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Hospital Management Essays

In Acute Care Hospitals, Will Implementing Hourly Rounding Compared With Not Using Hourly Rounding Reduce the Number of Falls by 80% During a 6-Minth Period?

Introduction In acute care hospitals, one of the major risks is patient falls because, as indicated, it is one of the leading causes of injury among hospitalized patients, and this has implications in regard to patient safety. Hourly rounding, which is an organized program involving nurses checking on each patient at least once in every ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1574

Transforming Queen’s Hill Hospital Organizational Culture

Queen’s Hill Hospital has encountered numerous challenges in treating asthma. The challenges primarily originate from its organizational structure, which needs to be more functional and effective in dealing with industrial trends. The employees in the hospital need to be more motivated and thus offer better services to patients, leading to increased competition from Jamaica Hospital ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 695
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Action Plan for the Emergency Department Situation

The emergency department (ED) is a critical healthcare unit as it is a hospital’s first contact point, where patients’ dire ailments are scrutinized for urgent treatment. Consequently, ED practitioners, including nurses and physicians, should be knowledgeable and proficient with different healthcare conditions to ensure evidence-based practice (EBP). However, practical ED leadership is central to enhanced ... Read More
Pages: 3       Words: 757
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