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Tyler Perry Movies

Tyler Perry is an American actor, producer, screenwriter, and director. On September 13th 1969, he was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, in the United States. Perry performed in some of his work, such as Madea, an elderly woman character. Perry used several film styles in his movie production, such as the Orthodox filmmaking style. Perry produced ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2128

Essay on Trigeminal Neuralgia

Introduction Trigeminal neuralgia is an aching illness resulting from the trigeminal nerve running from the upper part of the ears to eyes and jaws in three directions. Despite both sides of the dace having two trigeminal nerves, only one part is affected by the neuralgia aching. Trigeminal neuralgia pain is distinct from other types of ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3657

Trend Analysis: Walmart Inc.

Abstract Walmart Inc. is a multinational retail corporation based in America that engages in operating a chain of hypermarkets, grocery stores, and discount department stores. The company’s financial performance and position has fluctuated across the period. However, the company is driven to use price as a selling point in its business strategies to attract and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3068

Treating Psychological and Psychiatric Disorders

Introduction Psychological disorders and psychiatric disorders are frequently referred to as psychological disorders (Kaur and Sharma, 2019). Behavior or psychological symptoms that affect numerous aspects of life might be found in mental disorders. Distress is felt by those who suffer from these conditions. People with a mental illness exhibit abnormal feelings, ideas, and actions. Therefore, the paper ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2416

Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Formulation for Andrew Based on the case study, Andrew meets the diagnostic of posttraumatic stress disorder. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological disorder that can affect persons who have been through or watched a traumatic incident, such as a plane accident (Spiegler 242). From the case study, Andrew was involved in a plane accident. With ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1289

Essay on Literary Translation

Introduction Translation has always been a very important aspect of culture and individuals interact. Being the channel through which different communities and cultures interact to engage in socially beneficial projects such as trade or inventions, a translation should be treated with the utmost respect and the sacredness that it deserves. A poor translation is costly ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2100

Train or Educating Leaders

Over time, the US Army has achieved tremendous military breakthroughs. From the 1980s to the present, education and training structures have transitioned from analog to digital. More breakthroughs in military education and training are expected in the next years. At the start of a soldier’s career, schools and courses often focus on training to prepare ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 738

Essay on Trade Shows

A trade show refers to a business event conducted to bring together the members of a specific firm to exhibit, illustrate and discuss their products and services, which are new to the market. Most of the trade shows are conducted in pact centers in big towns and for several days. In addition, some trade shows ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1337

Toy Company Analysis

The sustainability of a business is dependent on multiple factors such as financial resources, revenue turnover, brand equity, and product quality. The toy industry is highly dynamic, with different organizations manufacturing the same products. The financial data determine the sustainability of the business. The generic porter’s strategy defines the ideal approach the institution can adopt ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1120

Tobacco Smoking Among Millennials

Introduction Tobacco use has been considered a major cause of diseases and death. Smoking cigarettes is harmful harms almost all body organs because it causes multiple cancers, heart failures, and lung infections. However, millennials who live more dangerously and settle down later are considered to create a new generation of smokers and users of e-cigarettes ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 646

To What Extent Is Climate Change a Result of Human Activities

The quantity of greenhouse gases, cloudiness in the earth’s atmosphere, and aerosols (small particles) changes when people participate some activities. The sun emissions are affected by the actions that humans do in their day-to-day lives. The most known emission source is the combustion of fossils fuels, which emits carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Hence, there ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1352

Tibo’s Supply Chain Practices

In 2011, an American company for consumer electronics named Tibo Inc. introduced its first generation of smartphones, Tibo V10. The smartphone has become very popular since then, such that it has seen over 140 million sales. Tibo has had a strong network of suppliers, which has made it one of the world’s largest technology companies. ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 932

Thomas Bell, Out of This Furnace Book Analysis

Out of This Furnace is the best work by Thomas Bell. Slovak immigrants the Dobrejcak family’s three-generation story remains a remarkable achievement. Djuro Kracha’s bumbling career begins in the mid-1880s. His journey from the old country to the steel mills of Braddock, Pennsylvania, where he met and fell in love with another woman, is chronicled ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1964

Therapy for Patient With Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is characterized by mood swings from low depressive moments to manic highs with increased energy (Perlis and Ostacher, 2016a). Unfortunately, the condition has no direct causes that can be pinpointed, which makes its treatment challenging. Moreover, laboratory testing using various diagnostic parameters may not be useful in the diagnosis of the disorder ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1816

Theorizing Archival Film

In contemplating on film archives and their developing significance to what researchers and scholars propose to call the economics of cultural memory, my interest in the topic has progressively turned to film restoration and film archiving practices in the recent past. The general thrust of the work of researchers on film archives is to have ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2222
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