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Market Expansion Analysis: Organic Valley’s Lactose-Free Dairy Products


In a world increasingly focused on healthier lifestyles and dietary choices, Organic Valley, a pioneering organic food brand and cooperative of organic farmers, has emerged as a beacon of sustainable and wholesome nutrition. Founded in 1988, Organic Valley has not only championed the organic movement but has also continually evolved to meet consumers’ evolving needs and preferences. With its roots firmly planted in La Farge, Wisconsin, Organic Valley has blossomed into the largest farmer-owned organic cooperative in the United States and one of the world’s most prominent organic consumer brands. One of the defining chapters in Organic Valley’s journey involves exploring and expanding into lactose-free dairy products. Recognizing the dietary sensitivities and preferences of a growing segment of health-conscious consumers, Organic Valley has set its sights on offering a range of lactose-free dairy options, including yogurt and milk.

Country Selection and Overview: Netherlands

The Netherlands, a European nation with a population of approximately 17 million, boasts a high average household income level, robust political stability, and a favorable legal environment for business operations. The country has a well-developed dairy industry and a strong tradition of dairy consumption, making it an attractive market for lactose-free products. The Dutch dairy industry is well-established and renowned for its quality products. The industry has shown consistent growth, driven by domestic consumption and exports. The Netherlands is a significant dairy exporter focusing on cheese and dairy derivatives. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards healthier and alternative dairy products, including lactose-free options, as consumers become more health-conscious.

Lactose-Free Dairy Market Analysis

Healthy lifestyles and dietary awareness have fueled a growing demand for lactose-free dairy products worldwide. As consumers become increasingly attuned to their nutritional needs and seek alternatives that accommodate lactose intolerance, the lactose-free dairy market has experienced a significant upswing (Speight et al., 2019). In this context, Organic Valley’s strategic focus on expanding its lactose-free offerings aligns with the evolving preferences of today’s health-conscious consumers.

Dutch Market DynamicExamining the specific market dynamics of the Netherlands, we find a compelling case for Organic Valley’s lactose-free dairy products. The Dutch population has long been recognized for its appreciation of dairy consumption, rooted in a rich cultural tradition (Khanal & Lopez, 2021). However, as health considerations gain prominence, there is a noticeable shift toward dairy alternatives, including lactose-free options. Such a shift indicates a market ripe for the introduction and growth of Organic Valley’s lactose-free offerings.

Health and Wellness Trends-The Netherlands, like many other developed nations, is witnessing a surge in health and wellness consciousness. Consumers actively seek products that align with their dietary goals and promote overall well-being. Lactose-free dairy products cater to individuals with lactose intolerance and those who prioritize gut health and seek cleaner, more easily digestible options. Organic Valley’s commitment to organic and wholesome ingredients resonates well with this trend, positioning its lactose-free products as a compelling choice for health-conscious consumers.

Retail and Distribution LandscapeA critical factor in the success of any market expansion is the existing retail and distribution infrastructure. In the Netherlands, Organic Valley can leverage a well-developed and efficient network of supermarkets, grocery stores, and specialty health food shops (Fiore et al., 2020). This widespread availability ensures that consumers have convenient access to Organic Valley’s lactose-free dairy products, contributing to their adoption and growth in the market.


Based on the analysis, the Netherlands is a strong candidate for Organic Valley’s market expansion for lactose-free dairy products. The growing trend of health-conscious consumers and the well-established dairy culture make the Netherlands a prime market for lactose-free dairy products. Besides, the country’s high average household income level gives consumers the power to afford premium organic and health-focused products. The Dutch population has a strong affinity for dairy consumption, which can ease the introduction and acceptance of new dairy alternatives like lactose-free products. The Netherlands has a well-developed retail infrastructure and distribution networks, enabling Organic Valley to reach a broad consumer base efficiently.

Subsequently, considering the country’s well-established dairy industry and existing consumer base, the best method of entry for Organic Valley could be a combination of exporting products to the Netherlands and building production facilities within or near the country. This hybrid approach allows Organic Valley to leverage the existing infrastructure while ensuring proximity to the market for fresher products and efficient supply chain management (Fiore et al., 2020). To manage logistics, Organic Valley should consider partnering with local distributors and retailers to ensure effective distribution and market penetration. This would involve establishing strategic partnerships with well-established players in the Dutch food and beverage industry to navigate the complexities of import regulations, distribution, and local preferences.


The Netherlands presents a promising opportunity for Organic Valley to expand its market for lactose-free dairy products. The country’s strong dairy tradition, growing demand for healthier alternatives, and favorable economic and political conditions make it a suitable choice. A combination of exporting, local production, and strategic partnerships would enable Organic Valley to enter and thrive in the Dutch lactose-free dairy market successfully.


Fiore, M., Galati, A., Gołębiewski, J., & Drejerska, N. (2020). Stakeholders’ involvement in establishing sustainable business models: The case of Polish dairy cooperatives. British Food Journal122(5), 1671-1691.

Fiore, M., Galati, A., Gołębiewski, J., & Drejerska, N. (2020). Stakeholders’ involvement in establishing sustainable business models: The case of Polish dairy cooperatives. British Food Journal122(5), 1671-1691.

Khanal, B., & Lopez, R. A. (2021). Demand for Plant-Based Beverages and Competition in Fluid Milk Markets. Available at SSRN 3888564.

Speight, K. C., Schiano, A. N., Harwood, W. S., & Drake, M. A. (2019). Consumer insights on prepackaged Cheddar cheese shreds using focus groups, conjoint analysis, and qualitative multivariate analysis. Journal of Dairy Science102(8), 6971–6986.


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