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Industrial Espionage Essays

Industrial Espionage and Competitive Intelligence

Introduction Industrial espionage refers to the unethical access of a business’ trade secrets with the aim of attaining a competitive advantage. It is often done by an insider who gets employment with the primary aim of stealing the information for a competitor. The issue may entail activities such as technological surveillance, bribery, and blackmail. It ... Read More
Pages: 8       Words: 1956

Corporate Espionage in Libya

Introduction Corporate espionage is a form of theft carried out from one Company to another. Typically, this activity is associated with corporations based in the continental United States. Industrial espionage, on the other hand, can be carried out internationally (Button ,2020). State-sponsored actors are the source of economic espionage. At the same time, most corporate ... Read More
Pages: 20       Words: 5362
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