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Influencers and Social Media


“Influencers,” people with large followings on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, have emerged in recent years. These influencers can impact attitudes, shape preferences, and even impact purchasing decisions among their followers. Influencer marketing has become crucial to brand promotion and customer interaction methods. This literature review explores social media influencers’ complex role in consumer behavior. It analyzes the relationships between influencers and their followers to discover how they could impact consumer preferences. The assessment also examines influencers’ impact on brand image and reputation. Influencers may directly connect with customers, affecting brand loyalty and trust. This paper explores these crucial features to better understand the complex interaction between influencers and social media and its significant effects on companies and consumers.

Research Question

What impact do social media influencers have on consumer behavior and brand perceptions?


Influencers on social media can influence customer behavior and brand perceptions. Influencers can impact their followers’ perspectives, preferences, and purchasing choices, and their endorsements can affect the company’s image and reputation. Influencer congruence, prosocial identification, trust, and perceived endorsement purpose are also crucial to influencer marketing initiatives.

Literature Review

Arora et al. (2019). “Measuring social media influencer index-insights from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram” examined how social media influencers affect customer behavior and brand perceptions on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. They used social media analytics and consumer surveys to further identify influencers and their impact. The authors measured the social media influencer index using influencer engagement, reach, and followership across three platforms (Arora et al., 2019). They investigated influencer efficacy by evaluating data from various areas and businesses. They identified influential audience members using data. The consumer survey revealed consumers’ views on influencers and their companies. Consumer input allowed researchers to examine influencer marketing’s effect on decision-making. Certain influences affected customer behavior more than others. These influencers boosted brand perception and purchase intent (Garibay et al., 2019). The research showed that social media influencers shape consumer preferences and attitudes. Influencers may affect customers and boost brand loyalty with their compelling content and online presence. The study also showed that influencer marketing strategies succeeded when influencers shared the brand’s values. This research is important for marketers and companies using social media influencer marketing to boost brand image and revenue. By choosing the proper influencers and forming genuine collaborations, companies can use the influencers’ followers’ trust to boost credibility and favorable associations with their goods and services.

According to Duffy’s (2020) “Social media influencers” extensive study on gender, media, and communication, influencers affect consumer behavior and brand perceptions. Internet influencers shape gender norms and expectations. Influencer marketing helps companies reach and interact with their target demographic. Brands may use influencers’ large followings and persuasive powers to sway consumers. Influencers may improve brand visibility, consideration, and purchases by building trust and authenticity with their following. In addition, social media influencers shape brand perception. The influencer’s values and lifestyle can match a brand’s image and reputation (Duffy, 2020). However, negative publicity or questionable ties with influencers may damage a brand’s image and trustworthiness. In Duffy’s research, influencers may support or challenge gender norms. Gender stereotypes may influence how goods and services are promoted and consumed. However, some influencers have utilized their platforms to promote inclusion and disrupt gender conventions (Karakavak & Özbölük, 2022). Influencer-follower connections and gender identification, and self-presentation are also examined in the research. Influencers typically portray aspirational lives, which may shape followers’ self-image. This is especially important for younger audiences, who may be more receptive to these effects.

Harrigan et al. (2021). “Identifying influencers on social media. International Journal of Information Management” examines how social media influencers affect customer behavior and perceptions of a brand. The experts recognize that choosing the correct influencers on social media platforms is key for successful marketing initiatives. They address false influencers and inflated follower numbers, which may hurt marketing efforts. To address these issues, the authors present a complete methodology using machine learning algorithms to identify influencers based on reach, engagement, and content relevancy (Harrigan et al., 2021). This unique technique helps marketers and companies find influencers to connect with their target audience and successfully promote goods or services. The research uses machine learning to improve influencer identification, guaranteeing that marketers work with legitimate influencers who can positively impact customer behavior. This is crucial because influencers’ content and suggestions shape customer perceptions and purchasing choices. The study advances influencer marketing by providing practical and data-driven solutions for firms looking to use influencers in their social media strategy (Shin & Lee, 2021). The suggested framework helps businesses form meaningful and powerful connections with influencers, increasing brand recognition, perception, and conversion rates.

