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Law Enforcement Essays

Who Keeps the Code? Articulating and Upholding Ethics Standards in Public Administration

The article “Who Keeps the Code? Articulating and Upholding Ethics Standards in Public Administration”, published by Public Administration Review examines the importance of moral principles in government. The moral code that governs public administration is emphasized as being crucial to creating and maintaining social trust. But frequently, mechanisms for enforcing ethical norms need to be enhanced ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1134

Criminal Justice System

The United States Criminal Justice System combines all departments concerned with law enforcement, prosecuting suspected offenders or lawbreakers, and rehabilitating, correcting, and punishing those found guilty. The discharge of all these services has evolved since changes were introduced in the United States Constitution by Congress and other law-making and amending institutions (Siegel & Worrall, 2018). ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1464
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Assume That You Are the Newly Appointed Police Commissioner of the NYPD.

Introduction Law enforcement is a critical element in the wellness and success of any country, and more so when it comes to the safety of the citizens and the enhancement of law adherence. Therefore, the different institutions associated with law enforcement face a high degree of expectations from the public, especially when there tends to ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3140

Strategic Planning and Property Crimes

Strategic planning is a critical tool in assessing the efficiency of an organization’s delivery processes. Police departments of various departments regularly develop strategic plans covering a definite period detailing their goals and visions and a roadmap on how these will be attained. This paper analyzes the strategic plans of the policed departments of four cities, ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1214

Bill Analysis: H.R. 1368, Mental Health Justice Act of 2021

The official name of the bill is H.R. 1368, Mental Health Justice Act of 2021. The purpose of the bill was to propose provisions that resolve the gaps in serving people will mental illnesses. The goals of the acts include funding the state and the local government in hiring, training, and releasing mental health professionals ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1964

Analyzing the Exclusionary Rule in Modern Criminal Proceedings

John L. Worrall’s Criminal Procedure (Justice Series) chapter 12 examines the exclusionary rule, which bars unconstitutional evidence from criminal prosecutions. The chapter discusses the exclusionary rule, its use in modern criminal prosecutions, and its objections and difficulties. Chapter 12 will be summarized in this essay. The essay will first discuss the exclusionary rule’s history and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1127

Law Enforcement in the United Kingdom

Section One; Introduction Background In the United Kingdom, police officers face several challenges in their day-to-day activities that necessitate using certain ethics for appropriate judgments. Typically, the goal of the police department is to enforce the law in such a way that it is done with honesty, reasonableness, and good judgment. However, several issues have ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4054

Promoting Trauma-Informed Care Practices in Police Administration

Abstract Police officers often face traumatizing events that may cause emotional damage and negatively impact their performance or career path. Existing mitigation approaches by police administration can be inadequate in addressing the negative impact of these traumatizing events and related vicarious trauma. Scholarly research has shown that police officers have more significant mortality and morbidity ... Read More
Pages: 32       Words: 8534

The Cause(S) Police Deviance, Abuse of Given Power, and Corruption

Section 1: Introduction The issue Law enforcement officers have a crucial role in keeping the peace, safeguarding the public, and thwarting criminal activity. Yet, in recent years, worries about police corruption, power abuse, and criminal behavior have increased. Problems like these may lead to a decline in public confidence in law enforcement, a weakened criminal ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3149

Higher Education and Law Enforcement Officers

Annotated Bibliography McKenney, J. P., & Houston-Kolnik, J. D. (2021). Higher Education and Police Misconduct: Examining the Relationship Between Educational Attainment and Disciplinary Actions. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 44(3), 469-482. McKenney and Houston-Kolnik’s article investigates the relationship between higher education and police misconduct. The authors analyzed disciplinary data for ... Read More
Pages: 14       Words: 3757

Essay on Broken Window Theory

The Broken Window Theory is an approach to urban crime control developed in 1982 by James Q. Wilson and George L. Kelling (Wigmore, 2015). The theory proposes that shattered windows and graffiti are disorderly conditions that might foster criminal activity. The disorder proves that spaces are not utilized effectively or kept safely (O’Brien et al., ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1343

Improving Law Enforcement: A Case Study of Beltway Sniper Attacks

Executive Summary The Beltway sniper case remains one of the most notorious and high-profile criminal cases in U.S. history, and it significantly impacted law enforcement practices and public safety procedures. The attacks, which left ten people dead and three injured, caused widespread fear and panic in the region. The murders spread fear across the area ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1631

Use of Drones in Law Enforcement Operations

Abstract How law and order are sustained is one of the most persistent issues a liberal society must address. There is a natural tradeoff between liberty and the maintenance of order through the creation and execution of laws, and these characteristics alone could generate much discussion. However, the United States and numerous other modern countries ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4002

Applying the IMPACT Model

The dispute between the police department and the civil police oversight board exists due to a lack of information flow when a use of force episode transpires. Members of the civil police oversight board are advocating for the defunding and subsequent dismantling of the police department due to their lack of experience in law enforcement. ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1831

The Importance of Ethics Within Law Enforcement

Importance of Ethics in Law Enforcement The solid moral standards that must permeate and direct the entire police force should be exemplified by the individuals who work in frontline patrol. On and off the clock, patrol officers working in high-risk areas must have an unshakeable moral compass. Recruits need to exhibit this characteristic, and the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 913
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