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Navigating Bias and Assumptions: Overcoming Mindset and Cultural Challenges in Communication-Focused Change


In the first task, I used a 7S model to discuss how communication needs to be improved in TRU’s School of Business and Economics and show how this could be done. As part of the second task, I used Kotter’s 8 Steps to Leading Change to examine your change effort. In the third task, We will look at how ideas from Topics 1 (Mindsets) and 2 (Culture) can be used in your change project.

Question 1: Mindsets

Concept: Bias

Explain the concept: The cognitive fact of bias comprises people’s consistent, often unconscious, opinions or prejudices that affect how they think and make decisions. There are many kinds of it. One well-known type is confirmation bias, which happens when people tend to favor information that supports what they already believe, strengthening their existing views. Another type of bias is availability bias, which happens when people making decisions depend too much on information that is easy to find or remember without giving other data much thought. These biases can affect many areas of life, from personal views to professional decisions. They can make it harder to be objective and lead to bad choices. It is important to be aware of and work against bias to make fair decisions, whether talking about personal relationships, work, or society (Gerstner, 2002). Accepting different points of view and actively looking for them can help fight the widespread effect of bias, leading to more fair and logical decision-making.

Illustrate how it might be present in your organization: At work, bias shows up in communication-focused change efforts when leaders and workers are afraid and don’t want to go along with them. One common bias comes from people’s fear of the unknown, making them think that trying new communication methods might upset the status quo. This unwillingness often comes from thinking that how people communicate now is good enough, making them unwilling to accept change (Harreld, O’Reilly, & Tushman, 2007). Leaders and employees may naturally think that the ways things are done now are enough, which can create a bias against the need for change. To get past this bias, you need a communication plan that not only talks about the good things about the planned changes but also addresses and eases people’s worries about the unknown. Creating an organizational culture that values flexibility and emphasizes the benefits of better communication can help change people’s minds and lessen their resistance to change.

Explain how this idea can help identify and/or overcome a specific challenge in your case:

To eliminate bias in a company, you need to do many different things. First, you should raise knowledge and stress how important change is. Leaders can successfully stress the positive effects of better communication on workplace dynamics and general performance by citing data and proof to back up their claims. To eliminate bias, workers need to be involved in the change process. Asking for their opinions and handling their concerns shows that you care about including everyone and helps you understand the problems more fully and in more depth. This way of working together gives workers a sense of ownership and helps reduce bias by including different points of view. Companies can create a more fair and inclusive workplace by giving workers real reasons for wanting change, letting them have a say in decisions, and listening to their concerns. This will build support and commitment to the project across the whole company.

Question 2: Culture

Concept: Hidden Assumptions

Explain the concept: Hidden assumptions are the unwritten foundation of an organization’s culture, encapsulating the implicit ideas and ideals that underpin its collective psyche. Unlike clear principles or declared standards, these assumptions work under the surface, exerting a subtle yet persistent impact on organizational behavior and decision-making. They impact how individuals see their responsibilities, engage with colleagues, and handle difficulties because they are rooted in the common experiences and history of the workforce. Frequently taken for granted, these assumptions provide a framework for understanding events and guide the organization’s responses to diverse situations (Page & Brin, 2015). They act as a quiet power, shaping the organization’s identity and determining its development trajectory. Untangling these hidden assumptions is critical for developing a better knowledge of organizational dynamics because it allows for a more conscious analysis of the values that guide decisions and behaviors. Organizations may promote a more thoughtful and responsive approach to their culture by bringing these implicit ideas to light, supporting alignment with their aims and values.

Illustrate how it might apply to your organization: In our company, small beliefs like thinking that communication is naturally successful or that workers don’t like change can get in the way of progress without us realizing it. If you believe without question that the ways of communicating we have now are good enough, you might become lazy and not see where we could improve. If people think this, it might give them a false sense of unity, hiding problems that could be fixed with better communication. Also, thinking that workers don’t want to change could stop innovation and transformation efforts without meaning. Assumptions like these shape how people think and make decisions, which slows down change by stopping people from taking action to improve communication. Our company can create a culture of continuous growth, open communication, and flexibility by recognizing and questioning these hidden beliefs (Schulz-Knappe, Koch, & Beckert, 2019). By getting past these problems, we can see that we need better communication. This creates an atmosphere that supports good change and makes our organizational communication methods work better overall.

Explain how this idea can help identify and/or overcome a specific challenge in your case: Recognizing and removing hidden assumptions is critical in pursuing organizational transformation, especially when understanding and overcoming cultural barriers. An organization acquires insights into the hidden problems impeding success by actively exposing these underlying attitudes through surveys and focus groups. This technique enables the discovery of engrained viewpoints that may stymie an open and adaptable culture. Once these assumptions are exposed, they may be addressed systematically through evidence-based techniques and focused communication activities. This proactive approach not only helps to refute myths but also fosters a more open climate for change. By questioning previous beliefs and encouraging a collective mentality of flexibility, the company becomes more able to negotiate cultural transformation challenges, opening the way for more effective communication-focused projects.


In conclusion, dealing with prejudice and hidden assumptions is critical in your change initiative. Overcoming prejudice necessitates presenting clear facts and integrating workers in the change process, whereas tackling hidden assumptions necessitates recognizing and confronting established ideas that impede the adoption of better communication strategies. By utilizing these principles, you may better manage your organization’s cultural and mentality problems and ensure the success of your communication-focused effort.


Gerstner, L. (2002). Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance? Inside IBM’s Historic Turnaround. HarperBusiness.

Harreld, J. B., O’Reilly, C. A., & Tushman, M. L. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities at IBM: Driving Strategy into Action. California Management Review, 49(4), 21-43.

Harreld, J. B., O’Reilly, C. A., & Tushman, M. L. (2007). Dynamic Capabilities at IBM: Driving Strategy into Action. California Management Review, 49(4), 21-43.

Page, L. & Brin, S. (2015). G is for Google. Google Official Blog. Retrieved from

Schulz-Knappe, C., Koch, T., & Beckert, J. (2019). The importance of communicating change. Corporate Communications: An International Journal24(4), 670–685. ResearchGate.

Vise, D. A. (2006). The Google Story: Inside the Hottest Business, Media, and Technology Success of Our Time. Delta.


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