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Leadership Research Essay


Understanding one’s leadership style and the ideas that underpin it is a critical first step toward effective self-development and leadership growth in the modern world. This study thoroughly explores my leadership path as I consider and evaluate the leadership model, style, or theory that best describes my approach. This essay seeks to analyze the factors contributing to forming my leadership identity via the prisms of well-known leadership paradigms such as the Situational Approach, Behavioral Approach, Trait Approach, and Path-Goal Approach. I can paint a complete picture of my leadership philosophy by looking at my distinguishing leadership qualities, admitting where I need to grow, and evaluating the desired leadership style I seek as a follower. In addition, the essay will explore my influence on others based on the proper models or theories. Incorporating knowledge from my self-evaluation, the course materials, and the condition of my leadership and motivating abilities, I will develop a proactive strategy to improve these abilities. Analyzing each stage of this transformative journey will show a clear path toward accomplishing the dual objectives of effective leadership and motivation, each supported by a particular leadership theory or model (Bans-Akutey, 2021)

Leadership model

The Situational Approach is a flexible and dynamic form of leadership that stresses the importance of adjusting one’s approach to each situation based on the demands of one’s followers (Wuryani et al., 2021). This viewpoint implies that good leaders should be flexible in their actions, decisions, and methods of communicating with their followers. Due to its relatability, adaptability, and harmony with the ever-changing nature of leadership jobs, the Situational Approach strikes a chord with me when I consider my own leadership experiences.

The Situational Approach’s emphasis on adapting one’s conduct as a leader to the followers’ degree of development is consistent with my approach to the role. As a manager, my employees’ skill levels and dedication may vary widely. Using the framework developed by Hersey and Blanchard, I have discovered that a delegative leadership style works best when dealing with a highly experienced and self-driven team. In one recent project, for instance, a junior team member showed a lot of passion but lacked the necessary technical abilities. In response, I had one-on-one conversations, explained everything in detail, and prompted the person to ask questions so that they might learn and develop. Taking on a coaching position, where one actively guides and directs subordinates to improve their performance, is consistent with the Situational Leadership Model.

On the other hand, I adopt more of a coaching approach while managing a team of less seasoned members. This calls for a more directive approach and the creation of a welcoming atmosphere for education. For instance, when heading an intern team, I ensured they had crystal-clear instructions, gave them frequent feedback, and acted as a mentor to help them grow professionally and personally. This mode of leadership emphasizes the significance of understanding the followers’ stage of development and adapting one’s actions accordingly.

In addition, the Situational Approach meshes well with my view that leaders should weigh in on the bigger picture and external influences when making calls. Fiedler’s Contingency Model is one example of a theory emphasizing the importance of the interplay between a leader’s style and a favourable situation. A leadership style that worked well in the past may not be as effective in today’s fast-paced business environment (Kearney et al., 2019). For example, I’ve had to switch from a more hands-off management style to one that is more directive to bring clarity and stability during organizational reorganization.

Distinguishing leadership traits

According to this school of thought, a leader’s success does not depend on a cookie-cutter approach but on their capacity to tailor their methods to the abilities and preferences of their subordinates. Taking the Situational Leadership Theory as a lens to evaluate my leadership qualities, I share some of the theory’s hallmark characteristics.

Being able to shift gears and adjust to new circumstances quickly is a strength of mine as a leader. This characteristic is highly congruent with the primary principle of the Situational Leadership Theory, which stresses the importance of adapting one’s leadership style to the experience and expertise of one’s subordinates. Because of this innate awareness, I am skilled at adapting my leadership style to the specific needs of each team member. Switching gears quickly helps me be directive with less experienced team members, giving them clear instructions and advice, and supportive with more capable and driven ones, encouraging development and progress.

Additionally, communication is a crucial attribute of leaders, consistent with the Situational Leadership Theory. The success of any team depends on its members’ ability to communicate their demands and contributions effectively. In keeping with SLT values, I place a premium on honest and open lines of communication, actively soliciting the thoughts and opinions of team members of all skill levels. This kind of dialogue encourages teamwork and helps me gauge whether or not an employee is prepared to take on additional responsibilities (Benmira & Agboola, 2021).

While I am confident in my current leadership skills and eager to put them to use, I am also aware that there is room for improvement. Being more confident in myself is an essential goal of mine. According to the Situational Leadership Theory, a leader’s assertiveness is crucial, especially when followers may be less experienced or enthusiastic at the outset of interactions. By improving my assertiveness, I plan to better communicate my needs, desires, and expectations to others, creating clear boundaries and guiding those who need them. This modification would be consistent with SLT’s guiding principles, allowing me to meet the needs of less-developed team members in a way that fosters their development.

