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John Locke Essays

Is Our Identity Over Time a Matter of Continuity of Memory?

Suppose you have no luck and you wake up one day without your autobiography of life. Will you still feel like you should be regarded in the same way you regard yourself? This intriguing point serves to reinforce talk on the importance of personal identity because the continuity of memory does not just focus on ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1824

“David Hume and John Locke’s Views on Perception and Reality”

Introduction David Hume and John Locke were the most known philosophers of the eighteen century. They are, therefore, primarily responsible for shaping contemporary philosophical thought. Since Hume believed that all knowledge must be acquired through experience and that the mind is a blank slate at birth (Waldow), he based his perception view on empiricism. He ... Read More
Pages: 12       Words: 3241
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Are Colors Real?

The claim that without mortal creatures, tastes, heat, and colors would no longer exist as they solely depend on creatures to perceive them is controversial. According to indirect realism, our perception of the world is mediated by the senses, which provide us with a representation of the world based on objects’ physical properties (Stich, 2019, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 674

The Influence of Descartes’ Absolutism on Locke’s Constitutionalism in the Two Treatises of Government

Introduction Absolutism and constitutionalism are two very different political systems used throughout history to control and organize political power. Absolutism gives power to a single ruler, while constitutionalism is a system of government that limits the ability of the ruler by creating a set of laws and a constitution that must be followed. In this ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1634

John Locke’s Theory

In the past of disclosure concerning personal identity, self and conflicting viewpoints have been raised. Some people believe that being personal is the mind that reasons; others will say self is always distinguishable with someone’s body; others right that conjuring an idea of inner self is not possible. In this paper, the theory will suggest ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2527
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