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Hybrid Working Home Plan


This proposal seeks to assess the viability and consequences of adopting a hybrid remote work model in our department in light of the suggestion made by the HR Business Partner. In light of the present economic difficulties and growing competition, it is crucial to contemplate alternate work arrangements that might improve flexibility and adaptability while ensuring the welfare of employees (Karman, 2019). This proposal will explore the advantages and disadvantages of embracing a hybrid remote work paradigm and provide a thorough strategy for its execution.


Based on concepts from CIPD and ACAS, the hybrid home working method effectively integrates remote work with in-office work to promote flexibility and adaptation while prioritising employee well-being. This method encourages agility and responsiveness by allowing workers to divide their time between home and office. It aligns with CIPD’s focus on flexibility in adapting to evolving business requirements (CIPD, 2023). The adaptability of workers allows them to swiftly adjust to changing company requirements, resulting in enhanced production and efficiency. Furthermore, hybrid remote work can improve employee well-being by fostering a more optimal equilibrium between work and personal life (Bloom et al., 2022). Minimising or diminishing the daily commute may decrease tension and weariness, resulting in heightened work satisfaction and staff retention. In addition, working remotely may give workers more autonomy and authority over their work setting, enhancing their overall well-being (Oygür et al., 2022).

Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognise the possible disadvantages linked to mixed remote work. A critical issue is the potential influence on team cooperation and communication. Working remotely may impede impromptu encounters and in-person collaboration, possibly resulting in decreased teamwork and creativity (Oygür et al., 2022). Moreover, overseeing the performance of distant personnel and assuring their responsibility may present difficulties in the absence of adequate monitoring techniques and performance management systems.

Nevertheless, possible disadvantages, such as reduced cooperation and responsibility, emphasise the need for solid policies and support systems. Utilising ACAS’s recommendations on efficient communication and performance oversight, the implementation plan should include explicit directives, communication procedures, and criteria for evaluating performance. It is crucial to invest in technological infrastructure that is in line with ACAS’s focus on supplying required resources, as well as giving training on remote work tools (Bloom et al., 2022). Establishing regular communication channels, using collaboration technologies, and conducting team meetings, as recommended by both CIPD and ACAS, promote connectedness and cooperation. According to ACAS’s guidelines for efficient performance supervision, transparent performance indicators, frequent evaluations, and performance tracking systems guarantee responsibility and efficiency (Karman, 2019). The implementation strategy optimises the advantages of hybrid remote work and minimises possible disadvantages by including ideas from CIPD and ACAS. This approach promotes both organisational performance and employee well-being.


To summarise, adopting a hybrid work model offers a chance to improve flexibility, adaptability, and the overall welfare of our employees in our department. The proposed working policy would use a hybrid model, whereby workers will telecommute three days per week and work on-site two days per week. The particular days for each employee will be selected according to the requirements of their respective departments. Monitoring and evaluation will be carried out using periodic assessments, performance indicators, and performance management systems, guaranteeing responsibility and efficiency (Meister, 2023). Explicit standards and communication protocols will be implemented to enhance remote work efficiency and provide essential assistance for technological infrastructure and training on remote work tools. The execution will be supervised by the department manager, who will convey explicit rules and regulations to all personnel. Essential assistance, such as providing technological infrastructure and training on remote work tools, will be offered to enable the transition to remote work (CIPD, 2023). Periodic team meetings will be arranged to ensure consistent communication and cooperation among team members. Preemptive actions will be implemented to tackle such difficulties. Team-building exercises will enhance team unity, and technical assistance will be provided to resolve technology-related problems. Performance measures will be defined, and periodic performance assessments will be carried out to guarantee responsibility and efficiency.


CIPD | Explore our related content. 2023. Available at: [Accessed: 8 February 2024].

Bloom, N., Han, R. and Liang, J., 2022. How hybrid working from home works out (No. w30292). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Karman, A., 2019. The role of human resource flexibility and agility in achieving sustainable competitiveness. International Journal of Sustainable Economy11(4), pp.324-346.

Meister, J. 2023. Four Principles For Successful Hybrid Working. Available at:

Oygür, I., Karahan, E.E. and Göçer, Ö., 2022. Hybrid Workplace: Activity–based office Design in a Post–pandemic Era. Journal of Interior Design47(3), pp.3-10.


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