Improving my delegation skills is another area where I can improve. I understand the value of entrusting competent team members to take charge of tasks and projects since the Situational Leadership Theory stresses the need to do so. Improving my ability to delegate will help me smoothly shift from a command-and-control to a facilitative leadership style as my subordinates gain competence. Aligning leadership methods with the developing skills of followers is a central tenet of the SLT, and this change is crucial to creating an atmosphere of independence and intrinsic drive (Benmira & Agboola, 2021).

Leadership approach preferred by my leader

An organization’s success hinges on the quality of its leadership, which determines the group’s course, its employees’ motivation level, and its output level. The Path-Goal Approach stands out among other leadership theories as a comprehensive framework that emphasizes the leader’s part in increasing their subordinates’ motivation, job happiness, and overall productivity. As a subordinate, the preferred leadership style becomes an essential factor that affects one’s productivity, level of dedication to one’s work, and satisfaction with the workplace. The Path-Goal Approach, with its focus on adaptability, support, and achievement, strikes a chord with its emphasis on leadership approaches that fulfil the needs of followers (Bans-Akutey, 2021). From the perspective of those being led, this method strikes an appealing balance between authoritative and encouraging leadership styles, creating an atmosphere that encourages development and realizing one’s ambitions.

Robert House’s Path-Goal Approach suggests that leaders should modify their actions depending on the personalities and circumstances of their subordinates. This flexible strategy fits in nicely with the ever-changing makeup of today’s workforce. As a follower, you’ll feel more connected to and respected by a leader who uses the Path-Goal Approach. Such leaders exhibit adaptability in their methods of leading, which is a desirable quality (Bans-Akutey, 2021). For instance, when a subordinate already has a high level of skill and assurance, a leader who adopts a supporting or participative style might encourage the assistant to take charge of their work, which is good for the subordinate’s sense of accomplishment and the leader’s reputation. On the other hand, when faced with adversity or uncertainty, a more directive leadership style can bring clarity and structure, relieving stress and anxiety for subordinates. The ability to adjust to new circumstances is a sign of a leader’s concern for their followers and strengthens the bonds between them.

The Path-Goal Approach also stresses the significance of helping followers along their way and removing roadblocks. This substantially impacts followers who look to their leaders for guidance and affirmation (Bans-Akutey, 2021). Open communication and shared goals flourish in an atmosphere where leaders take an active role in removing obstacles and fostering the development of their followers. This kind of leadership increases worker engagement and contentment and fosters an atmosphere of teamwork and steady progress. A leader willing to act as a mentor and guide can do wonders for an employee’s professional growth and sense of community.

Leadership model or theory describing how I influence others

The concept of transformational leadership best captures how I can lead others since it has the most meaning for me regarding my impact on others. This concept, first proposed by James MacGregor Burns and later developed by Bass, highlights the transformative power that leaders may have by inspiring and raising their followers to perform beyond their expectations. It was Burns who first proposed this idea and Bass who made significant additions to it. I can impact others because of my ability to convey a compelling vision, generate passion, and build a strong sense of collective purpose. By focusing my efforts and words on a larger goal and convincing my coworkers to do the same, I have seen firsthand the exponential growth and collaborative synergy that can emerge inside a team. Thanks to this, I now understand how to improve teamwork.

For example, during a community service assignment, I worked to teach my fellow volunteers a desire to see positive change brought about whenever possible. By eloquently explaining the more significant societal impact of our work and emphasizing the intrinsic relevance of our efforts, I was able to rally a disparate collection of people toward a common goal. As a result, everyone on the team felt they had accomplished more than before and had a more significant stake in the outcome.

As a follower, I am most attuned to the situational approach to leadership because of its sensitivity to and adaptability to changing circumstances. In contrast, the formulation of the transformational leadership theory best captures how I influence others through inspiration, vision, and a shared sense of purpose. These theoretical frameworks shed light on the intricate interplay between leaders and those they steer, demonstrating the mutually beneficial nature of good leadership and its far-reaching effects on the success of both individuals and teams (Kearney et al., 2019).

Goals and plan of action to implement to improve leadership and motivation

Leadership is an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation, study, and adjustment. Self-reflection, an analysis of one’s existing leadership abilities, and knowledge gained through course readings all point to the absolute necessity of working to hone one’s situational and transformational leadership abilities. Influential leaders, according to the theory of situational leadership, adapt their methods of leading to the maturity of their subordinates (Wuryani et al., 2021). The purpose is to develop a leadership strategy that can be adapted to meet the demands of individuals and groups at different levels of expertise and dedication. According to an honest evaluation of my methods, my leadership style tends to be more directive, which could stifle innovation and creativity within the team. Improving my situational leadership skills is a top priority to strike a better balance between demand and supportive actions.

