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Philosphy Essays

The Problem of the Evil Demon

René Descartes wrestles with the Evil Demon Problem in his book, a skeptical idea that criticizes the integrity of our experiences and comprehension of the world. Descartes suggests that we may be deceived by an all-powerful and cunning devil who produces illusions that cloud our perception of reality. This profoundly affects the nature of knowing, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1413

Descartes on Why God Matters to Epistemology

Introduction Descartes’s Meditations are intellectual endeavors with several purposes. First, Descartes sought a new scientific foundation during great scientific change. He sought unquestionable knowledge to shield scientific progress from revolutions. Descartes used important theories like substance dualism, monotheism, and mathematical physics to achieve this. The Meditations are written in a unique format that encourages reader ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1475
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Business Leadership and Human Values

A moral compass guides us in business, society, and professional life. It guides us toward morality and societal responsibility. In constructing my moral compass, I draw inspiration from teaching from several traditional wisdoms, especially Stoicism and Buddhism. Buddhism promotes compassion, awareness, and the interconnectedness of all beings, while Stoicism emphasizes virtue, resilience, and acceptance of ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2149

The Role of Logic and Insight in Liberal Arts Education and Human Understanding

The definition and understanding processes are highlighted, with a particular emphasis on the birth of a definition, in the paragraph birth from Lonergan’s “Insight: A Study of Human Understanding”. According to Lonergan, the waking of one’s intelligence, which denotes a liberation from biological urges and daily routines, is the first stage in this process. A ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 809

Analysis of Derek Parfit Argument

Introduction Personal identity has historically intrigued philosophers and thinkers. It asks what makes a person the same throughout time despite their changes. Various theories of personal identity, such as the body view, soul view, and psychological perspective, have been developed to solve this subject. The body view, also known as the somatic view, holds that ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1634
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