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Human Evolution Essays

The Evolution and Spread of Human

Modern humans, Homo sapiens, are the only surviving species in the human genus, originating 300,000 years ago in Africa. Since then, we have evolved physically and cognitively. Homo habilis emerged in Africa 2.8 million years ago, starting our human ancestry. Although still ape-like, Homo habilis developed upright walking and a little bigger brain than its ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1844

Homo Longi: Extinct Human Species That May Replace Neanderthals As Our Closest Relatives Found in China

Anthony Sinclair’s article gives information on fossil species and their historical connection. It speaks of a newly discovered species, Homo Iongi, and its closeness to the human species. There is also a comparison between Homo ILongi and Neanderthals to explain why the former may be the human species closest relative. Evaluation of the Identification of ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1145
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