I intend to use the Situational Leadership Model proposed by Hersey and Blanchard as a means to this end. This framework divides Leadership styles into four distinct classes: directing, coaching, supporting, and delegating. I can adjust my method of leadership depending on how prepared my team members are. For instance, I can use a more directing approach with a team member who is new to the task at hand and then shift to a more delegating system as that person gains experience and confidence. By being in close touch with my team members and receiving their input regularly, I can monitor their development and adjust my leadership style accordingly.

A leader with transformational skills may inspire and drive their team to go above and beyond what they thought they were capable of (Kearney et al., 2019). This method of leadership is geared toward instilling a feeling of meaning, encouraging innovation, and building consensus around a common goal. From my evaluation, my greatest asset is my capacity for long-term planning and goal-setting. But there’s potential for development in how well these visions are communicated to, and understood by, team members.

I plan to use Bass and Avolio’s Transformational Leadership Theory to hone my abilities as a transformational leader. Idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration are the four pillars on which this paradigm of transformative leadership rests. I plan to foster a more encouraging and exciting atmosphere by incorporating these elements into my leadership style. For instance, I aim to forge closer bonds with them by showing genuine interest in team members’ development as individuals (via customized consideration). In addition, I will practice articulating a compelling vision that inspires others to work hard and succeed with a positive attitude and to think critically and creatively about how to solve problems.

The following is the strategy to accomplish this:

Learning and Improvement: I plan to learn more about the ideas and models of situational and transformational leadership through additional study and reading. With this information, you’ll be able to make better choices.

To evaluate the efficacy of my leadership actions, pinpoint improvement opportunities, and celebrate success, I plan to schedule regular periods of self-reflection and assessment.

To get insight into how my leadership style affects the motivation and performance of my team members, I plan to set up a feedback loop in which they may provide me with constructive criticism and suggestions. This will encourage honest dialogue and constant progress.

Skill Use: Through focused effort, I will put situational and transformational leadership theory into practice. To accomplish this, I will have to modify my approach to leading the team so that it best suits the needs of each member and inspires them to reach their full potential.

Leadership-focused learning circles and mentorship programs offer access to experienced professionals in the field and a wide range of viewpoints and insights.


The adaptability of the situational leadership model and its emphasis on modifying leadership tactics in response to the demands of the circumstance and the skill and dedication of the followers resonate with my leadership style. This notion supports my conviction that good leadership is about adapting one’s approach to the particular circumstances and people involved. Being adaptable, personable, and skilled at identifying and reacting to changing events are some of my most distinctive leadership qualities. To improve my leadership effectiveness, I must continue to hone skills like decisiveness and strategic thinking. I favour a leader who practices Situational Leadership because it enables direction that respects individual needs and aims toward accomplishing group objectives. This strategy promotes a thriving, collaborative, flexible workplace. The transformational leadership paradigm best sums up my plan for influencing people. We can inspire and motivate others through a shared vision and by encouraging personal progress. Individuals could be empowered by this strategy to overcome their imagined constraints and produce extraordinary accomplishments. I will accomplish this by actively looking for opportunities to make and defend leadership decisions, enlisting the help of mentorship from seasoned leaders, participating in scenario-based simulations, and more. By developing my capacity to create a compelling vision and connect with the emotional facets of my team members’ desires, I aim to improve my transformational leadership abilities regarding motivation. I intend to go to workshops on motivating psychology, empathy, and effective communication to accomplish this. I’m convinced that I can develop into a more influential leader who adapts to conditions while promoting growth and attaining shared objectives by concentrating on honing my decision-making and strategic thinking and expanding my capacity to inspire and encourage others. I’m committed to achieving these goals and positively influencing the development and success of myself and the people I manage via devoted mentoring, ongoing learning, and purposeful practice.


Bans-Akutey, A. (2021). The path-goal theory of leadership. Academia Letters2.

Benmira, S., & Agboola, M. (2021). Evolution of leadership theory. BMJ Leader, leader-2020.

Kearney, E., Shemla, M., van Knippenberg, D., & Scholz, F. A. (2019). A paradox perspective on the interactive effects of visionary and empowering leadership. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes155, 20-30.

Wuryani, E., Rodlib, A., Sutarsib, S., Dewib, N., & Arifb, D. (2021). Analysis of decision support system on situational leadership styles on work motivation and employee performance. Management Science Letters11(2), 365-372.


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