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A Brief Research Paper Provides Information About Your Health

Part 1: The process of gathering information and brainstorming

Motivated by personal dreams and based on the desire to change, my primary energy is being critically energized to lead these healthcare specialists operating in their narrow subsector. However, trends in humans over the current trend demonstrate that people have to be seated for most of their period because work is vastly done in such a technology-oriented kind of office or even AB but not one A without specific technologies, which as a result leads to physical affliction worldwide (Warburton et al., 2019). Hence, I will contribute to the fight against this development by practicing or implementing it as a healthcare provider in the future.

Over the decades, many advantages of consistent physical exercise have emerged. However, the habit was linked to a reduced incidence of noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and some forms of cancer (CDC) in 2023. However, physical activity is often restricted by such barriers as lack of time, motivation, or the availability of resources. The above challenges in my health plan appeal to me and are centered on these issues.

Part 2: Action Plan

Designing a detailed program comprising 3 hours and fifteen minutes per week (210 minutes, much more than the recommended by the CDC) is an act of rebellion against reaching maximum fitness. At the end of my working days, a 10-minute HIIT program will give me new inspiration before going to bed. This brief, intense activity is chosen for its efficacy in producing rapid cardiovascular effects over a short period.

By describing this daily flare-up, my way to work twice weekly will turn from a deathly traveler into living cycling interbred in the weekly appointment, constituting 60 minutes of moderate movements. These rides are more than just thinking about the Earth; they also represent an effective way to maintain cardiovascular status (Phillips, 2021). Sunday sunlight is the arrival of a wealthier relationship with exercise by engaging in hikes, swimming for a whole day or even an hour each time, and between physical moves shed within nature’s environments.

A safe, reflective journal of this journey’s subjective nature and a fitness tracker that will neutrally record my progress solely in numbers will share common ground. Providing a contract with the coworker for mutual pub, inspection, and team membership can provide cross-support to an adequate amount. This holistic strategy makes me commit to leading a dynamically better life.

Part 3: Reflection Paper

It would be a path of self-realization through which I would learn the nature of my motivation and what obstacles prevent me from staying active. This reflection is ready to pass its level of mere activity tracking and analyzing lifestyle changes and their sustainable influence on my health (S. & Bauer, 2019). Thus, this is also an opportunity to measure the success or failure of my strategies for creating a healthier lifestyle and determine their value in enhancing my overall well-being. Through analyzing the failures and successes noted, I developed crucial knowledge that will serve me in future enterprises to ensure these lifestyle changes are practical, perpetual, and ingrained into my life as a routine.

In conclusion, the core of my healthcare plan is a strategic shift to non-static tendencies based on specific and measurable goals, and reflective analysis focused on self-advocacy. It is a commitment to my well-being and becoming an attractive global voice in public health. This plan is a quotidian habit and the proof of being healthy myself, making other people healthier around me in my future profession. In pursuing this mission, I will be a flagbearer and exemplar of the philosophy upon which health promotion has been founded.


CDC. (2023, June 22). How much physical activity do adults need? Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

E.R. Warburton. (2019). Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence. Canadian Medical Association Journal174(6), 801–809.

Hermanns, H., Uta Muth-Selbach, Williams, R., Krug, S., Lipfert, P., Werdehausen, R., Braun, S., & Bauer, I. (2019). Differential effects of spinally applied glycine transporter inhibitors on nociception in a rat model of neuropathic pain. Neuroscience Letters, 445(3), 214–219.

Phillips, S. M. (2021). Current Concepts and Unresolved Questions in Dietary Protein Requirements and Supplements in Adults. Frontiers in Nutrition, 4.


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