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Media Essays

Effects of Media on Culture

INTRODUCTION Social media has a significant impact on cultural practices, both positively and negatively, and has a significant impact on the future of culture. In today’s society and culture, the media has a significant influence on public opinion. Our media organizations perform a wide range of functions in our society. The laws that govern different ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2733

Dr. House Show

House M.D. is a medical drama television show in America that ran from November 16th, 2004, to May 21st, 2012. Gregory House, a doctor, is a misanthropic medical genius who led a team of diagnosticians at Princeton-Plainsboro teaching hospital in New Jersey. He was the main character in this medical drama show. The TV show, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1406
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Content Analysis (Qualitative Methods in Social Research)

Introduction The qualitative method is one of the data collection and analysis approaches used in psychological research. The approach is common in psychological studies because social scientists can understand how individuals feel, think, or behave in particular situations. For example, psychologists use qualitative methods to help tell how patients experience their treatment process. The collected ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2282

Big Tech vs. Free Speech

There has been significant controversy raised over the inappropriate use of social media and how it has harmed people. The question of regulating social media is prevalent, especially when major social media harm cases arise in the public domain. However, the issue is still debatable since the benefits and disadvantages associated with social media. Additionally, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1374

The Role of Social Media in Business

Social media is a platform that enhances sharing of thoughts, ideas and information through virtual networks and communities using computer technology. Social media users use different gadgets not limited to computers, tablets or smartphones via websites or using applications. Social media has transformed and influenced many people and businesses in the professional world (Harlow et ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1244

The Need and Importance of Mass Communication in the Society

Introduction Mass communication is the technique of delivering information to huge, anonymous, and dispersed diverse masses of recipients who could be far away from the message sources by using advanced equipment. In other terms, communication is the transmission of information to many people via a mass medium. According to (Dominick 2010), the media’s formulation as ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1532

Application of Communication Theories

The above is a screenshot showing how most youths mostly rely on media platforms as their source of knowledge through search engines. They mostly always tend to avoid media that disagrees with their own beliefs, values, and attitudes. They heavily depend on search engines where they only view rather than put critical and analytical skills ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1486

A Research Project for Media and LGBTQ

Introduction Films with lesbian and gay themes and content produced by major Hollywood production companies over the last ten years have signaled a significant increase in accessible assets that compel and support sexuality discussions for people who have not recently been exposed to elective assets, particularly for those who have not recently been exposed to ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1905

The Impact of Mixed Media on Young Women News Consumption Habits

1.0 Introduction Mixed social media has become a worldwide platform for social interaction for young women. Young women use social media often for posting their videos and photos in promoting their lived experiences, drawing attention to their appearances exposing them to numerous feedback from others. The interactive nature of mixed social media has enabled the ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4097

Social Media Platforms Are the Better Option for Making Friends

Social media plays a significant role in connecting people to new friends, especially teenagers. Most people may feel that they have no one to go to or talk to; thus, social media allows them to meet and learn about new friends and get to know them better(Anderson et al.). Research has shown that sixty-four percent ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 573

Influence of Media on Attitudes and Behaviors

The massive fanbase of heroes and heroines from blockbuster movies such as Superman, Batman, and Iron Man illustrates people’s close relationship with movies. The accessibility of different movies and television networks has influenced popular culture from our attitudes and behavior at both individual and macro levels. I was surprised to discover the massive similarity of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 988

Impact of Technology on Loneliness

Technology usually has an impact on every aspect of our life. In the contemporary era, people utilize computers and electronics in their education, business, medical care, and entertainment. Technology has ever made our lives easier. In a space where technology has dominated almost every dimension of life, it might seem that there is an intense ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1021

How Social Media Is the Driving Force for the ″Foodie Culture″

There are television channels owned by a joint venture that has dedicated more of their time to cooking-related issues. Over the last few decades, several advancements have been made on social media, leading to better cooking styles on the online platform. The DStv channel 185 present the best food shows of well-trained chefs to their ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 718

Gender Representation in the Media

Gender is a social construct and the media plays a big role in influencing perceptions of gender roles and shaping the behaviors that stem from these gender roles. Due to the increased sensitization of the role of the media in defining gender roles and portrayal, there has been a gradual change in media representation of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1215
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