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Human Relation Theory Essays

How Can Line Management Motivate Employees To Respond Positively to Organisational Change at Uber (UK) PLC?

Introduction Uber is a multinational technology company offering ride-hailing, food delivery and freight transport services in more than 10,500 cities in 70 countries. Founded in 2009, the company significantly disrupted modern transportation services and became one of the most valuable tech startups. As of 2022, the company is still the leading taxi-hailing service provider with ... Read More
Pages: 9       Words: 2454

Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing

Executive summary This report covers the topic of Measuring the Business Value of Cloud Computing. The report is divided into two tasks. The first one includes the importance of cloud computing from a business perspective. It also includes the development of Cloud computing, the concept and application of cloud computing in a business, and how ... Read More
Pages: 10       Words: 2623
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Amazon Organizational Management

Introduction Jeff Bezos established Amazon in 1994, a company that sells goods via the internet and is based in the United States (Sandeep & Pohutezhini, 2019). With its headquarters headquartered in Seattle, Washington, the company has grown to become one of the most successful and significant examples of an internet business model anywhere in the ... Read More
Pages: 13       Words: 3342
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