Hermana’s (2019) research, “The Effect of Social Media Influencers on Brand Image, Self-Concept, and Purchase Intention,” examines social media influencers’ impact on consumer behavior and brand perceptions. They investigated how social media influencers affect customers’ brand perceptions and intentions. To do this, the authors performed quantitative research using online questionnaires to gather data from a wide sample of social media users. The research showed that social media influencers significantly affect customers’ brand image, self-concept, and purchase intention (Hermanda, 2019). The brand’s image improved when customers saw influencers praising it positively. Consumers who identified with the brand had a more positive self-concept due to their good affiliation. Thus, influencers’ endorsements increased purchase intentions due to favorable sensations and connections. These results highlight influencer marketing’s importance in brand promotion and customer engagement in the digital age. Businesses may use influencer collaborations to deliberately boost their brand image and engage with their target audience (Abell & Biswas, 2023). Companies may improve customer impressions and buy intent by partnering with influencers that share their brand values and target demographic. Marketers may use this research to understand how influencer-generated content affects customer behavior. They may use this insight to create more focused and effective influencer marketing that connects with their audience.

Lou’s (2022) “Social media influencers and Followers” examines influencer advertising and the “trans-parasocial relationship” between social media influencers and their followers. The research describes the trans-parasocial connection as a reciprocal and interactive tie between social media influencers and their followers. Parasocial relationships are usually one-sided and non-reciprocal (Lou, 2022). The study develops a theoretical framework by analyzing content and interaction patterns. Influencers and followers interact in the trans-parasocial relationship, deepening their bond. Unlike the parasocial relationship, this new approach encourages followers to actively engage with the influencer’s material. As a result, influencers and their audiences feel more connected and relatable. This trans-parasocial interaction affects influencer advertising greatly. Influencer advertising is more powerful than conventional advertising since influencers and their followers are closer. Influencers are trusted and personable, so followers are likelier to follow their advice. Influencer advertising boosts brand engagement and buying intentions, giving marketers a strong tool. The research illuminated social media dynamics and marketing methods. Marketers may use social media influencers to engage with their target audience by recognizing the potential of trans-parasocial interactions (Tafheem et al., 2022). By understanding and using this dynamic interaction, companies can design more engaging and successful influencer advertising campaigns that engage profoundly with consumers, boosting brand loyalty and company growth.

Pop et al. (2022). “The Impact of social media influencers on travel decisions” examines social media influencers” impact on travel choices, focusing on trust. The study investigated how influencer content affects customers’ travel destination decisions. In a mixed-methods research, travel customers were surveyed and interviewed. Social media influencers greatly affect travel choices. The influencer’s audience’s trust is crucial to this impact. According to the report, customers trust travel influencers who are authentic, credible, and knowledgeable. From considering travel choices to making a decision, trust impacts the consumer’s trip. Consumers increasingly seek suggestions and evaluations from relevant and trustworthy people in the age of social media (Pop et al., 2022). Travel firms and destinations now use travel influencers to sell themselves. Reaching and engaging prospective consumers through real, credible, and experienced influencers may be effective. The study shows the relationship between social media influencers, consumer trust, and travel decisions (Quelhas-Brito et al., 2022). It shows that travel companies must understand and use influencer marketing. Travel firms may use social media to attract and convince prospective passengers by carefully connecting with influencers who have built trust with their audience.

Pornsrimate and Khamwon (2021). “How to Convert Millennial Consumers to brand evangelists through social media micro-influencers.” examine how social media micro-influencers might turn Millennials into brand advocates. Micro-influencers’ unique qualities and ability to build true connections with their audiences, especially Millennials, are examined in the research. Micro-influencer promotion of brands was examined using case studies and questionnaires. Despite having smaller followings, micro-influencers built trust and loyalty among Millennials better than conventional influencers with bigger audiences (Pornsrimate & Khamwon, 2021). Millennials, who value authenticity and originality, love micro-influencers specific expertise and real personality. The paper emphasizes companies’ huge potential to use micro-influencers to engage emotionally with Millennials. Companies may promote organic word-of-mouth marketing and brand evangelism among Millennials by carefully identifying micro-influencers that match their beliefs and target demographic. The researchers’ case studies and surveys reveal brand-consumer dynamics in the digital age (Ardiansyah & Sarwoko, 2020). Micro-influencers are generally disregarded in influencer marketing, but the report highlights them.

