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Journal: HR Mode


The ever-changing world of HR management complicates integrating HR strategies with business goals. David Ulrich’s HR Model helps. The “3-legged stool,” or Shared Services, Centres of Excellence (CoEs), and significant business partners contribute to organizational success. We analyze how Ulrich’s HR Model can be used strategically to create an outcome-based strategic planning action plan and a competitive edge.

Understanding Ulrich’s HR Model

In Ulrich’s HR Model, pooled services facilitate efficient, cost-effective HR services for the organization. Centralizing payroll and benefits management improves company-wide consistency. Shared Services work to boost operational efficiency so HR pros may focus on strategy. CoEs, HR-specialized teams in talent acquisition, learning and development, and performance management are the second pillar of the method (Sarvaiya et al., 2021). These CoEs support industry innovation and best practices as organizational knowledge hubs. They are vital in establishing excellence, providing strategic advice, and integrating HR processes with business goals. Ulrich’s model’s third leg involves HR professionals as strategic business partners, actively participating in organizational decision-making and aligning HR strategies with business goals. Strategic business partners integrate HR into the company’s competitive advantage. They foster business-HR collaboration that advances the organization.

Integration is critical to outcome-based strategic planning.

Shared Services, CoEs, and strategic business partners must be integrated into Ulrich’s HR Model. Strategic HR planning must integrate with business goals. Shared Services streamline regular tasks. Centralizing HR frees up CoE resources for strategic projects. These strategic efforts assist CoEs in innovating and staying ahead of industry trends due to their expertise. Strategic business partners help company leaders grasp concerns and goals. This aligns with HR and organizational goals. Strategic business partners are the foundation, linking HR activities to the organization’s changing needs and strategic direction.

Using CoE expertise for innovation

CoEs innovate HR. These companies track market trends and use cutting-edge methods with HR expertise. A talent acquisition CoE may study new recruitment tactics to acquire top talent in a competitive industry. This improves HR efficiency and company competitiveness. CoEs lead industry best practices to position the organization as a talent acquisition and management leader.

Improved Employee Experience with Shared Services

Carefully managed shared services boost employee satisfaction. Well-designed Shared Services components speed up and accurately administer HR activities like onboarding and benefits. This efficient process improves employee satisfaction and engagement, fostering a positive environment. Shared Services’ success boosts employee satisfaction and company success. Happy, engaged employees are more productive, creative, and mission-driven. A motivated and high-performing staff gives the organization a competitive edge.

Strategic Partners Improve Competitiveness

Strategic business partners with HR and business expertise shape the company’s competitive advantage. They help corporate leaders identify staffing needs, predict market trends, and develop HR strategies that support the strategy. This alignment makes HR a strategic enabler, allowing the firm to win. Strategic business partners in HR can establish talent acquisition and development strategies for new markets if the business strategy involves rapid expansion. Strategic business partners transform HR strategy proactively (Wach et al., 2021). Predicting future demands and trends helps the organization adapt and grow in a changing business environment.


In conclusion, David Ulrich’s HR Model aids HR managers. When used properly, this paradigm makes HR a strategic partner for outcome-based strategic planning and competitive advantage. CoEs, pooled services, and significant company partners improve HR efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness. The Ulrich HR Model directs corporate HR. Ulrich’s HR Model enables HR directors to adapt, develop, and achieve strategic goals in changing enterprises. COEs, Shared Services, and strategic partnerships increase HR workforce competitiveness.


Sarvaiya, H., Arrowsmith, J., & Eweje, G. (2021). Exploring HRM involvement in CSR: variation of Ulrich’s HR roles by organisational context. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(21), 4429-4462.

Wach, B. A., Wehner, M. C., Weißenberger, B. E., & Kabst, R. (2021). United we stand: HR and line managers’ shared views on HR strategic integration. European Management Journal, 39(4), 410-422.


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