspects that shaped the course of the Cold War. Among these factors are the divergent postwar ideologies of Europe and Germany, state administration, the Marshall Plan, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1020

The Cost of Brexit

In the recent past, there has been a controversy over the UK’s decision to leave the European Union. Brexit Supporters argue that the decision will significantly impact the British economy. Besides the opponents, on the other hand, argue that it will result in associated costs on the British economy, with the majority concerned about the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 845

Reconstruction, Were the Radical Republicans Correct in Their Assumptions of the South?

Introduction A pivotal period in American history, the Reconstruction era that followed the American Civil War, determined the future trajectory of the South’s political, social, and economic developments. President Abraham Lincoln’s strategy aimed to quickly reintegrate the Southern states while stressing indulgence to keep the Union together. Radical Republicans, on the other hand, favored a ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 909

How Can We Make Health Policy Dialogue More Evidence-Based and Improve Health Outcomes/Access in Low-Income Countries

Health policy dialogue is a critical process that brings together stakeholders from various sectors to engage in informed discussions and decision-making processes to shape healthcare systems and improve health outcomes. By fostering collaboration, evidence-based decision-making, and transparency, health policy dialogue plays a pivotal role in addressing healthcare challenges, promoting equitable access to services, and driving ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4397

Explore Leadership and Power in the Ongoing Conflicts Between Elements of the Russian Military Establishment, Putin, and Wagner Chief, Yevgeniy Prigozhin.

Abstract: This study investigates the complex relationship between leadership and power in the continuing Russian military battles. This study examines President Vladimir Putin, Yevgeniy Prigozhin, senior military officials, and ground commanders to examine leadership and power in battles. Transformational, dispersed, and adaptive leadership paradigms can explain conflict-related leadership dynamics. The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and power ... Read More
Pages: 16       Words: 4176
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