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Introduction to Bioethics Summary

Gattaca Summary

Gattaca is a 1997 science fiction film set in a dystopian future where genetic engineering has become the norm, allowing parents to select desirable traits for their children before birth. The story follows Vincent, a naturally conceived “in-valid” who dreams of travelling to space but is restricted due to his genetic makeup. To achieve his goals, Vincent assumes the identity of a genetically superior individual and undergoes a series of challenges and deceptions to achieve his dream (Ogbunugafor et al. 324). The film explores themes of genetic determinism, discrimination, and the ethics of genetic engineering.

Bioethics Definition

Bioethics is a field of study that explores the ethical, legal, and social implications of advances in medicine, biotechnology, and life sciences. It encompasses a wide range of issues that arise in healthcare and biomedical research, such as the ethics of clinical trials, organ transplantation, end-of-life care, genetic testing, and the use of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and gene editing.

Some of the sub-topics of bioethics include:

  1. Medical ethics: Examines the ethical issues that arise in the context of patient care, such as informed consent, confidentiality, and the allocation of resources.
  2. Research ethics: Addresses the ethical challenges associated with conducting biomedical research, such as ensuring the safety and welfare of study participants and protecting their rights to privacy and autonomy (Chadwick 47).
  3. Environmental ethics: Considers the ethical implications of human activities on the natural environment and non-human species, particularly concerning the use of animals in research.
  4. Public health ethics: Addresses the ethical issues that arise in the context of population health, such as vaccination, public health emergency response, and the allocation of scarce resources during pandemics (Chadwick 44).

Bioethics is considered part of ethics because it concerns moral questions and values, particularly those related to human well-being and flourishing. It seeks to apply ethical principles and theories to real-world issues in healthcare and biomedical research, promote ethical decision-making, foster responsible conduct, and protect the interests of individuals and society.

Film Relation to Bioethics

The film Gattaca is closely related to the field of bioethics, as it raises important ethical questions about the use of genetic engineering and its potential impact on society. One of the movie’s central themes is genetic determinism, the belief that an individual’s genetic makeup determines their potential and abilities (Chadwick 53). The society portrayed in the film is one in which individuals are discriminated against based on their genetic makeup. Genetic engineering has created a divide between those who are genetically “perfect” and those who are considered “inferior.”

These themes relate directly to bioethical questions surrounding genetic engineering, such as the ethical implications of selecting certain traits for children, the potential for discrimination based on genetic makeup, and the impact of genetic determinism on individual freedom and autonomy (Segers et al. 504). The film also touches on the issue of genetic privacy, as Vincent is forced to conceal his true genetic identity to achieve his goals, highlighting the potential risks and consequences of widespread genetic testing and profiling.

Knopfler’s Conclusions

Mark Knopfler’s song “Designer Babies” is a critique of the idea of creating genetically engineered children with desirable traits, and his conclusion is that the concept of “designer babies” is ethically problematic and raises several concerns (Ogbunugafor et al. 303). He highlights the potential for genetic discrimination, the loss of genetic diversity, and the creation of a society where certain individuals are valued more highly than others based on their genetic makeup. He also suggests that “designer babies” reflects a dangerous level of control over human life and reproduction and raise the possibility of unintended consequences and unforeseen risks.

I am afraid I have to disagree with Knopfler’s conclusion because they believe that genetic engineering offers many potential benefits, such as preventing genetic disorders and enhancing desirable traits. They may argue that “designer babies” reflects a natural desire for parents to give their children the best possible start in life and that genetic engineering is simply a tool for achieving this goal (Ogbunugafor et al. 322). They may also argue that genetic engineering is no different from other forms of medical intervention and that it is not inherently more dangerous than other medical procedures. Top of Form

Sandel’s Argument

Michael Sandel’s book “The Case Against Perfection” argues that striving for human perfection through genetic engineering is misguided and diminishes human dignity. According to Sandel, pursuing perfection is hubris and undermines the value of natural talents and abilities. He believes that our limitations and imperfections are essential components of human identity, and removing them through genetic engineering would result in a loss of diversity, creativity, and individuality. In his opinion, the quest for perfection through genetic engineering represents a fundamental shift in human values, prioritising optimization and enhancement over the natural acceptance of our limitations.

On the other hand, William Saletan disagrees with Sandel’s argument in his book “Bearing Right: How Conservatives Won the Abortion War.” Saletan believes that the desire for perfection is a natural human impulse and that genetic engineering can offer significant benefits, such as the prevention of genetic disorders and the enhancement of desirable traits (Ogbunugafor et al. 284). He believes that these benefits should not be dismissed out of hand.

However, I agree with Sandel’s argument that pursuing human perfection through genetic engineering is misguided and potentially harmful. Genetic engineering may lead to a loss of diversity and homogenization of society and reinforce existing social inequalities. Furthermore, the quest for perfection through genetic engineering represents a dangerous hubris that undermines human dignity and respect for the natural world (Ogbunugafor et al. 299). While genetic engineering may offer benefits, such as preventing genetic disorders, it is crucial to consider the potential risks and ethical implications before pursuing this technology.

Works Cited

Ogbunugafor, C. Brandon, and Michael D. Edge. “Gattaca as a lens on contemporary genetics: marking 25 years into the film’s “not-too-distant” future.” Genetics 222.4 (2022): iyac142.

Chadwick, Ruth F., and Udo Schüklenk. This Is Bioethics: An introduction. Vol. 27. John Wiley & Sons, 2020.

Segers, Seppe, et al. “In vitro gametogenesis and the creation of ‘designer babies’.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28.3 (2019): 499-508.


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