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Journalism Essays

The Crisis of Trust in Journalism

Introduction In the contemporary media, journalism is in a crisis where public confidence in the news has been significantly undermined. Distrust has been fomented by various factors, like government policies influencing media regulation and consolidation, resulting in decreased editorial independence and digital age challenges. As traditional news outlets try to adjust to the changing media ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1534

Writing for International Affairs

The need to consider cultural differences and sensitivities while working as a journalist or trainer overseas is emphasized in John Bare’s piece “Advice and Guidance for International Journalism Trainers”. The article highlights the difficulties journalists face participating in the Knight International Press Fellowship Program and offers suggestions for efficient overseas training (Bare, n.d.). To define ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 654
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The Principles and Theories of Journalism

Two fundamental ideas are foundations supporting the journalistic field’s integrity and importance. The first principle states, “Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth,” highlighting the significance of accurate information presented in a relevant context (Rosenstiel, 2023). The “discipline of verification,” which emphasizes the crucial role journalists play in assuring the truth and reliability of the ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 935

Ethically Responsible and Irresponsible News Reporting

The responsibility of journalism in society is to provide precise and authentic information to the general public. Journalists are responsible for vindicating ethical standards during news reporting by providing objective and unbiased broadcasting. Although, sometimes journalists fail to conform to these standards, leading to unethical broadcasting. This essay provides a contrast between ethically responsible and ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1212

Meaning of the Editorial

Introduction An editorial is significant in many ways, especially to a reader. It provides the readers with the proper insight regarding an article. In other words, an editorial describes events and viewpoints concerning an objective analysis of events and conflicting opinions. In the end, the content should inform, entertain, and educate. Thus, this paper is ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1180

History, Public Information, Manipulation, Propaganda

The late Washington Post publisher Phil Graham referred to journalism as a “first rough draft of history (Peters & Broersma, 2017).” This simple statement defines the complex, dynamic, and often multi-faceted relationship between media and the public interest. Media is seen as a watchdog, and a record of everything about mankind and, therefore, must remain objective and ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3525

Liberal Media Bias

How does society stay up to date with everything new? They depend on the media to inform them of the facts so they can make an informed opinion of their own. No matter how much people wish it were true, the media is only sometimes reliable. More significant effort is needed for society to obtain ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1367

Is It True That ‘We Are All Journalists Now?’

Introduction In most parts of the world especially the United Kingdom, a movement is ongoing to guarantee that bloggers and other citizen journalists have the same rights and privileges as professional journalists. How does it feel to work as a journalist? In comparison to other individuals who seek to communicate information and ideas to the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3564

Global Media Interconnection and Its Impact on Journalism

Introduction With the advent of the Web 3.0 era, mobile Internet has not only profoundly changed the behaviour, channels and psychology of hundreds of millions of audiences in accessing information but has also profoundly changed the social structure, leading to transformative effects on society as a whole in many fields such as politics, economy and ... Read More
Pages: 11       Words: 2812

Journalism and Mass Communication

According to Pablo Boczkowski, fake news is a “digital artifact designed to appear as news.” Although fake news has been around for many years, it has become more prevalent due to the digital revolution and easing access to digital media. The fakest news originates from not journalists in their profession but rather amateur writers who ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 643

Do Public Concerns Over Misinformation Affect or Restore the Credibility of the Official Media? The Case of 9/11 Terror Attack

Introduction Journalism is currently under a state of flux as new digital platforms unleash innovative practices while at the same time fostering the creation and spread of disinformation and hoaxes. As such, the contemporary societies are under siege as misinformation, post-truth, fake news, and alternative truth increasingly undermine the very core of democracy. Driven by ... Read More
Pages: 15       Words: 4024

The Adequacy of Modern/Legacy Journalism Practices for Reporting on the Current Democracy Crisis

Presently, the United States faces an urgent crisis that threatens the health of democracy. The nation experiences political polarization, which has already reached crisis proportions. The public’s failure to assume their fellow citizens do not operate under the same facts affects democracy due to mistrust. Besides, individuals live in an environment where their political sentiment ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1764
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