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Liberalism Essays

Liberalism in Latin America

Part 1 Liberal and conservative politics were the two main ideologies that shaped Latin America in the nineteenth century. There were conflicting ideologies and points of view in these two discourses. There are differing tenets and advocates between liberalism and conservatism. While most liberals were in support of democracy as a form of government, this ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 768

Limits to Emancipation in the Practice of International Relations

Introduction Emancipation, in the context of international relations theory and practice, means helping weaker states or actors gain more power and autonomy in the international system. It’s a metamorphic journey toward liberation from oppressive authorities and an examination of the status quo’s legitimacy. In a world that often reinforces inequities and disparities, emancipation requires fighting ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2845
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How Has Australia’s Strategic Approach to Asia Evolved From the Federation to the Present?

Introduction From the rise of the Australian Federation in 1901 to the current day, Australia’s tactical approach regarding Asia has constantly developed, adjusting to varying worldwide geopolitics and an altering landscape of national safety worries. In the early phases of its Federation, Australia kept a strongly Eurocentric perspective, with a tactical focus centered on its ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2238

Book Summary: Why Globalization Works – Martin Wolf

Martin Wolf’s Why Globalization Works focuses on the impact of globalization on global growth, including its impact on poverty. Wolf contends that liberalization of the global economy has helped many people alleviate poverty within the last few decades than it has been witnessed in history. This paper summarizes the book, providing detailed summaries for every chapter and ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3115

Humanitarian Intervention: To What Extent Is Military Force the Appropriate Instrument for Protecting Humanitarian Needs and Human Rights?

Humanitarian intervention refers to the use of military force to alleviate extreme human suffering caused by the actions or inactions of a sovereign state, such as genocide or other gross violations of human rights. Various terms are used to refer to these operations, such as “armed interventions,” “armed humanitarian interventions,” and “humanitarian wars” (Collins, 2022, ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3309

International Relations Theories

The international relations theories refer to ideas explaining how the global system functions. International relations theories differ from ideologies because they are backed up with pieces of evidence. These theories allow individuals to understand the world and try to make sense of everything surrounding them through different lenses representing various theoretical perspectives.[1]. The most known ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1530

Do We Need the State To Be Free?

Description and Exegesis In the most basic understanding, freedom is a sacred and inalienable right that all human beings possess. Freedom is empowerment to manifest the will while respecting the law and the rights of others. John Locke, the 17th-century English philosopher, argues in his work “Two Treatises of Government” that all individuals are born ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3030
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