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Instructional Design Essays

Curriculum Perspectives Aligned With Tyler’s Rationale

One of the most important elements of a successful educational system is curriculum planning. The curriculum perceptions advanced by various stakeholders provide vital information on what teaching and learning are perceived to be in an educational set-up. Analyzing these opinions makes it evident that there is an agreement with the previously established ideas on curriculum, ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 793

Training Failures and Scorecard and Clashing Auditors

Organizational success is directly tied to the quality of training programs and the development of their employees’ skills and performance. However, only some training courses are effective in fostering the desired changes. The four reasons stated by Defeo in Juran’s Quality Handbook for the failure of some training programs are: Lack of Management Commitment: Management ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 678
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Models, Strategies, and Classifications

Definitions, Examples, and their Applicability in the Course Design The best way to define models in the classroom context is as a philosophy or pedagogical approach that directs the teacher’s approach to instruction. The workshop approach, which emphasizes students’ learning, illustrates this. The model facilitates a summary for the minilesson before learners are sent off ... Read More
Pages: 4       Words: 935
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