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Literature Essays

The Nickel Boys

Colson Whitehead prologues the novel with an event at Nickel boys where two bodies are identified at a graveyard. What happened to them and who they are is a question on board. Elwood, the protagonist, is a young boy who lost his parents and is being raised by his grandmother. Harriet is a very strict ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 751

Analysis of “Blue Collar Brilliance”

Introduction Mike Rose’s piece is titled “Blue Collar Brilliance.” Author and academic Rose aspires to influence his readers’ worldviews via his writing. The book “Blue Collar Brilliance” was created to dispel the stereotypes that surround manual labor. His own family, he says, exemplifies the kind of intelligence and diligence seen in white-collar workers. Rose successfully ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1192
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All Shock Up: How Rock and Roll Changed America by Glen C. Altschuler

Rock and Roll’s Inception Rock and Roll music is one of the few 1950s inventions that has persisted to the present day, along with Velcro. Many amazing things were launched at the time, but after 60 years, things often become outdated or forgotten. Rock and Roll is not something that gets lost through time. Many ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1191

The Hunger Games Book

The Hunger Games is quite an exciting book. The author of the book, Suzanne Collins, explains in detail the experiences of Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger game. The novel is written in the first persona, which allows her to provide vivid descriptions of which event and to highlight the progression of events via conversations and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1334

The Character Trait of Sherlock Holmes That Makes Him the Most Talked Fictional Character

Abstract Fictional characters’ abilities to mimic human nature and its subsequent attributes make them appealing to authors of fictional works. Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character that embodies substantial human attributes, appealing to generations of readers. Arthur Conan Doyle endows this fictional character with a home, or rather an address, 221B Baker Street, which readers ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2329

Hills Like White Elephants

Introduction As an American man, the overture to “Hills Like White Elephants” shows a train line in a Spanish countryside with rolling hills, farms, and forests. Together with my fiancée, we are waiting for a ride to Madrid at a table from the outside station. At this point, I ordered two beers since it was ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 905

Rhetorical and Dramatic Analysis

Introduction Analysis of the literary piece of work critically evaluates the article from a broader perspective to deduce the underlying message the author intends to communicate to the audience. Literature analysts and critics established a set of rules that acts as a Cartesian plane on which all their research arguments are based. According to rhetoric ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1833

Short Story of Julio Cortazar’s ‘’Transiton and Obession’’

Introduction In this case, I will narrow down and discuss Julio Cortazar’s, focusing more on his short stories such as Blow-Up and Swinging London. The Film Generation focuses more on themes such as Transition and Obsession. From the previous research. Julio Cortazar is well known as the Argentine Novelist and short storyteller who wrote different ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1644

Romantic Love in English Literature

Romantic love is a complex emotion expressed in many different ways. In the novel “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, the character Elizabeth Bennet expresses her love for Mr. Darcy in a reserved and cautious manner, while in the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, the titular characters express their love for each other ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 834

Parenting Style Comparison: The Dollhouse and Queen of the North

Parents play a vital role in their child’s life; the styles, attitudes, and parenting practices are critical elements that define the parent-child interaction. Children’s behavioral outcomes are very much intertwined across the various realms of development. The outcomes are based on early interaction and caregiving experiences between the parent and the child. The experiences from ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 983

Parenthood, as Displayed by Mrs Muller in “Doubt”

John Patrick Shanley writes the drama play, “Doubt”, in which he covers a spectrum of moral, religious, and social issues. The play is centered around a stringent nun’s (Sister Aloysius) allegations towards a priest’s (Father Flynn) sexual advances on one of the students (Donald) at a Catholic school where they serve. Shanley eventually adapts the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 992

Yukio Mishima and Nihilism

Yukio Mishima is a legendary Japanese novelist born in Tokyo, Japan, on June 14, 1925. He is credited with more than thirty literary works, critical essays, and plays in Japanese classical theatre and films. He promoted the theory of nihilism in his artworks. Some of his most interesting novels where he promoted the theory include ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1857

Midsummer Night’s Dream with Much Ado About Nothing.

William Shakespeare wrote two plays, Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. These plays are comedies written with laughable and joyful attitudes. Although they are all comedies, they differ in that the first is an intriguing comedy, and the latter is a festive one. These plays have got similarities presented in them. Each ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1244

Liberal Media Bias

How does society stay up to date with everything new? They depend on the media to inform them of the facts so they can make an informed opinion of their own. No matter how much people wish it were true, the media is only sometimes reliable. More significant effort is needed for society to obtain ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1367

John Milton’s Poem “Paradise Lost”

John Milton’s poem “Paradise Lost,” which explores the story of Adam and Eve’s fall from grace, makes this idea obvious. As Milton describes in the poem’s opening lines, Adam and Eve were close to God when they lived in the Garden of Eden. He applies the Bible’s book of Genesis story to illustrate various ideas ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1447
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