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Modern Art Essays

Impact of Classical Mythology on the Modern World

Introduction Civilizations and modernization have been very significant in the evolution and growth of human history, and they are the foundation of many modern mechanisms. It not only offered the primary structures for their creation and buildings; it was also at the centre of their daily lives. Myths are not dissimilar to the sagas, legends, ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3293

Abstract Expressionism vs. Mexican Muralism

Introduction Mexican Muralism and Abstract Expressionism are prominent movements in modern art; they both use unique formalist techniques that reflect more significant cultural and aesthetic paradigms. This study explores the divergent paths taken by these two movements to identify the formalist principles that shape their creative manifestations. Abstract Expressionism arose against the turbulent post-World War ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1706
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The Role of Colonialism in Shaping the Development of Modern Art in Southeast Asia: A Focus on Raden Saleh

The impact of colonialism on the development of modern art in Southeast Asia is a significant and complex subject of study. European colonial powers played a crucial role in shaping the art practices of the region, introducing Western artistic styles and techniques that influenced local artists. This essay focuses on the renowned artist Raden Saleh, ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2754

Modern African American Artists

 Introduction The African American art movement of the 20th and 21st centuries has been a powerful force in the art world, with several artists making their mark and creating works that have left a lasting impression. This essay will compare and contrast the artwork and biographical details of three African American artists: Mark Bradford, Jacob ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2426

Video Games as Art

The debate about whether or not to include video games as a form of modern art rages. The meaning of art varies from one person to another may be one of the reasons for the argument. The article “Perspectives on Video Games on Video as Art” by Jeroen Bourgonjon, Geert Vandermeersche, and Kris Rutten dives ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1480

Contemporary Art Review

Introduction Work 1: Duane Hanson’s “Tourists II,” 1988 Artist: Duane Hanson Title: Tourists II Date: 1988 Medium: Polyester resin, fiberglass, oil paint, clothing, and accessories Dimensions: Approximately 72 x 42 x 42 inches (183 x 107 x 107 cm) Stylistic Movement: Photorealism, Pop Art Cultural Origin: American Current Collection: The Museum of Modern Art, New ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1455

Visual Culture and Contemporary Issues in Everyday Life

Visual Images in the art reflect the society from history to the modern day and a comprehensive language of communicating contemporary issues. The immersive nature of virtual elements always actively influences the viewer’s emotions by making them ‘experience’ moments by observing (Helfand, 2110 n p). Visual culture has been used since ancient times and currently ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1405

Cultural Appropriation: A Case of African Influence on Modern Art in the Social Context

Introduction The lack of perception that once prevented Western scholars from properly studying traditional African art is returning to haunt them in their contemporary and modern art studies. According to Dutton (2018)., the blindness to the creativity and individuality of African artists is due to the prevailing aesthetic that is different from that of Western ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2536
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