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Physical Activity Essays

Child Obesity: Causes and Effects of This Problem and Possible Solutions

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO), childhood obesity has become a serious global health problem. In numerous countries, the condition has reached alarming levels with consequences that can be felt worldwide. Categorized as the abnormal increase in the mass of body fat in children and teenagers, this problem doesn’t stop at the borders ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1236

Lewin’s Change Theory

Introduction The element of change is a natural feature of life. In health care, it is one of the valuable attributes that help solve new or complicated situations and give a chance to develop. Childhood, with a tremendous impact not only on personal life but also on society as a whole, is the type of ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1553
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Concepts of Physical Fitness

The article for review is by Piya-Amornphan, N., Santiworakul, A., Cetthakrikul, S., & Srirug, P. (2020). Physical activity and creativity of children and youths. BMC Pediatrics. The research article states that childhood is critical for developing mature thought. Evidence of the link between physical exercise and cognitive performance is mounting. Despite reports that physical activity is ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 915

Behavior Modification Plan

Introduction In pursuit of a healthier and fitter self, I have concluded that I need to change my behavior regarding my daily physical activities. The observed baseline behavior uncovered the failure to exercise regularly due to the clashes with work responsibilities and the sit-down lifestyle. This inconsistency has, therefore, necessitated an intervention, a tailored behavioral ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1364

Lifestyle Modifications Among Teenagers With Obesity

Introduction The prevalence of obesity among adolescents aged 12 years to 18 years is alarmingly high, with the condition posing severe health problems across the globe. Among the health risks of obesity, this demographic has a high chance of facing include cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, musculoskeletal problems and psychological issues. Despite the intensive measures ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5420

A Brief Research Paper Provides Information About Your Health

Part 1: The process of gathering information and brainstorming Motivated by personal dreams and based on the desire to change, my primary energy is being critically energized to lead these healthcare specialists operating in their narrow subsector. However, trends in humans over the current trend demonstrate that people have to be seated for most of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 738

Constipation and Diabetes Mellitus

Constipation and Diabetes Mellitus are common health infections affecting individuals of different ages. Constipation is clinically considered to be a difficulty experienced during bowel movements. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder caused by insulin malfunction (Faselis et al., 2020). Constipation and Diabetes Mellitus are medication conditions with different signs and symptoms. Define constipation, its risk ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 867

Play and Physical Activity Essay

Introduction The issue of childhood obesity has become a point of concern globally, raising the need to seek ways through which childhood obesity can be prevented. Play-based physical activity has become useful in preventing childhood obesity in recent years. In addition to being fun, the play has many positive social, psychological, and physical effects that ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2113

Physical Activity, Environment, and Their Measurements

Physical activities are some of the most important factors in the human body’s development, in certain instances, it becomes the main factor that helps facilitate development. It is one of the factors that help reduce health risks although this possibility is possible, it is reported that a good percentage of the American population does not ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1181

Article Critique for Global Physical Levels

The article offers comprehensive coverage of Physical Activity (PA) levels in the United States and globally. The data contains some interesting facts on how energy levels are utilized among different population groups globally. Nonetheless, the most surprising data that caught my eye was that as mothers’ physical Activity and energy expenditure in the United States ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 615

Benefits of Exercises on Older Adults and Elementary Kids

Physical activity involves movement that uses skeletal muscles and requires energy expenditure. Children are recommended to participate in physical activity for at least 60 minutes daily. One of the most important benefits of physical activity for children is its impact on musculoskeletal health. Regular physical activity can help build and maintain strong bones and muscles ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 728

Physical Activity Epidemiology

Introduction Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death due to unhealthy lifestyle choices in the modern era. People today do not engage in adequate exercise and intake food high in calories. According to Raghupathi & Raghupathi (2018), approximately half of American citizens live with at least one chronic disease. Chronic diseases do not only ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1190

Physical Activity and Mental Health in Children

The physical activity entails bodily motion from skeletal muscle that requires individuals to spend energy. On the other hand, mental health is the state of wellbeing where people discover their abilities, cope with life stresses, work productively and contribute to their communities. Evidence suggests that taking part in physical activity supports children’s current and future ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2633

Article Review: “Even a Low Level of Physical Activity Is Associated With Reduced Mortality Among People With Metabolic Syndrome, a Population-Based Study (the HUNT 2 Study, Norway)”

People who do regular physical exercises have lower chances of metabolic syndrome. According to Yoon et al., people with metabolic syndrome are prone to early death caused by chronic diseases such as stroke, heart failure, and diabetes. (1) While a high level of physical exercise is associated with a minimal mortality rate in metabolic syndrome ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 994
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