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Juvenile Offenders Essays

The Impact of Restorative Justice on Corrections

This paper will discuss the impact of Restorative Justice on Corrections. Restorative Justice is an approach that focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior while also holding offenders accountable for their actions. It emphasizes improving the damage done to victims and the community rather than punishing the offender. This piece of writing will ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 936

Sentencing of Young Offenders in Canada

Introduction The Canadian juvenile justice system was established to address the unique needs and circumstances of juveniles who conflict with the law. The purpose of the approach is to hold children accountable for their actions while treating the underlying causes of their abnormal behavior. Various interventions and programs, such as community monitoring, diversion, and jail, ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1486
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Murder and Rape Sentencing Guidelines in California

According to Californian law, rape involves a person using a sex organ for oral penetration of another individual or using an object or body part to penetrate the anus or vagina of another person, regardless of the degree of the activity. Initially, Californians were not content with the definition of rape because it did not ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2601

School Crises, Interventions, and Prevention

Introduction The vast majority of students in our country will finish their school years primarily unaffected by violent incidents. Nevertheless, in this day and age, how realistic is this thinking style? Recent school assaults in Texas and even in Florida, which we call home, have altered our concept of school safety. According to a startling ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2215
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