Shan et al. (2020). “When social media influencers endorse brands: The Effects of self-influencer congruence, parasocial identification, and perceived endorser motive.” examines social media influencers’ brand endorsements. It examines the factors that affect influencer endorsements, including self-influencer congruence, parasocial identification, and perceived endorser motive. Through studies and questionnaires, the researchers concluded that congruence between the influencer’s identity and the brand image boosts endorsement effectiveness. Followers are more inclined to enjoy the recommended brand and buy its items if they see a strong affinity between the influencer and the brand (Shan et al., 2020). According to the research, parasocial identification boosts influencer endorsements’ persuasive power. When followers identify with an influencer, they are more open to marketing messaging in their material (Le & Hutchinson, 2022). Perceived endorsement motive was also studied. Influencers’ endorsements may have less effect on consumer behavior if followers think they are doing it for money.

The research “To trust or not to trust: The impact of social media influencers on the reputation of corporate brands in crisis” (Singh et al., 2020) examines how social media influencers affect corporate brand reputations during crises. Companies turn to influencers to manage their image and regain customer trust after a catastrophe. The researchers examined influencers’ social media behaviors amid brand crises. Consumer reactions to influencers’ activities were explored in many case studies. The research showed that social media influencers significantly affect customers’ brand views and trust during a brand crisis. Real brand advocates improve the brand impression. Influencers whose recommendations were perceived as dishonest or opportunistic might worsen the brand’s image (Bonnevie et al., 2020). The study stressed the need to choose influencers who closely agree with the brand’s values and message to preserve trust amid a crisis. During a crisis, organizations should be cautious when working with influencers, according to the report. Influencers have huge sway over vast audiences. Therefore their actions may have lasting effects on the company (Singh et al., 2020). Brands must maintain openness and honesty in influencer collaborations to prevent bad effects. This includes choosing influencers who share the brand’s values and are trusted by customers. Companies may use influencers to reestablish trust and credibility amid a brand crisis.

Vassey et al.’s (2023) research “E-cigarette brands and social media influencers on Instagram: a social network analysis” examines the interactions between e-cigarette businesses and Instagram influencers. The rising popularity of e-cigarettes and social media influencers has generated worries about their effect on consumer behavior and attitudes toward tobacco products. Social network analysis helped the researchers understand the complex link between e-cigarette businesses and Instagram influencers. The research investigated influencer marketing in the e-cigarette sector and its possible effects on consumers by analyzing these interactions and relationships. According to social network research, E-cigarette businesses frequently use Instagram influencers to sell their goods (Vassey et al., 2023). This degree of participation shows how powerful influencer marketing is in e-cigarette promotion and advertising. The investigation also found social media influencers with huge followings and strong engagement rates who endorsed e-cigarette products (Conti et al., 2022). This study raises concerns about influencer marketing’s impact on younger audiences. Influencer marketing might worsen public health concerns about e-cigarettes by reaching and persuading a younger population on social media. Thus, the research recommends more regulation and monitoring of influencer-generated e-cigarette material to protect vulnerable groups, notably children.


In this literature review, I explored the fascinating world of influencers and social media and their significant effect on consumer behavior and brand reputation. The paper emphasized influencer marketing’s numerous aspects, revealing how companies may use these people to expand their market reach and efficiently communicate with their target consumers. This review discovered that social media influencers strongly affect customer behavior. Influencers become thought leaders in their domains through their compelling material, relevant personalities, and honest interactions. Their capacity to impact attitudes and preferences makes them great friends for marketers trying to reach and influence target audiences. Influencer endorsements may greatly affect customer purchasing intents and behaviors, with many consumers trusting them as much as friends and family. However, this assessment emphasizes influencer selection and teamwork. Brands must carefully choose influencers who match their values, image, and target audience as the influencer field grows more crowded. Influencer-brand congruence is vital for marketing initiatives since followers may interpret inauthentic endorsements negatively, leading to a brand backlash. The influencer’s reputation and authenticity are key to audience trust.


