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Elegant Retreats Business Plan

Executive Summary

Business Activity

Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes is a venture that intends to offers refined culinary services directly at the homes of their customers. The venture aims to offer premium and high-quality services that will create beautiful experiences. This venture is a modern approach to hospitality that overcomes the traditional boundaries that limit hospitality services to hotels only. As the people’s experiences evolve, this venture will evolve to continue offering signature recipes and services into the future.

Business Opportunity

The recent growth of the global meal kit market offers a lucrative investment opportunity. In 2022, the market reached a market value of 15.5 billion U.S. There has been a substantial increase in demand for hospitality services, especially home-dining experiences. This has been fueled by the effects of COVID-19, which banned social gatherings. To benefit from this opportunity, Elegant Retreats has ventured into home-based hospitality services where these services will be offered at homes. This will enable customers to enjoy premium services and experiences in the comfort of their homes.

Unique Elements

As a new entrant, Elegant Retreats has to provide unique services relative to those of its competitors. Its unique culinary experience is based on its commitment to providing flawless and memorable experiences that customers enjoy. To achieve this, the workers of the new venture will closely work with top chefs from Elegant Retreats Hotels. This will ensures that the quality of services and experiences are not compromised and customers enjoy the value of their money. The chefs will also strictly use high-end ingredients to maintain quality.


Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes will face competition from already established companies in the meal kit providers. Generally, Elegant Retreats will face some competition from other players in the hospitality industry. To obtain a market share in the industry, the venture associates itself with Elegant Retreats Hotels. By leveraging the reputation of the hotel brand, the venture will find it easier to penetrate the market.


The primary target market comprises fine dining enthusiasts aged 25-55, with middle to high income, seeking high-end culinary experiences and willing to invest in a luxury lifestyle. These individuals appreciate the exclusivity and sophistication associated with Elegant Retreats Hotels. The secondary target includes individuals celebrating special occasions and looking for a unique and memorable dining experience at home. Additionally, stakeholders such as suppliers, investors, chefs, and brand collaborators form an integral part of the customer ecosystem.

Growth Margins

Given the open opportunity for business, there is a lot of potential for growth for this venture. To attain this growth, Elegant Retreats have put in place several measures that could aid in achieving them. One such measures is product development to achieve higher qualities and standards. Additionally, the venture proposes diversification to more services as the business grows. To facilitate market penetration, the marketing team will have to expand the distribution channels. Further market development to reach global markets is another avenue for growth.

Competitive Environment

The environment for this venture presents a perfect opportunity for the business to thrive. Switzerland is known for its excellence in culinary services. The country is known for its culture of sweet and memorable culinary experiences. This attracts a huge customer base for the venture including tourists. This competitive environments is an important factor in the success of the venture.

Forecasting for Sales, Costs & Profits

Sales forecasts are expected to be positive and increase as the venture grows. This is especially shown because the sector has been experiencing high demand for services. Additionally, working alongside Elegant Retreat Hotels will give the venture an upper hand and boost its sales. Costs will be managed through increased efficiencies to reduce operational costs and supply chain inefficiencies (Hayes et al., 2021). To become profitable, the company will price its services at a premium price. Additionally, minimizing operational costs and maximizing sales will boost profitability.

Capital Requirements and Financing:

Undertaking this venture requires a substantial amount of capital. This money is required for, product development, marketing, distribution and other related costs. To raise these revenues, the management may seek financial aid from stakeholders, partners and other financial service providers that fund investment projects, including banks. It is paramount to adopt a sound financial plan to ensure the success of the venture.

 Targets (Management Team)

Management significantly contribute to the success of any given venture. For this venture, the management team will comprises experienced individuals who have worked in the hospitality industry before. Their expertise in the industry will be instrumental in propelling the venture to greater heights.

Industry Analysis

The culinary experience industry serves several purposes in hospitality, fine dining, and the growing trend of at-home experiences. There have been consistent significant growth in this sector. According to Statista (2023), the global meal kit market was valued at 15.5 billion U.S. dollars in 2022. This is quite a significant growth in the sector. The meal kit industry in Switzerland is expected to expand to 15.70 million Euros in 2024 (Statista, 2023). This new venture strategically positions itself. It takes advantage of the good reputation of Elegant Retreats Hotels to penetrate the market. A general outlook on the market shows promise due to the rising demand for these premium culinary services at home. Therefore, this venture hold a lot of potential to conquer the markets in the future. Through, diversification and partnerships, the business can expand to reach the global level.

