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Philosophy Essays

Plato’s Republic Analysis

Plato’s “Republic,” Book VII, presents the cave metaphor, perhaps one of Western philosophy’s most creative and iconic metaphors. The cave metaphor depicts a group of people imprisoned in a deep cave since birth, never seeing the light of day (Plato, 1969, 514a-514b). The captives watch shadows generated by statues manipulated by people behind a partial ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 882

Existence of Soul

Over the years, fundamental questions have brought debates from time immemorial about the existence of the soul. However, there are numerous beliefs from different people from varying cultures about the existence of the soul, which is why it has drawn the attention of many people. Unfortunately, the contemporary world is full of believers and non-believers ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1628
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The Art of War by Sun Tzŭ

The Art of War by Sun Tzu is the tale I’ve picked for this project. The Art of War is a book that extensively describes the techniques and tactics of combat. Sun Tzu wrote it in the sixth century BC. The book is still regarded as a classic on the military system and has been ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 839

Taoism vs. Buddhism

The two philosophies have been around for thousands of years and are deeply tied to the cultures that produced them, with Buddhism originating in India and Taoism originating in China. However, when comparing these two belief systems, the major question is what one is likely to find. When taken at face value, they appear almost ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2522

The Search for Meaning: An Exploration of Power and Identity

Introduction From the days of “The Age of Faith” to the modern era of the Scientific Revolution and now to the post-modern era of Economic dominance, the themes of power, meaning, and purpose have been explored and re-examined. This shift in power structures has been explored through literature, such as Waiting for Godot, where economic ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2180

The Socrates’ Method

The Greek philosopher Socrates used a philosophical technique known today as the Socratic Method to reveal inconsistencies through critical thinking. This approach provoked a procedure that often started with Socrates posing a question to one of his students. Socrates persuades his peers to accept a statement that directly opposes the response or definition they initially ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1332

The Will to Believe by William James, 1894

Main Argument of the Essay “The Will to Believe” is an essay written by American philosopher and psychologist William James in 1894. In this essay, James argues that in certain circumstances, belief in something can be justified, even in the absence of complete evidence or proof. He claims that there are certain beliefs that are ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1031

Is Time Real?

Time is a fundamental part of our lives and is an integral part of our reality. We experience time passing, and we experience the effects of time – aging, for instance. Time is a fundamental concept in physics used to measure events’ passing. All of this points to the fact that time is indeed real. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1917

Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

Introduction Aristotle is one of the most influential philosophers in the Western tradition, and his book, “Nicomachean Ethics,” remains one of the foundational texts in the study of ethics. In this book, Aristotle explores the nature of happiness (eudaimonia) and provides a comprehensive account of the virtuous life. The three main topics discussed in this ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 931

Gratitude as an Ingredient for a Better World

Saying “I am grateful” is one of the kindest statements today. Appreciating someone or something done for the common good or in favor is humanly fulfilling. It shows that we are human beings able to notice the actions of others around us. The act generates a mindset that makes people think more of other people’s ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 877

Critical Response Paper: Does Divine Hiddenness Justify Atheism?

Summary The reading “Does Divine Hiddenness Justify Atheism?” revolves around the notion that many people do not perceive it obvious concerning the existence of God. Many people do not perceive the customary arguments about God’s presence as convincing. The reading further discusses that certain individuals search for God while exhibiting sincerity, although they end up disillusioned ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 746

Thinking About Philosophy

Introduction Philosophy is a field of study that has been around for centuries and encompasses a wide range of subjects. Derived from the Greek words “Philo”, meaning love, and “Sophia”, meaning wisdom, philosophy is the love of wisdom. It is not just about personal beliefs and opinions but rather a systematic and critical examination of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 687

Philosophy of Sex and Love

Sexual objectification has been a hot topic since the rise of feminism. Scholars and feminists have divergent views of sexual objectification. Therefore, due to divergent views, some people may not see any bad in sexual objectification regardless of the premises it occurs. Marino and Nussbaum have different perspectives on what constitutes permissible sexual objectification. While ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1065

Dean Barnlund’s Model

In George Orwell’s “1984,” the concept of “Newspeak” is an example of culture’s shaping force. In the novel, Oceania’s government actively controls and manipulates language to control thought and limit free expression. The creation and use of Newspeak is a clear example of how a culture can shape how individuals think and communicate. The concept ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 597
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