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Hospitality: Swot Analysis


Customer loyalty is the repeat customer

This makes the company gain the trust of a particular customer. Loyal customers buy more from the company, making it sell most of its products. This makes the company gain more financial strength. When there is a repeat customer rate in the business setting, the business will gain much trust in the customer, building many relationships in the trading process. This opens up more deals for the company to reach out to more areas of success since the company is sure that the customers will take the goods and services it produces at any given time. Even if the customer rate is low in the marketplaces, there is hope to target a few loyal customers who repeatedly buy from the company.

First mover advantage

First came to Vancouver, which makes and sells meditation food in BC, which became its strength over its competitor. This has been one of the most common activities that are carried out to ensure that the company’s products are popularly known in the global market. When it comes to the customers who move the Donair Dude health food products faster in the worldwide market, this yields several strengths to the company system(Planning, 2022). This is true because when the customers move the product that the company has produced into the global market, this will increase the number of customers who are potential buyers from the company. Increased customer rate at any given time makes the company yield much profit that offers the company stability hence strength.

Centralized Location

The outlets are in the city’s art, attracting more customers. Because the company is located in the moderate pace of Canada, this grows many advantages to the customers or, instead, the buyers who form the individuals buying various commodities from the company setting. Due to this fact, customers from both sides of the cities and, more so, the provinces can get the products that the company produces quickly. The company is located at the centre, so everyone from all corners can easily access the company (Hwang, 2020). This increases the company’s customer rate, making it possible for individuals to buy more. These activities make the company yield more capital per given time, which creates a diverse strength in the company, hence the stability.

Fast food with a healthy twist (Unique blend of spices and sauces) MEDITARRIAN FLAVOURS

Customers are embracing various new flavours and the fusion of present-day fast food with a healthy twist. This is more of the food quality that the company realizes at any given time. Upon describing the kind of food the company realizes at any given time, this idea shows that the company can release high-quality food. This will first lower the company’s competition in the global market, followed by attracting a wide variety of customers at any given time, strengthening the company. The release of quality food also makes the company meet its goals, which indicates one of the outstanding achievements that the company has made at any given time. This indicates that the company will set more goals to target, making the company grow from year to year and, more so, become strong.

Longer operations hours

This ensures total interactions appear to both the company and the customers. Extended operating hours ensure that the customers who need the goods at any given time can attain them from the company. Therefore, most customers can interact fully with Donair Dude Company because the company has extended working hours. This activity also attracts more customers to the company hence mapping its strength. Extended hours make late customers access goods and services from the company setting. This adds more customers in the business setting strengthening the company.


Focused on a niche market (Middle Eastern) and limiting customers

This activity lowers the customer rate of the company. When the company focuses on one point of customer concentration and remembers the other part, this shows that there is no apparent balance in the practices that the company is involved in, which aims at the equal treatment of the customers at any given time. This lowers the customer rate of the company at any given time, creating a weakness.

Supply chain Interruption of all the inventory from franchising once a week

Because the stock is limited, it might affect the operation of the business. This dramatically affects the rate at which the company can supply the produced goods to the customers. When the supply chain is interrupted at any given time, the company cannot reach out to some of its potential customers (Denair, 2023). This will make the company lose some of its customers, which forms the root of its weakness.

The company needs a clear mission and vision statement

This interrupt with the primary objective of the company. For the business to run towards the desired direction, clear objectives or goals facilitate the need for the extra effort in the business setting. Failure to have a mission and vision at any given time makes the company collapse soon, which forms its weakness.


Latest Building for expansion

As they have few restaurants, there is a massive chance for them to expand their business by coming up with more restaurants. The latest buildings allow the company or the industry to have new and improved structures. This idea always offers an environment whereby the company or the business can store goods and services that the company produces. Also, the latest structures create an excellent layout for the company or the business setting. This helps the company or the business attract more customers in the company setting, giving the company an opportunity at any given time. The latest Building is one improvement step in the business or the company setting.

Experimenting with Fusion food

This is the point to do with the changing of the menu. The menu guides the components and, more so, the primary products offered in any company or business setting. Changing the menu at any given time will make the company consider the current customer interest. This will make it possible for the company to sell goods that the customers prefer at any given time. This idea gives the company more customers at any given time, opening up more opportunities for success in the global markets.

Moving into the dining

The primary critical factor for the organization is forming and, more so, supplying healthy food to various individuals at any given time. Moving into dining, in this case, means that the organization can access the food that the individuals consume at any given time. This makes it easy to correct most of the errors in the supply chain of the meal commonly supplied to the customers at any given time. Donair Dube majors on a healthy food supply at any given time. Moving into dining will make it easy for the organization to identify mistakes made in the supply chain, increasing the chances of getting more customers.


No economies of scale

The company has much competition working in the fast food industry. Some of the company’s competitors are the original Donair Dude and Donair plus; apart from that, competitors try to charge less for similar food but still need to match the quality with Donair Dude (Donair, 2023). Competition is one of the critical aspects that kills the dreams of the business at any given time. Because there is competition in the global market, the Donair Dude Company’s rate of selling its products to potential markets could be higher. The competitors are the threats that possess many disadvantages in the company. To increase the level of competition, the competitor tries to charge less amount in various food but still needs to meet the quality target described in the Donair Dude company. This idea also makes the company lower the prices attached to various food components it sells occasionally. This idea brings about a loss in the company since the company will be selling at lower prices than expected. This poses a significant threat to the company.

No Economy Scale

Lack of economic scale at any given time is another threat experienced by Donair Dude and, more so, other businesses. When there is no economic scale at any given time, there will be no prediction of the prices that are fixed for various commodities being supplied in the marketplaces. This interferes with the selling scale of most companies and, more so, the business, which makes them incur losses at some given times.


Donair Dude, (2022). Menu. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 10 February 2023]

Donair Dude, (2022). Re: Donair Dude Franchise Opportunity. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 10 February 2023]

Hwang, J., Choe, J.Y.J. & Kim, J.J. (2020). Strategy for enhancing the image of edible insect restaurants: Focus on internal environmental locus of control. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 45, pp.48–57.

Planinc, T., Kukanja, M. and Žnidaršič, A., 2022. The Interplay of Restaurant SMEs’ Entrepreneurial and Environmental Characteristics, Management of the Requisite Assets, and Operational Efficiency. Organizacija, 55(2), pp.160-177.


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