Abell, A., & Biswas, D. (2023). Digital engagement on social media: how food image content influences social media and influencer marketing outcomes. Journal of Interactive Marketing58(1), 1-15.

Ardiansyah, F., & Sarwoko, E. (2020). How social media marketing influences consumers purchase decision: A mediation analysis of brand awareness. JEMA: Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Akuntansi Dan Manajemen17(2), 156-168.

Arora, A., Bansal, S., Kandpal, C., Aswani, R., & Dwivedi, Y. (2019). Measuring social media influencer index-insights from Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Journal of Retailing and consumer services, pp. 49, 86–101.

Bonnevie, E., Rosenberg, S. D., Kummeth, C., Goldbarg, J., Wartella, E., & Smyser, J. (2020). I use social media influencers to increase knowledge and positive attitudes toward the flu vaccine. Plos one15(10), e0240828.

Conti, M., Gathani, J., & Tricomi, P. P. (2022). Virtual influencers in online social media. IEEE Communications Magazine60(8), 86-91.

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Garibay, I., Mantzaris, A. V., Rajabi, A., & Taylor, C. E. (2019). Polarization in social media assists influencers to become more influential: analysis and two inoculation strategies. Scientific reports, 9(1), 18592.

Harrigan, P., Daly, T. M., Coussement, K., Lee, J. A., Soutar, G. N., & Evers, U. (2021). Identifying influencers on social media. International Journal of Information Management, 56, 102246.

Hermanda, A., Sumarwan, U., & Tinaprillia, N. (2019). The effect of social media influencers on brand image, self-concept, and purchase intention. Journal of Consumer Sciences, 4(2), 76-89.

Karakavak, Z., & Özbölük, T. (2022). When modesty meets fashion: How social media and influencers change the meaning of hijab—Journal of Islamic Marketing, (ahead-of-print).

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Lou, C. (2022). Social media influencers and followers: Theorization of a trans-parasocial relation and explication of its implications for influencer advertising. Journal of Advertising, 51(1), 4–21.

Pop, R. A., Săplăcan, Z., Dabija, D. C., & Alt, M. A. (2022). The impact of social media influencers on travel decisions: The role of trust in the consumer decision journey. Current Issues in Tourism, 25(5), 823-843.

Pornsrimate, K., & Khamwon, A. (2021). How to convert Millennial consumers to brand evangelists through social media micro-influencers. Innovative Marketing, 17(2).

Quelhas-Brito, P., Brandão, A., Gadekar, M., & Castelo‐Branco, S. (2020). Diffusing fashion information by social media fashion influencers: understanding antecedents and consequences. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal24(2), 137-152.

Shan, Y., Chen, K. J., & Lin, J. S. (2020). When social media influencers endorse brands: The effects of self-influencer congruence, parasocial identification, and perceived endorser motive. International Journal of Advertising, 39(5), 590-610.

Shin, E., & Lee, J. E. (2021). What makes consumers purchase apparel products through social shopping services that social media fashion influencers have worn? Journal of Business Research, pp. 132, 416–428.

Singh, J., Crisafulli, B., & Xue, M. T. (2020). ‘To trust or not to trust’: The impact of social media influencers on the reputation of corporate brands in crisis. Journal of Business Research, 119, 464-480.

Tafheem, N., El-Gohary, H., & Sobh, R. (2022). Social media user-influencer congruity: An analysis of social media platforms parasocial relationships. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management (IJCRMM)13(1), 1–26.

Vassey, J., Valente, T., Barker, J., Stanton, C., Li, D., Laestadius, L., … & Unger, J. B. (2023). E-cigarette brands and social media influencers on Instagram: a social network analysis. Tobacco Control, 32(e2), e184-e191.


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