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Natural Language Processing Essays

The Wonders of Voice Recognition Technology

Introduction Voice recognition technology refers to systems that convert human voice into text. Voice recognition systems take human voice as input and translate it to computerized text. Its use has recently widened due to the invention of artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Natural language processing is the outcome of the interaction between human language ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2411

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Nursing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare refers to the ability of computers to function independently in transforming clinical data into knowledge that can be used as a guide in decision-making or for autonomous actions. In recent years, AI technology has gained relevance in healthcare following its major contributions to the industry. Nursing is a major beneficiary ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 2073
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How AI Through NLP Is Revolutionizing the Healthcare Industry

Abstract In today’s digital environment, computers cannot comprehend the human language we use on a daily basis. Humans and computer systems are unable to communicate effectively because of this. So, researchers came up with a novel method of obtaining data from digital machines. A branch of AI known as NLP has a significant influence on ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3536
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