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Law Essays

Accountability and Integrity Within Law Enforcement

Abstract The judiciary exists independently is founded on trust and confidence from the people. Judicial organizations’ officials are expected to promote integrity and accountability in their line of duty. This essay unpacks events in two United States of America courts where officials of the judicial system, in their roles as prosecutors, withheld evidence that would ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1249

The Importance of Judicial Diversity: Focus on the UK Supreme Court

Introduction In recent years, increased judicial diversity has been widely discussed in England and Wales. As of 2006, a Judicial Appointments Commission was established with the objective of increasing diversity in the judicial application process (Malleson, 2022). However, the relevance of judicial diversity has also been debated, with some saying that it is irrelevant. However, ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1948
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The Hate Crime Trials of Ahmaud Arbery’s Murderers

According to data posted by Statista, in 2020 alone, there were 3915 victims of anti-African American hate crimes in the United States, making it the racially motivated hate crime with the most victims in that year. In the same year, the United States witnessed the racially motivated killing of an African American male, George Floyd, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 695

Selective Incapacitation Report

Introduction Selective incapacitation is when certain crimes are targeted heavily than others, while lesser offenses get more lenient violations. An example would be to have murderers incarcerated for a longer time in maximum security while giving those guilty of drug possession of a minimum amount lesser sentences and even putting them in county jail. This ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3519

Proactive Form of Law Enforcement

Like many new developments in technology and society that have been witnessed, new forms of crimes never existed have emerged. These include crimes such as cyber bullying and more crimes related to them. Drug abuse in society has also increased, and these immoral activities in the community need to be addressed for society to remain ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 614

Hatch Act/ Rules and Regulations Regarding Political Activities of Nurses

Do you believe the Hatch Act violates a U.S. citizen’s right to free speech? Why or why not? The law must not curtail the right to free speech. The law’s reason is to guarantee that government programs are managed in a nonpartisan design, secure government representatives from political impelling within the work environment, and ensure ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1479

Victim Impact Statements

Justice is a delicate subject that should always be addressed carefully, whether in court hearings or our day-to-day lives; emotional should not be allowed when passing or pressing charges as this clouds judgment, eliminating clarity and fairness to either the offender or victim. During the trial, victim impact statements occur where the victim or victim’s ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 686

Criminal Defenses: Commonwealth v. John Du Pont, 1997.

At Commonwealth v. John Du Pont trial of 1997, the defense and prosecution psychiatric witnesses agreed that John du Pont had a mental illness (Bergstrom, 2000). The defense invoked the insanity defense. The defense experts testified that Du Pont had schizophrenic paranoia. According to various reports, Du Pont was encumbered by Delusions. The defense argued ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 664

Computer Intrusion Laws

Since the first institution of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in 1984, innovation and the human connection has been on the rise. Even though Congress has effected various amendments on the CFAA on various occasions to react to new circumstances, the fast speed of technological headway keeps on introducing novel legitimate issues under ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 863

Eurocentric Thought and Africentric Evidence

The Process of colonialism and Eurocentric thought created propaganda about the criminal justice of Africa that has existed for an extended period. Still, its presence is so evident in today’s world. Africentric evidence fights those assumptions by providing evidence that the criminal justice system was still present in the African continent and was used to ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 914

The Case of Wrongful Conviction

Case Summary The selected case of wrongful conviction and exoneration was Alice Sebold and Anthony Broadwater. Sebold, 18, was a freshman at Syracuse University from suburban Philadelphia when she was raped in 1981. Five months later, she saw Broadwater, 20, and was certain that he was the person who defiled her. Broadwater was doomed from ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 888

Use of Social Media in Investigation

Social media has been one of the critical tools in transforming the world; it influences both professional and personal lives. In cases of law enforcement, Facebook, in particular, is a tremendous upthrust of threat to communities. Many police departments have substantially inclined their commitment to protecting and serving citizens to using social media as a ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 680

Trade Policy as a Tool for Foreign Policy

Yes, the United States should require that other businesses do more to protect the rights of workers and the environment they operate. All of the countries that are members of their union are responsible for ensuring that all international labor and environmental standards and laws are adhered to, as well as that all international ecological ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 869

The US Constitution

Constitution is the supreme law of United States. The document became effective in 1789, and since then, it has undergone 27 amendments to meet the ever-changing needs of the people. The initial ten amendments were called the Bill of Rights, which protects individual freedom and justice and limits government powers. The other 17 amendments protected ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 731
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