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Law Essays

The Risks Facing International Civilian Police

Political unrest is still evidenced in some states today, presenting an ugly picture. The United Nations (UN) mandate to restore order and a good political climate in politically unstable countries has led to International Civilian Police. The mandate aims to prevent crime, handle crime, prevent human life loss due to war, and ensure the property ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 956

Quality Improvement Initiative at a Correctional Facility

I work with civilly confined individuals in a maximum security facility. One of the most pressing issues in this facility is the rapid influx of inmates which has massive consequences on prisoners’ health, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has exaggerated the challenges of providing healthcare in the correctional setting due to the inadequate ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1321
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Policy Development Draft Assignment

Abstract The use of social media in the low enforcement industry has realized numerous benefits and drawbacks. One of the drawbacks that has been realized is the misuse of social media by the law enforcers. How the law enforcers are misusing social media is intentional while some are unintentional. In the recent past, social media ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1671

Essay on Lifelong Advocacy

The Social Change Project upholds the social work profession’s mission as it enhances the human well-being of community members. By ensuring that they have access to healthcare facilities and resources, the well-being of the people is promoted, which results in the upgrading of their health and life. In the process, the basic human needs of ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 617

Linking Evidence and Criminal Justice Policy by Alfred Blumstein

The article by Alfred Blumstein (2013) examines the relationship between evidence and criminal justice policies. The first section elaborates on three research papers that show evidence in three different domains. The research by Fagan (2013) focuses on crime prevention by highlighting the significance of policy decision-making. The second research by Mears explains the existence of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 864

Laws and Regulations in Information Technology

Ethics in information technology refers to the study of ethical issues and concerns arising from the use and advancement of electronic technologies. It mainly aims to identify and answer questions regarding the morality and behaviors of individuals as accorded by a nation’s laws. Congress, for instance, creates laws and regulations that are designated to protect ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1681

Law Enforcement Officers on Social Media Regulations

INTRODUCTION The article social media: Establish criteria for law enforcement use is published by Robert D. Stuart, M.S. Social media availability has become vast thus can be found in law enforcement. It has affected several officers and departments in both negative and positive ways. Its misuse can lead to contradictory events like endangering an officer’s ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 950

Juvenile and Adult Court Analysis

Juvenile courts are known for handling children under 18 years and accused of committing a criminal offense. The Juvenile court shares many characteristics with the adult courts, and there are also notable differences in terms of operations. Therefore this paper describes and analyzes the similarities and differences of the Juvenile and Adult court in depth. ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 810

Impacts of the European Union Law on IT Policy Around the World

Abstract The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the EU statute governing data protection and privacy for all EU citizens (Horspool et al., 2019). This paper discusses the influence of the European Union on IT policy. The consequences are many; however, this study focuses on a handful that has impacted many unions globally. The Union’s ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2329

Identity and Financial Identity Theft

Identity and Financial identity theft Cybercrime is defined as any criminal activity that involves or is carried out through the use of a computer, a computer system, or a schmoozed device, according to the National Institute of Justice. The vast common, but not all, of cybercrime is done by cybercriminals or hackers who are inspired ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3418

Broadening the Definition of Hate Crime

Purpose The greater role of this document is to provide the program to the U.K. government on the steps to be taken on action against hate crime. It is meant to extend our understanding of what hate crime includes and act as a briefing note to the minister. Background “Hate crime” is a subject with ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2554

Different Interpretations of State and Territories To Bear Arms (Militia vs Individual Right)

The United States Constitution Second Amendment states: “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed” (Spitzer 2017). From the statement, controversies have arisen regarding its literal meaning. Some argue that the amendment implies that the right to possess firearms ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2801

Federal Aviation Act

I. SUMMARY The aviation industry grew at a rapid pace following World War II. Between 1948 and 1952, airline passenger traffic doubled. There have been concerns that ATC traffic congestion has escalated the risk of a mid-air accident. Lawrence et al., 2015. At the time, the Civil Aeronautics Authority was in charge of enacting regulations ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 860

Concept of Miscegenation: Anti-Miscegenation Laws

The concepts of miscegenation revolve around the intermarriages that occurred between non-whites and different races in early American society. The early White-American society opposed the relationships involving individuals from other races, especially the Blacks (Hagan, 2009). Hence, the laws that banned such relationships led to the concepts of miscegenation, popularly called ‘anti-miscegenation laws.’ The regulation of ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 1060

Documentation of Forensic Evidence

Crime scenes are the origin of forensic science, providing valuable data investigators have to systematically, scientifically, and legally collect. If investigators do not treat the crime scene professionally, the trace evidence might not only become useless but may point the scrutiny process in the wrong direction. Thus, they have to collect all crucial information from ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 647
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