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Political Science Essays

Enhancing Communication in the Fire and EMS Community

Working as an attaché at the UAE embassy has been significant to me, especially in understanding the operations of the fire and EMS community. Within the short period I have been engaged in the organization, I have learned numerous issues and identified areas that require improvement. The Department of Fire and EMS community offers various ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3120

The White Paper Assessment on the National Resilience State in the Transportation Sector

Executive Summary The white paper assesses the national resilience state, particularly in the transportation sector, by emphasizing the existing approaches and their efficiency in enabling homeland security. As the “senior non-political member of the Department of Homeland Security” for 15 years, the paper identifies the issues experienced by the transportation sector and proposes strategies or ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1807
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Complex Impact of Populism on Democracy in Europe

Introduction Populism is a political philosophy that sets the “common people” against a “corrupt elite” and promotes the idea that political power should come from the people. A charismatic leader who represents the “people’s will” bypasses institutional checks and balances is typical. Populism’s effects on democracy have been hotly debated in recent years. Populism may ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2233

Reflection on Political Action

My experience as an eligible employee in the IT department election made me mirror various concepts learned from the assigned readings within the Krutz textbook. Specifically, troubleshooting ballot marking gadgets brought to thoughts the significance of the era in elections and the demanding situations it can present, as mentioned in the book. The textbook additionally ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 895

The Complex Legacy of GM Crops on World Agricultural Systems

People have debated the benefits and drawbacks of genetically modified (GM) crops on the global agricultural scene for decades. Norman Borlaug was a well-known advocate for farming productivity known for his contributions to the “Green Revolution.” He shared his opinion on how GM crop aid can enhance African nations’ outcomes by writing a letter to ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1401

Great Depression and Its Impact on the Canadian Economy

Abstract: The effects of collapsed international trade and banking failures on Canada’s Economy during the Great Depression are analyzed in this research paper with a primary focus on understanding governmental response strategies. From an extensive review of the Literature, it is apparent that the Great Depression severely impacted Canada. The sharp reduction of demand for ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2067

Evolution of Policing: The Role of Technology in Shaping Policing Eras

Policing has experienced transformative changes in response to the evolving social, political, and technological climates throughout history. Advancements in technology have played a significant role in shaping policing methods, allowing law enforcement agencies to improve and adapt their capabilities over time. This essay explores how technology has impacted policing across three distinct eras: the Political, ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 868

Elite Bargaining in Dictatorships

In Chapter 4 of “How Dictatorships Work: Power, Personalization, and Collapse” by Barbara Geddes, Joseph G. Wright, Joseph Wright, and Erica Frantz, the authors dig into the impacts of elite factionalism within dictatorships. Chapter 4 presents an intriguing analysis of the relationship between elite bargaining and the consolidation of power by a dictator. One Interesting ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 749

How Work Environment Prepares and Responds to Emergency Preparedness

Introduction Being prepared for emergencies is crucial at my workplace, a big metropolitan hospital. As a nurse in an emergency hospital, I have seen how important it is to be ready for any disaster, whether man-made or natural. Additionally, since it defines the standards, rules, and resources required to react properly to catastrophes, health policy ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 857

Authentic Leadership vs. Servant Leadership: A Comparative Analysis for the Nigerian Context

Abstract This paper examines the similarities and differences between authentic and servant leadership, concentrating on their application in Nigeria in the context of ongoing challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the EndSARS protests. Through an in-depth examination of the two leadership styles, this study seeks to determine the optimal strategy for Nigeria to employ ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2602

Assessing the Advantages and Disadvantages of a Majoritarian Parliamentary System

In a majoritarian parliamentary system, the party that wins a general election governs alone and makes laws. This approach is popular in the UK, Canada, and Australia. It has benefits and drawbacks. According to this analysis, a majoritarian parliamentary system has more pros than cons. This study examines the system’s efficiency, stability, and ability to ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1222

Why Is Africa a Third-World Continent Despite the Massive Natural Resources It Exports?

Abstract Africa, a region with plenty of natural assets, has a long way to go regarding social advancement and economic growth. This research examines the intricate variables that, despite Africa’s significant natural resource exports, contribute to its designation as a third-world continent. This study aims to lighten the contradictory predicament that confronts Africa while offering ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1957

Insurgency and Counterinsurgency

Introduction The past two decades have seen the world grappling with the proliferation of insurgencies and counterinsurgencies. The terror cells continue to destabilize the peace despite efforts to root them out. There is a need to understand the etiology of the terror cells: their history, operation frameworks, the complexity of dealing with them, the challenges ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 699

Effects of Political Ideology in the Work Place

The potential effects of political ideology on the working environment are examined in the paper by Johnson and Roberto (2018) titled “How Does Political Ideology Affect the Workplace?”. Political ideology is a set of beliefs supported by principles, ideals, and moral truths that explicitly conduct toward a particular social order. According to Johnson and Roberto, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 749

The Political Philosophy of Plato and Augustine Regarding the Role of the Individuals and the Importance of Political Institutions.

The extent to which Plato’s and Augustine’s political theories impacted Western politics cannot be quantified due to their immense significance. Plato, a 4th century BC Greek philosopher, and Augustine, a Christian theologian who lived in the 4th to 5th centuries AD, presented distinct ideologies concerning individual roles and institutional significance within society. This essay scrutinizes ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1508
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