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Health Sciences Essays

Ethical Insights: Comparing Strategies To Reduce Adolescent Obesity

Introduction The increasing prevalence of obesity in adults and children is a major global health issue. Rapid technological advances and changing lifestyles have contributed to this increase, thus requiring urgent monitoring by healthcare providers. Obesity, defined by a body mass index (BMI) above 30, is often associated with various health complications such as diabetes, heart ... Read More
Pages: 5       Words: 1298

Enhancing Patient Safety Through Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction In healthcare facilities, patient security and high-quality treatment are of utmost importance. Care providers can only do their best if they can pinpoint and fix the problems affecting their patients’ results. The purpose of this document is to serve as a guide for using EBP tactics to address a problem with service quality or ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1838
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Healthcare and Regulations

Introduction & Healthcare Coverage and Vulnerable Populations Describe the importance of healthcare coverage (insurance) According to National Academies Press-U.S. (2001), healthcare coverage plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy population by enhancing access to healthcare services and protecting people from financial shocks due to the high cost of healthcare services. Health care coverage in ... Read More
Pages: 6       Words: 1522

Health Sciences and Nursing

Evidence-based practice EBP plays a vital role worldwide as it is used to improve the quality of patient care to offer cost-effective medical services. Therefore, nursing practices must include a combination of the EBP, availability of expertise, and solitary clinical judgment to positively affect the patients. As such, every published article about evidenced-based practices for ... Read More
Pages: 7       Words: 1680
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