The venture focuses on providing at-home services to cater for fine-dining enthusiasts. The motivation to invest in this industry is due to the rising demand for home-based culinary experiences. This has been more vibrant after COVID-19. The pandemic led to the growth of the meal-kit market as home prioritized home-based experiences (Nakat & Bou-Mitri, 2021). The ban on social gatherings made the majority of people shift from their normal joints to their homes, increasing the demand for these services (Sadhale, 2021). More developments in this sector show promise to continue shaping customer preferences and experiences. Elegant Retreats has to keep up with the trends to remain relevant in the market.

This venture is yet to be launched. It is currently in its inception phase. The venture operates as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). This gives it an upper hand in increasing its operational flexibility. Apart from flexibility, its legal structure safeguards personal assets. This ensures the autonomy of the venture from its owners. Therefore, Elegant Retreats will leverage the benefits of this structure to evolve in the market and establish itself as a leading market player.

Market Analysis

The target market is a discerning group of fine diners aged 25-50 with middle to high-income who critically value exclusive culinary experiences offered by Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes. People celebrating special occasions make up the secondary market. The marketing team will leverage the use of 5-star hotels, hospitality websites and in-store pop-ups as the distribution channels to enhance customer outreach. Notably, these channels are well-suited for the target customers of these services as they can access them at any time (Guiltinan, 2021). Apart from these channels, there may also be diversification through strategic partnerships. An important part of the distribution strategy includes direct involvement with stakeholders, suppliers, investors, chefs and brand collaborators who are also target customers for the products. This choice of channels is reinforced by the marketing efforts that focus on exclusivity and sophistication to make sure it reaches its target customers.

Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes uses a strong system of business support mechanisms to succeed in the market. Primarily, their marketing strategy highlights and reinforces exclusivity as well as sustainability The approach is highly personalized to engage with its target audience. Services Centric Customer service is critical, providing a personal touch via one-on-one interactions with the stakeholders (Martín-Rios & Ciobanu, 2019). Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes uses premium pricing to obtain profitability based on the image of and affiliation with, Elegant Retreats Hotels; high-end ingredients for products presented in boxes as well as additional sustainability packages. Managing operational costs also includes cost-effective supply chain management and strategic partnerships. The venture targets sales growth via product development, diversification and market penetration. A greater strategy of market development involves exploring global opportunities (Kotler et al., 2017). The coupling of these sets of business support systems and a strategic profit approach is sufficient for Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes to not only secure its share in the recently booming home dining industry but also become an innovative headliner presenting top-notch gastronomic experiences.

Customers and Value Prepositions

The target customers of the venture are diverse. Majorly the marketing team primarily targets the lovers of fine dining and everyone who enjoys such experiences. This population consists of individuals within the age bracket of 25 to 55 years. Most of the customers will be middle or high-class individuals who enjoy and appreciate exclusive culinary experiences in the comfort of their homes (Sadhale, 2021). The secondary target market of this venture is individuals, or friends to people, celebrating memorable occasions. This would include events such as birthday parties, weddings and anniversaries. The marketing team can leverage offering services at such events to offer the services (Mpuon et al., 2021). Other major target customers are the company stakeholders, such as suppliers, investors, chefs, and brand collaborators. They will contribute significantly to the success and growth of the venture. The marketing team aims as tailoring their services to meet the needs and preferences of their customers. This will foster customer loyalty and boost their sale of services.

Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes offer a compelling value proposition by addressing the problem of poor accessibility to fine dining experiences. Noting the change in consumer demand for more home-based experiences, this venture provides a highly innovative solution that can bring the high sophistication and charm of Elegant Retreats Hotels directly to its customers’ living rooms (‌Osterwalder & Søren, 2015). The presented Culinary Experience Boxes consist of signature dishes by famous chefs, first-class ingredients and local packages that imply sustainability. Not only does this offer an alternative to traditional fine dining, but it also is a reflection of the changing tastes and preferences among conscious consumers. The basic value of sustainability strengthens the offer, revealing that this venture keeps within ethical and eco-friendly practices (‌Osterwalder & Søren, 2015). This powerful marketing strategy that is focused on storytelling engages customers, emotionally bonding them with the culinary creations and their journey. The venture is also unique in that it combines the prestige of Elegant Retreats Hotels with home dining experiences, resulting in customers’ distinctive and premium culinary journeys transcending beyond traditional hospitality borders. Apart from all this, Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes provides a refined, high-quality and environmentally friendly value proposition that appeals to sophisticated consumers who are seeking exciting dining opportunities at home.

Elegant Retreats Culinary Experience Boxes uses a full-scale marketing plan to position the venture in the sector. They pay much attention to storytelling and try to connect emotionally with the customers with their curated culinary experiences. Through the shared history of all of its dishes, this strategy attempts to involve and enchant consumers, focusing on individuality and elegance in the products that it offers. The straightforward way to enhance the high-end positioning of its venture is by using premium distribution channels.


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